"Hello, Qin Sangyu. If you do this again, I will be angry."

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Lu Chen follows her anxiously. Who knows this woman should use it directly. If she opens the door and comes in, she won't give him any private space. This is really too much. He is already an adult. Can't he have a little secret of his own?

Qin Sangyu suddenly stopped, turned around and looked at him slowly. "Chenchen, I am your sister. You can't hide some things from me. I've been worried about Lu Liangcheng recently, and I'm worried about what to do if he encounters an accident there. Although he and I have been sending text messages, I always feel that he didn't send them to me, which is very different from the previous tone, This time, there was no emotion in the tone, but before, as long as I saw his news, I would have a warm feeling all over my body

Qin Sangyu narrowed her eyes slowly. This feeling is not wrong. She has experienced so many storms and waves, and has seen so many characters. She has been able to guess the thoughts of people on the other side of the screen through the text.

She guessed most of the things. Suddenly, Lu Chen didn't speak. This woman is really smart. Even if he was so careful and tried to learn from his cousin's usual tone, he was still torn apart. He suddenly turned around, went to the vase, took out his mobile phone and handed it to her.

"My cousin gave it to me when he left. Elder sister, I hope you can understand his intention. You are pregnant now and you like to think about it. How can he leave at ease? We all know that this task is very dangerous. It's a life of death. It's lucky that he can come back alive. You are always worried that he can't prepare well, even the baby in your stomach There will be danger, too

Lu Chen said, patting her shoulder, "sister, I really didn't mean to, these days I am also very uncomfortable, even try to learn the tone of cousin to reply to you, sorry."

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The news was not sent by Lu Liangcheng. Qin Sangyu felt some pain in his stomach. But as Lu Chen said, Lu Liangcheng would do this for her consideration. She could not let the other party's painstaking efforts in vain.

She fiercely adjusted her breath and breathed hard. At last, she gave Lu Chen a faint look, "have you read all my news?"

"Nonsense, I don't see how to reply you."

Lu Chen curled his mouth and said that he soon got a slap on his head. He hugged his head in pain and almost burst into tears. "If you have any dissatisfaction, go to find my cousin. What are you angry about me? For the sake of you and your husband, I have to worry about my cousin's safety and comfort you at the same time, Do you think there is someone more pitiful than me

Lu Chen rubbed his head and said that he soon went out from here and continued to play games downstairs. Anyway, this woman has already known about it. He doesn't have to feel guilty in his heart, so he can play games in peace of mind.

Qin Sangyu is still upstairs, holding that mobile phone in a daze, her heart is sour and bitter, this man is really, do everything think very thoughtful, clearly she should blame the other party now, but the heart is full of moving, she sighed, decided not to pay attention to his rest, as long as the peace of mind to wait at home.

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As soon as Lu Chen looked up, he saw the woman coming down. He quickly covered his head and looked at her with vigilance.

"Chenchen, I'm sorry. It was just my sister who was impulsive."

Qin Sangyu began to apologize, clearly this person is for her good, but for a moment, she blamed the other party, so she didn't show mercy when she started. But think about it, people are helpless. After all, they have accepted people's entrustment, so they have to do things well.

"Hum, you think I can forgive you if I'm sorry. I'm an adult now. Can't you just hit me in the head? There's a saying that men don't touch their heads and women don't touch their waist."

He said, but after all, it is his own family, strange mouth that is, where can really hate her, this person's mood he can understand.

"I take you to a place, which is my compensation to you."

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Qin Sangyu knows that this man has been idle for a long time recently. The corners of his mouth are bent. He pulls him to the gym in Luliang City.

She went to the gym many times and saw a lot of guns in it. This man should like it, because his mother said that he liked to play with guns since he was a child.

"My God, cousin, this is..."

when Lu Chen saw a lot of advanced weapons in it, he was shocked and could not speak. Several guns over there were new ones only recently. When he was in the army, he wanted one, but such guns could not be given to people like them. Only some of them had them. They didn't expect Tang Brother, there are two here.

He moved slowly, and felt his body was floating. This was heaven, a paradise for soldiers.

"My cousin is really good. How can we get so many guns? They are all limited. We don't have them in our hands, because many of them have not been put into use. My cousin will be my idol in the future. It's really out of control."

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Lu Chen took one of the guns and looked at it from left to right. Finally, he shot hard at the target not far away, hitting the heart.Qin Sangyu watched his operation and realized that maybe he had underestimated his younger brother before. Although he was very young, he was very skillful with his mouth bent. "I knew you would like it here. When I came here, I was surprised just like you, After all, guns are banned in this country. If so many guns are found by others, Lu Liangcheng will have to go to drink tea. "

Lu Chen immediately patted his chest to guarantee, "sister, don't worry. Who am I? I can sell you. I like the guns here. Why didn't you tell me that my cousin has such a place here?"

Qin Sangyu didn't speak. She didn't feel ashamed to the other party, so she took the person over. Otherwise, she would never tell this person.

"Lu Liangcheng usually doesn't let outsiders in. I just feel guilty this time. I just hit you too hard. This is compensation."

This kind of compensation is not a loss to him!

Lu Chen howled in his heart, and then immediately began to try all kinds of guns. He had long forgotten the existence of Qin Sangyu around him. Qin Sangyu sat beside him without any annoyance. It's good to have a person with him. Although the younger brother is noisy sometimes, he is gentle most of the time.

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