She said this in allusion to the students who spoke in the group last night. Everyone's faces were very embarrassed and they could only smile. "Mengya, I'm sorry, we heard the grapevine before and thought your family was really bankrupt, so we started to discuss you."

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Meng Ya pursed her lips and gently adjusted her dress. "You know that my university is abroad. My parents love me. In order to take care of me conveniently, my business has been transferred to foreign countries. It's normal that there is no domestic industry in China."

Her tone was so normal that she seemed to believe the reason.

"Well, what are you doing standing outside? Hurry in. It's rare for old students to meet. We should get together well."

All people's faces have a few silk smile, but no one knows whether the smile is true or not.

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A group of people began to enter the hotel, if according to her usual temperament, Mengya would be bold and arrogant. This time she asked everyone, she would pay the bill, but until everyone sat down, she did not open her mouth, so she sat quietly.

"Mengya, how have you been these years? We didn't see I attend the party before and sent you a message, but you didn't reply. We thought something was wrong with you. Later I heard the news and thought that you were too sad, so we didn't plan to come out. "

Mengya's face is full of smiles, and she puts on the red wine on the table. In fact, she has not drunk such luxury things as red wine for a long time. Now life is difficult to even fill her stomach. What's more, she spends money to enjoy it.

"I'm very good. I've known a lot of friends abroad these years, and we all take good care of me. Some of you, Lu Xiao, the daughter of the Lu family, should know that at that time, she and I were the best friends. This time, I just returned home, and I haven't had time to find her to play."

The people here are all small people. Few people know Lu Xiao, but they have heard of the Lu family. Because of the Tiancheng Group, everyone knows that Tiancheng Group is the property of the young master of the Lu family. If you are lucky enough to know the Lu family, it will be a great blessing.

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"Mengya, you are so good. You are classmates with the daughter of Lu family. They were still sitting together when they were in University. My God, your parents must be doing a good business abroad, otherwise you will not be able to contact such people. Mengya, don't forget our old classmates. If there is any cooperation, you must consider us for the first time."

Meng Ya enjoyed the feeling of being sought after, and her mouth was bent. "Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who looks down on his classmates. If you come to my company to spend money in the future, it will be half price. But my company is also abroad. If you go abroad, please call me."

She said with a smile that she didn't find her lie was getting bigger and bigger. When people tell a lie, they need countless lies to circle it. Finally, the lie will only be like a snowball, rolling and growing.

"Mengya, you are really the most successful person among us. Now you have your own company. By the way, what's the name of your company? In the future, we may really go there to spend money. We will call you then. Don't forget the half price."

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Upholding the mentality of having a cheap price and not taking the bastard's, we began to listen in succession, and we wanted to know the name of Mengya's company.

Meng Ya's face became stiff in an instant. She just casually told a lie. Who knows this group of people will take it seriously. She pinches her red wine glass and slightly tightens her fingers, but she still doesn't let people see her difference. She pretends to be calm and says, "it's just a small company. Call ie group. If you go out, remember to call me."

She said that IE group is a relatively large company, at least in the world's top 500 list, is the front position, everyone's eyes have a trace of disbelief, such a large group, unexpectedly is this person's company, it's amazing that they should be classmates with such people.

"No Isn't the president of this company a man? It was just reported that his name was su Hua. A few days ago, something happened to the Su family. The old man passed away, and several uncles died one after another. Finally, the company fell into Su Hua's hands. There was also a letter from the old man, saying that the adopted son should be at ease. Mengya, are you sure it is you The company? "

Mengya lied too much. I didn't know how to round it. When I heard other people say this, she could only say with a stiff face, "it's just equity participation, but my shares are relatively large in the company, so I'm in a high position in the company. But Su Hua is the CEO recognized by the outside world, so we don't know. In fact, I'm also a shareholder The president of the company is just a vice president. "

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She's been a little suspicious by others, Everyone began to sneer, "Mengya, you should not be suffering from paranoia after the family accident. The clothes you are wearing are still the fashionable style of last year. This year's limited edition has already come out, and your bag is also from last year. I just saw your mobile phone. Now Apple has been replaced for several generations, but you still use Apple 5, We all know that you used to have a good temper. You shouldn't be so economical. It's not for the sake of face saving. So lie to us? "The speaker is more and more sharp. Mengya feels that she has been slapped several times on her face. She pinches her bag tightly. She really has no money to buy new clothes. Big brand clothes are too expensive.

"Why should I lie to cheat you? You can see the circle of friends I sent last night. After I returned home this time, my parents immediately bought me a villa, saying that they hoped I would be wronged here. If you don't believe it, you can take time to get together in my villa."

The people stopped to speculate, thinking that since they invited them to the villa, it should not be a fake, so they could only promise, "well, this Saturday, we are free, we will visit your villa, and then you can not say that we are not welcome."

The words that go out is the water that spills out, Meng ya now wants to collect all too late, can only stuffy promise, in fact anxious with the ants on the hot pot.

The villa is not hers at all, but Lu Xiao's. she is only temporarily. If Lu Xiao knew that she had brought so many people to her home, she didn't know how to react. If one didn't pay attention to drive her out, she would lose face.

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