She went upstairs immediately, went to her sleeping place, and found a lace and translucent skirt. Now the weather is getting hotter. She will not feel cold in her skirt. She goes into the bathroom and takes a bath. Then she wears her lace skirt on her body, specially spraying a little perfume.

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this perfume is still left behind by her, and she has been reluctant to use it. Only today she went to a classmate's meeting. She purposely sprayed a little bit on her body tonight, and wanted to let Bai Jue know that in fact, she was also a beautiful woman.

love to see exhaust, she looked at the mirror before wearing a translucent pajamas herself, it is tempting, at least in her view, before she had several boyfriend, and boyfriend when they go to bed, those people also like her skills in bed, if tonight can successfully turn white Jue into the bed, she will exhaust all the skills.

Meng Ya came out in her lace pajamas, but after sitting in the living room for a long time, baijue didn't come out. She was bored watching TV and finally heard someone coming downstairs.

She quickly looked up, but she found that Lu Xiao came down. Lu Xiao was very thirsty and wanted to find water to drink. But as soon as she looked up, she saw Meng Ya in her transparent pajamas. She felt a fire in her heart. Didn't this person know that baijue was in this villa? What could he do if Bai Jue came down, or was he intentional Dressed like this to seduce baijue?

When Lu Xiao bumps into her translucent pajamas, Meng Ya doesn't feel embarrassed at all and says hello with a smile.

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"Xiaoxiao, you wake up. I was going to go to bed, but it seems very good to see this variety show. Would you like to sit down and have a look with me?"

In fact, Meng Ya's heart is not much confidence, she dressed like this, as long as a little bit defensive people can see, her mind is not simple, Lu Xiao in the heart will guard against her, after all, baijue is too good-looking, and so rich, as long as it is a woman, should be moved.

Lu Xiao sat down slowly in front of her, frowning at her pajamas. "Mengya, I don't want to see you wearing this to the living room next time. You know, my husband is a normal man. I don't want other women to wear such tempting things around in front of him. I believe you didn't mean it tonight But next time, I really don't want to remind you. "

Lu Xiao's words are very straight. She doesn't leave any face to Meng ya. Meng Ya's face shakes. She always knew that Lu Xiao had a good temper. At least when they lived in a room, this person never lost his temper. But today, the other party said such words. It seems that people are on guard against her in their hearts.

Her face was a little red, suddenly looked down at her dress, and then took the sofa pillow on one side to block herself. "I'm sorry, I forgot to change clothes when I just went downstairs. If you don't say it, I really don't know I'm wearing this one. I'll change it on my horse."

She got up and ran down the second floor.

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Meng Ya saw Bai Jue coming down the stairs. She was very pleased with her face. She almost showed her figure vividly. The corners of her mouth were very high. She did not open her mouth to say anything. I believe that as long as baijue has seen her appearance, she will go to find her tonight, and her purpose can be regarded as achieved.

Lu Xiao was half angry when she saw them meet. Fortunately, Bai Jue's eyes were always on her, and she didn't notice what Meng Ya was wearing.

Lian Xiaoya didn't realize that she was sitting on the sofa next to her. She didn't realize that she was sitting on the sofa. She didn't notice that she was lying on the sofa.

"I didn't mean to sleep. Why did I fall asleep and you sat down instead?"

Lu Xiao saw that there was no difference in his face, thinking that he was worthy of his fancy. His eyes were really blind, but she just liked his blindness, and her mouth was bent up. "I'm thirsty. Come down to drink some water. I tell you, you're not allowed to see Mengya's clothes or her face. When I came down tonight, I saw her in her pajamas, which was really killing me I'm so angry that a woman can live in my house and try to hook up with my husband. It's a dream. "

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Lu Xiao is not a fool. She doesn't believe a series of actions of Mengya. It's just because she's not careful. This person must be plotting something in her heart. The last time she thought that her eyes were not right. It turned out that people stayed just to seduce baijue. She was so angry in her heart that she would have thrown people out if she hadn't studied the affection of University.

Bai Jue's face was full of doubts, and he wanted to know what Mengya had just worn. When he went downstairs, his attention was always on Qin Sangyu's body, and he didn't notice Mengya at all.

"What's she wearing? I've been looking at you all the time, and I haven't noticed."

Lu Xiao heard that he was seriously asking. He didn't know why. He was amused. "He didn't wear anything. Anyway, next time you have to be like today, pretend you didn't see it, or I can't spare you.""Well, you are still pregnant with children. Don't be angry about these things. If you really don't like her, just drive people away. Anyway, there won't be any intersection in the future. Are you afraid of offending others? If it doesn't work, let me do it."

Baijue doesn't want anyone to make Lu Xiao unhappy. According to Lu Xiao, it's better for Meng ya to stay here with ulterior motives. It's better to drive out earlier. They are not shelters. They all know the purpose of others and leave people here.

"It's OK. I was very good with her when I was in college. I couldn't bear it at last. I'm sure I'll drive people away. I'm not a bit of a butcher."

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Lu Xiaobi was actually a child who grew up in a family like the Lu family. She was not cowardly. When she first pursued baijue, she also had a mind set. Therefore, she was quite sure to deal with a little Mengya.

Bai Jue gets up and pours water for her. Knowing that the other party is thirsty, she puts the water cup in front of her.

"I just hope you are happy every day and don't think about other things. Anyway, I can solve everything. If you really don't want to be disturbed in our life, I can let her go now."

Said, he is going to find Meng ya, but was stopped by Lu Xiao.

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