Qin Sangyu felt a little relieved when she heard her saying this. Before, what she worried most about was Lu Xiao and Bai Jue, because it was too difficult for them to get to this point. Bai Jue didn't like Lu Xiao at first. All his heart was in Su Jiaoyang. He loved Su Jiaoyang for so many years, and he always regarded Lu Xiao as a little transparent. Later, Lu Xiao did not like Lu Xiao Easy to be together with each other, but he has such a disease, two people are also suffering.

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Then they sat on the sofa and talked about private affairs of their daughter's family. After a while, the two old people finally came in from the outside and said they wanted to cook by themselves. Qin Sangyu and Lu Xiao were flattered. The two old people did not cook very often. Why should they cook in person?

"Grandfather, grandmother, you sit down, where there is the reason that your elders cook in person, let the nanny at home do it."

Qin Sangyu said slowly. She got up and wanted to help, but she was held down by Lu Xiao. Lu Xiao winked at her and said quietly, "I heard that the old people like to do this now. If we go to help, they will feel that their existence is meaningless, because it is always easy to think more when we are old. We should sit here obediently."

Qin Sangyu really saw such comments on the Internet. He didn't know whether it was true or not. He could only sit down on the sofa and occasionally take a look at the kitchen.

The two old people seemed to cooperate with each other very well. During this period, Qin Sangyu watched it for a while, and finally felt relieved. He reached out and turned on the TV set next to him and began to watch the variety show.

In the evening, Lu Liangcheng came back. Today, he said that there was something wrong with the company, so he went out early in the morning. When he came back, he saw two old people cooking. He was surprised, but in a flash, he sat down on the sofa.

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"Baijue has already woken up. Wan Jichen called me and said that he didn't have to worry about the rest. He could recover completely in a month. However, his body is easy to hurt. Recently, you'd better stay at home. Don't go to the hospital to accompany him. The old men are afraid of losing face. When they see you, they won't be able to hum."

He doesn't know Bai Jue yet. He certainly doesn't want to lose face in front of Lu Xiao.

Lu Xiao's eyes are full of smile. When he thought of coming over today, the man was holding back his expression. He was both funny and distressed. He could only nod lightly, "I will stay here for a few days, and Qin Sangyu is also here. We can be a companion."

Qin Sangyu nodded and found that the two old people were already serving the dishes. He went to help. Lu Xiao and Lu Liangcheng couldn't sit still. They went to get their chopsticks.

"Grandma and grandfather, it's been a hard night for you."

Several people took out the juice, and Lu Liangcheng and Lu Tian took out the wine, but the concentration of the wine was not high, otherwise the female companion would not allow it.

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"Sangyu, Xiaoxiao, we are now looking forward to you to give birth to the child, so that we will not be bored, this day, we can only play chess with your grandfather, it is really hard."

Shen Bizhi said slowly. She turned her eyes around Qin Sangyu and Lu Xiao's stomachs. She wished that she would stare at her stomach and not move her eyes.

Lu Tian also looked at their stomachs, and coughed slightly, "why didn't baijue come here tonight? It's true that you came alone."

The old man's face was a little dissatisfied. A woman's pregnancy was not careless. How could baijue let Xiaoxiao wander around alone? His good feeling for that man declined slightly. After all, he treated his granddaughter badly.

"Grandfather, Bai Jue is not feeling well. When he went to the hospital to see a doctor, I came first. He is still in hospital. I don't want to see his weak side. But you can rest assured that when he gets well, I will bring someone to you."

Lu Xiao said with a smile. Lu Tian knew that Bai Jue was ill and was in hospital. His eyebrows twisted. "Since we are in hospital, we should go to the hospital to have a look. Don't let him stay alone. Xiaoxiao, after dinner, let's go over together."

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Lu Xiao is a little worried. Bai Jue's current state is probably that he doesn't want anyone to disturb him. It's better to let him stay in peace for a while. She regrets that she said something about Bai Jue's hospitalization. Her eyes for help look at Qin Sangyu.

"Grandfather, Bai Jue is a man. He doesn't want his cowardly side to be seen by Lu Xiao. How can he let you go to the ward? We are all bombarded here. You can rest assured that there will be no dust."

Lu Tian heard that Wan Jichen was treating Bai Jue's illness. Knowing that he was not suffering from an ordinary disease, Lu Tian sighed, "no big problem. I'm just worried about him. My granddaughter finally married herself out, but nothing happened."

Lu Xiao's face is a little red. We all know that she was chasing baijue. Now the old man is making fun of her, and the atmosphere becomes active. She carries the juice lightly.

"Here, I'd like to propose a toast to you. Thank you very much for many things. Although we are relatives, we should not say such words, but you really helped me a lot."

Qin Sangyu and Lu Liangcheng held up their cups one after another, and the two old people also lifted the cups. Several people began to talk about the recent events. It was very late that everyone put down the dishes and chopsticks.Lu Xiao said that she would like to rest here tonight. She is expected to stay here for the next month. After all, even if she comes home, she is also alone. It is better to be here with someone.

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The two old people are very happy. Now they hope that the more busy the villas are, the better, so they immediately clean up the room for Lu Xiao.

At ten o'clock in the evening, everyone was already lying down. Qin sang Yu yawned and came out of the bath. She saw the haunted black cat appear on the window sill. This scene was very strange. She had experienced it before and told Lu Liangcheng, but Lu Liangcheng could not see the black cat at all. She could only frown and lie down on the bed and lie in Luliang Around the city.

Lu Liangcheng held her in his arms and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Qin Sangyu's eyes are always attracted by the black cat on the window sill from time to time, and the whole person is in a state of anxiety. She knows that this state is very bad, and people are deliberately trying to disturb her mood. But in such a situation, it is really difficult for a person to control her mood.

She slowly let herself sleep in the past, but in the middle of the night, wake up once, the room is still bright lights, Lu Liangcheng back to her, do not know what to do.

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