Luxiao is a very good person to live. After being with Bai Jue, because of the influence of the old man, he usually likes some beautiful flowers, and is the kind of very precious. Many of them have already bloomed at this time and look at the flowers cluster.

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"Well, I made it all, but my husband also helped a lot. Those shelves were made by him. When he did it, I was shocked."

Speaking of Bai Jue, Lu Xiao has a smile on his face. He can't help telling each other everything Bai Jue does. After all, it is like this when women get together. Talk about her husband, family, career.

Mengya looked out for a while, and was full of heart. If such a villa belongs to her, why should she make a good use of her to pretend to be a rich man outside. If the villa is her, she is a rich man.

"Xiaoxiao, you can accompany me around. I think there are many rooms in your upstairs. Are you usually empty? It's a waste. It's a pity that the couple live in such a big villa. They should feel very lonely."

Mengya made an idea in her heart silently. She always knew that Luxiao was a cruel and soft hearted person. If she said she was renting a house outside later, the woman would invite her in soon. Then she would have more time to get along with Bai Jue.

Now is her good time, because Lu Xiao is pregnant at this time. During the pregnancy of a woman, when the man is the loneliest, she can quickly hook up the man by looking for a chance to lure a little.

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"OK, I'll show you up."

Luxiaoting stomach walk in front of, dream Ya followed behind, "dream ya, where are you living now, how did you live?"

They visited and talked about the family habits. Mengya squeezed out two tears. "I have been suffering these years. Did not I get married before. My husband has been out of the way. I went out of the house. It happened in my family in that time. My parents died. All the family products are inherited by my brother. My brother doesn't give me a point. So recently, I have lived in the house all the time Outside the rental room, and also do part-time, make some money every day. "

Lu Xiao remembers that the life of this person was very good before. She had a big expense to have dinner with people in the circle every day. She didn't expect to fall into the position of living and working part-time. She saw that each other was famous brand all over her body. For the first time, she began to doubt her own girl.

Is there anyone who is part-time in so many famous brands? Is this man kidding her?

"Xiaoxiao, you should not know the changes in my family like them, so you don't plan to ignore me?"

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Mengya's face is worried, suddenly sighed, "these years is to understand the warmth of people, Xiaoxiao, if you do not see me, I will leave immediately."

She said, she was going downstairs, but Luxiao soon seized her. "Mengya, what do you say? How can I be such a person, are you short of money now, if you lack money, you can borrow it from me and lend it to you."

Mengya wants not to borrow money. She wants to live in this villa, and then turn Bai Jue into her husband. She will clean Lu Xiao out of the house. Her mouth bends. "I think there are many empty rooms here. Otherwise, I can live with you later. I can give you rent."

Lu Xiao's face is a bit difficult. She and Bai Jue don't know how much time to leave. She wants two people to be together well, but they don't want to be bothered by others. So although she is her best friend, she doesn't immediately open her mouth to promise, but she tightens her lips.

Mengya saw her appearance, and there was a disappointment in her eyes. "Xiaoxiao, you said you don't dislike me, but it is the same as other women. These years, I should be the wrong person. I left, and we still don't contact."

She thought she said this, Lu Xiaohui would immediately retain her and promised to let her live down, but she walked out for several steps, or did not hear Lu Xiao's voice, and was in a hurry. Is this person really going to let himself go?

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Such a villa, she was not easy to come in, but did not want to leave at all.

At this time, Bai Jue came out of the kitchen and saw Mengya come down from the upstairs, and frowned. "Xiaoxiao?"

The face of Mengya is embarrassed, she is walking or not to go, "upstairs."

"Xiaoxiao, have a meal. You too. Come and have dinner together."

Bai Jue can not afford to mention much enthusiasm for other women, so the tone has been very cold. Lu Xiao hears his words upstairs and walks down immediately, and sees Mengya standing beside Bai Jue, and feels slightly uncomfortable in her heart, but he still ignores that feeling.

"Dream ya, stay and eat and go again."

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Her attitude was not as enthusiastic as it was at first. She estimated that she also saw something from the clues. Bai Jue found that the atmosphere between the two women was strange, and asked them to sit down and said, "eat first, then slowly say it later."

Mengya sat on the table and saw several delicate dishes on the table. She thought it was made by the beautiful man himself. She felt that she was very excited. However, the atmosphere with Lu Xiao was embarrassed. She was not happy to perform. She could only clip a piece of braised meat into luxiaos bowl. "Xiaoxiao, if not, I can't do it, Don't make it up. I just said it casually. Don't because of this, it affects our relationship. "Bai Jue looked at Lu Xiao suspiciously. Were they discussing something before? "What did you just say?"

Meng Ya's eyes are smiling, but her face is still worried. "Seeing so many empty rooms here, I can't think of living in a rental house. I come to Xiaoxiao. I only live here for a period of time, When I changed my job and then moved out, I thought that with our previous relationship, Xiaoxiao would soon be able to agree, but just as she was in a dilemma, I thought I'd better forget it and stay in my rental room. "

In fact, this kind of thing should not be told to Bai Jue, but Meng Ya still wants to fight for it. Maybe baijue is better than Lu Xiao. After all, she is not bad at all. Maybe the other party has a little idea in her heart, otherwise she won't stay here for dinner.

"Xiaoxiao, what do you think?"

Bai Jue depends on the attitude of this person for everything at home. He can do whatever he wants. Seeing that the two people are chatting very much, he doesn't think there is anything to make Lu Xiao happy. It's just a pair of chopsticks. He won't feel pressure.

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