Meng Ya looks at Lu Xiao strangely. She really didn't expect that this person would expose her today. Her heart is extremely miserable. This bitch is not relying on her own money. Why can she trample on other people's dignity.

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"Lu Xiao!"

She roared with tears on her face. Did this person know what she was doing? How could she look up in front of her classmates after being treated like this today? She began to cry bitterly, but no one paid attention to her crying.

"Are you Lu Xiao? Is it the daughter of the Lu family? We really don't think it's strange that the daughter of the Lu family lives in such a place. "

"It turned out to be the daughter of the Lu family. It's a pleasure to meet you today."

After a group of people flattered Mengya, they immediately began to flatter Lu Xiao, but Lu Xiaoming didn't eat this set of things, just lightly hooked the corners of his mouth and took a look at his own frame.

"The girl who just went there to take my things, I hope you can put them down, otherwise if I call the police now, you can't get out without ten years' imprisonment."

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Her voice had a trace of coldness. Everyone was thinking that it was Miss Lu. She was not satisfied with the atmosphere. Several female students who took the things trembled. They thought that the villa was Mengya. Mengya was a silly person. In addition to showing off, she had no brain at all. Even if they took a little away, this person probably didn't know After hearing about the price of those things, they were moved and hid them in an attempt to take them out.

Who knows that the real owners of their villas will come out in the middle of the party. They just feel embarrassed. If they hand over the things at this time, will not all the people know about their stealing. Therefore, for their own face, even if Lu Xiao said such words, they still did not make any action.

Lu Xiao took out his mobile phone, thinking that these people really put face more important than life.

"Well, if you don't hand it in, you can follow the police. I'm not a good-natured person. Don't ask for mercy later."

Said, she called the police call, a few girls saw this person to really, almost scared to death, quickly knelt on the ground.

"Miss Lu, we're just obsessed. Don't call the police. We'll call out the things."

There were about four or five female students on their knees. They all took out cups and other small antiques from their chests.

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Meng Ya felt that she was shameless and brought a group of students to come over. As a result, the students stole things from them. She felt even more ashamed. The last trace of dignity seemed to have been trampled on the ground, mercilessly trampled.

"Husband, you bought these things from the auction. They should have cost a lot of money. If they are taken away, I will send them to jail today for you."

Several girls heard that Lu Xiao was still talking about prison. At this time, they had no temper at all and began to kowtow immediately.

"Miss Lu, please forgive us. We didn't mean to. We just looked at the value of this thing and wanted to make some money."

In fact, the students who came with me also felt shameful. After all, some of them came here with the idea of visiting the villa. They didn't want to take things from others. Although they were very jealous, they didn't dare to cross the bottom line in their hearts. Now these people do this, which is totally humiliating for all of them.

The corners of Lu Xiao's mouth have been hanging. Today, he didn't intend to give anyone face. Anyway, it's time for these people to be taught a good lesson.

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"Xiaoxiao, I had such a good relationship with you in college. Why did you embarrass me in front of so many people? We lived together for several years. Why did you treat me like this?"

Meng Ya is still questioning, tears on her face are really pitiful, a pair of eyes hate to stare at Lu Xiao.

Lu Xiao is only amused. Doesn't this person know what she thinks in her heart and wants to kill the child. How can she be merciful.

"Do you really want me to tell the truth? Mengya, you wore transparent lace underwear that night, not to seduce my husband. You envied everything I had and wanted to rob my husband when I was pregnant. You said that you already had such an idea. Why should I treat you well? Mengya, in your heart, I am a person with good temper and won't be angry, right? "

Meng Ya's face was white, and she stepped back a little. That night, she thought her performance was perfect. She didn't expect this person to see everything in her eyes. Seeing her jokes, she felt like a clown, making a fool of herself in front of everyone. Suddenly, she cried louder, as if she had been caught by the most pathetic weakness.

Lu Xiao coldly drew up the corner of his mouth, "as for you, you are Meng Ya's friends, not my friends. Can you leave my villa now? There will be bodyguards outside to show you the way

She said faintly, looking down at her stomach, all those who want to deal with her children, She would never let go. Maybe because of Su Jiaoyang's affairs, she left too many psychological shadows. Therefore, the woman who wanted to seduce baijue had been sentenced to death in her heart. Although she had endured not to happen, she scolded those people several hundred times in her heart.Everyone looked at Lu Xiao quietly, and suddenly felt that this was the right way for rich people to open their doors. They didn't want to show off what they had, and gave their opponents a good blow at the right time. Mengya even wanted to replace others. They were not rivals at all.

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"Let's go first, ha ha."

"Yes, I came here just to see the villa. Now I see it."

Everyone didn't know what to say. It seemed that if they stayed on, they would be more embarrassed. Lu Xiaoshi was too powerful.

Lu Xiao faintly looked at the dream Ya who was still crying, and the corner of her mouth hooked up, "don't you go? Do you want to live in my villa? "

My villa these four words, like a slap in the face of Meng ya, she immediately ran upstairs, began to pick up her own things, people have treated her like this, how can she live in a shameless face, it is also time to leave.

When she came down with her luggage, she saw that Lu Xiao was drinking soup. There was a gentle smell around her. She was quite different from the woman who had just competed with each other. This person is worthy of the Lu family, a lady of the upper class, who is not comparable to ordinary people.

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