"Do you know what it means to be unable to have children? You will be the successor of the Rong family. If you don't have a son, what will happen to your property in the future?"

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White rose thinks a lot. Between the big families, there are nothing but disputes about interests. So she must let Rong Lang know about this in advance, so that they will not face many problems at that time.

"Isn't there still my brother? Let him give birth to a few more. We'll take it and raise it. Anyway, it's all for the family. It doesn't make any difference."

Rong Lang has always been living in the army, and has not participated in the intrigue between big families. What's more, Rong family is a stable family. There is no such thing as fighting for property.

White rose didn't know whether this person was naive or stupid, but when she saw that the other party didn't care about this matter, she was still very moved. Her eyes turned red, and then she threw herself into her arms. "Are you really moving me? I can tell you that I took what you just said seriously. If I can't give birth to a child in the future, I will blame me I'll be in a hurry. "

"Not for a lifetime."

Rong Lang's face is affectionate. Last night, the two were clearly tossing until midnight, but now he seems to have a feeling, so the vision is faint in each other's face for two circles, and then a turn over, the person will be pressed under the body.

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It's probably because they untied their own knot. They were very devoted to each other. They did a good job. Finally, they had fallen in bed for several days. Apart from eating, they spent almost all of their time in this big bed.

Lu Liangcheng has made a lot of phone calls to ronglang these two days, but it has always been unanswered. Since the last time he said that to ronglang, he has been worried about the status of ronglang and white rose. Of course, outsiders can see that they really love each other, but they are afraid that the two people in the bureau can't see clearly and eventually miss each other.


On the third day, Rong Lang finally answered the phone. He pulled it out and heard his voice. He was a little depressed. He wanted to know what he was doing now. He was worried that he could not catch up with the white rose. Now he is borrowing wine to relieve his worries?

"Where are you?"

Rong Lang answers the phone, but she still doesn't let go of white rose. However, both of them dare not speak out. Bai rose has been quietly covering her mouth for fear of showing a little voice, so that Lu Liangcheng can catch hold of it.

"I'm having fun. It's not convenient for the moment. If there's anything I can do, I'll talk about it later."

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Lu Liangcheng heard Rong Lang's oppressive voice. All of them were men. He thought a little and knew what this man was doing. He put a smile on his mouth and said, "you should be easy. They are really in bed for so many days. Forget it. You can do your own business."

After hanging up the phone, he was very happy. After all, he had been worried that they would miss it. Now it seems that ronglang still has two brushes. He actually took the person down like this. I hope they can untie the knot after this time.

"What are you chuckling at

Qin Sangyu sits on one side, see this man's face is all smile, don't understand the mouth asks a way.

"I was worried about Rong Lang and white rose, but I just called and broke the good news. I think it's a success for them."

Qin Sangyu's face is surprised. I didn't say that they were going to die of old age and not contact with each other. How could they get together so soon? It's really troublesome to have feelings like this.

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"You are sure that the white rose is with him. I don't think ronglang is an honest man."

Lu Liangcheng raised his eyebrows. "I believe that man won't touch other women. Even if he hugs other women to show off in front of me, I'm very firm. They probably didn't go to bed. After all, the influence of previous events on him is too deep. I think that shadow will accompany her all his life, and only white rose will make him forget those things Accept women. "

The corner of Qin Sangyu's mouth mercilessly took a moment, say so, still want to thank this man? The eyes are all smiling, "also suffer is Rong Lang does not care about the things before you, otherwise ah, I see you this brother estimate can't do."

Lu Liangcheng sat beside her, took the newspaper and read it. The corners of his mouth were always smiling. "He is not a mean person."

The two of them then had a chat. Occasionally, the topic was just to pass the time. The day of pregnancy was boring. In addition, they were in the old house and could not do a lot of things. Now the two old people take Qin Sangyu very seriously and hope that she can give birth to this child in peace of mind.

In the evening, Wan Jichen called and said that the things had been extracted. He could start the experiment on baijue, but he didn't know the probability of success. After all, it was the first time that such an experiment could be carried out. Whether it could succeed or not depends on God's will, but he had mastered almost all the medical skills, If he was not sure, he would not dare to do experiments on Bai Jue.

"When are you going to start?"Lu Liangcheng is concerned about this, and he will certainly go to see it. Bai Jue has had a good little life recently. If she suddenly leaves because of this disease, everyone's heart will be miserable. Lu Xiao is pregnant, and she can't be careless.

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"I plan to tomorrow, because the longer the disease is delayed, the lower the probability of success. Although Bai Jue is in good health now, in fact, these are just appearances. Once the disease breaks out, he can't bear it next time."

Wan Jichen's voice was worried. After a discussion, they finally set the time for tomorrow, and informed Lu Xiao and Bai Jue, hoping that they would be ready.

Lu Xiao and Bai Jue were nervous and worried, because Wan Jichen had already reminded them that the operation was not 100% successful. No one knew what happened on the operating table. Therefore, all preparations were the best, even the worst.

Lu Xiao stares at the face in front of her quietly, thinking about an early operation. She has always been worried recently. As long as baijue leaves her sight a little, she is afraid that this person will suddenly lie in a corner again and never wake up again. Just like the last sudden fainting, this disease is too evil for her to understand.

"Don't worry. You have to believe in Wan Jichen. His medical skills are very good. If he can't make up his mind, I'll have to wait for death."

Bai Jue said that the cloud is light and the breeze is light. I don't want Lu Xiao to be so nervous all the time.

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