Lu Liangcheng soon came to the gym. When he opened the door, he heard the sound of gunfire coming from inside. Lu Chen was shooting. His posture was very handsome, and every bullet hit his heart. His shooting skill was very good.

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"Do you like it here?"

When Lu Chen heard the voice of the man behind him, he looked back in shock and found it was Lu Liangcheng. He didn't expect this man to come back so early.

"Brother in law, why are you back?"

In fact, the relationship between them is a bit chaotic, but since Qin Sangyu is a sister, it is always right to call this man brother-in-law. He does not want his cousin and cousin to be confused every time and let others see jokes.

"We'll be back when we're done."

Lu Liangcheng naturally went to one side and loaded the bullet. There was no time for him to aim at it. He directly fired out and filled the ring properly.

Lu Chen looked with some sigh. This man's use of guns has really reached the level of perfection. He doesn't even need time to aim. There is still a big gap between him and the other party.

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"Lu Chen, why do you want to join the army?"

The child chose to take exercise in it at a young age. It was strange. The conditions in the army were very hard. His birth and family background should be the time to enjoy in the noble school.

"Which man doesn't want to go to war? I just like it. My parents let me do whatever they like. But I haven't got a goal before, but recently I have."

Lu Chen said, a light look at Lu Liangcheng, some proud eyes.

"What is your goal?"

Lu Liangcheng continues to be loaded with bullets. He can see in Lu Chen's body the warm-blooded self who wanted to go to the international arena to fight for a road. However, with Qin Sangyu, he wanted more stability and integrity to finish the next road.

"Of course, it's you, cousin. This time I've completely understood that you are a signboard above. They trust you, trust you incomparably, and even rely on you. No matter how harsh the task is, they think that as long as you go, they will be able to complete it. Therefore, every time there is a major task, the first thing they think about is you, cousin's position in their hearts It's very high, but I can see that you and my sister are very happy now and can't continue to deal with such tasks. I just want to replace you in the head's mind. After you finish this task, they also know that you may be retiring. Therefore, if you want to recruit talents in the army, I can take advantage of this opportunity to step up step by step. "

Lu Chen's eyes are full of crackling sparks, just like a dream burning in his eyes.

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Lu Liangcheng hooked the corner of his mouth and held out his hand. "Where's my mobile phone?"

Lu Chen quickly took out his mobile phone and put it on his palm. "Brother in law, the gun you promised me..."

he pinched his mouth. Although the task has not been completed properly, the gun here really suits his heart. If you can, I really hope that the other party can send him one. Only one is needed. He is not greedy.

"You can choose by yourself. In the future, you can come to the gym if you want to, and you can use the guns in it."

For his generous behavior, Lu Chen praised him hundreds of times in his heart, but when the other party was about to go out, he suddenly said, "brother-in-law, are you being watched by people from five places? Be careful. There are people on top of the five, and you'd better find out why they're after you

Lu Liangcheng nodded faintly and found that the boy knew a lot. They had met people from five places before, and the next step was to deal with the five places. However, the people in the five places always acted secretly. If people didn't take the initiative to attack, he would never find the other party's position, so he could only wait in a daze.

"I see. You practice for a while and come back for lunch."

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Lu Chen began to choose guns in his mouth, and finally chose the most suitable one for himself. After a long and proud trial, Lu Chen stopped production many years ago. Now it is quite out of print. If he took this gun to the army, he could boast to those people.

Lu Liangcheng quickly returned to his bedroom. After taking a bath, he was tired and lying on the bed. His eyes were a little sour. He had been running outside these days. He didn't have a good rest at all. It was not enough to have a short rest last night, so he quickly fell asleep.

When Qin Sangyu pushed the door and came in, he found that Lu Liangcheng was already asleep, and his pajamas were loose on his shoulder. He had a unique charm, which made it hard for people to move their eyes. It was clear that he had not met for a short period of time. She even missed him so much. At this time, she saw him lying on the field with peace of mind. With a long sigh of relief, she walked slowly 。

As soon as she got close to the bed, she was held by a hand of Lu Liangcheng, opened her misty eyes and looked at her, "do you want to sleep? Come and sleep with me

Qin Sangyu nodded. He was not sleepy, but when he heard the voice of this man, he felt sleepy in an instant, so he immediately went to his side and lay on the bed."Did you take good care of our children during my absence?"

Lu Liangcheng asked vaguely, holding out a hand to hold her, just like the habitual action of countless nights.

"The child was very obedient and didn't kick me. My stomach got bigger and bigger every day. However, the feeling of pregnancy and vomiting has passed. Recently, I feel very fragrant when eating anything. I doubt if I will become a fat man if I go on like this."

"I like it even for fat people. Don't worry about that."

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The couple lie in bed and say these love words. Their faces are full of smile. They nestle together and sleep quickly.

Chen Rong had already cooked lunch. She had planned to come up and call people, but when she saw that they were still sleeping so dead, she had to ask the others to eat first and then left a portion.

"Let him sleep a little longer. He must be tired out recently."

Shen bichi said heartily. Seeing Lu Chen come in from the outside with sweat on his head, he puffed his mouth. This boy is very active every day. It's OK. The old house seems to be more lively.

"In the morning, after eating, accompany your grandfather to trim the flowers and plants outside. Don't just go crazy outside every time."

Shen Bizhi doesn't know that there is a gym in his old house, but the old man knows that there is not only one gym here, but also one in Lu Liangcheng's villa. The boy likes to play with guns since he was a child. When he was a child, he played in his old house. After moving out, he played in his villa. This is the reason why he has outstanding ability There's too much thinking in noodles.

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