In the past, when he was in the army, he appreciated the temperament of white rose. However, the girl was too cold in the army. She wore a mask every day, and her eyes were sharp. At the beginning, she almost kicked her grandson out. In fact, when he knew the news, he wanted something to happen between the two people. However, both of them were very young at that time In 1949, he could only temporarily put his mind down.

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I didn't expect that after many years, Rong Lang actually turned the white rose into his hand. Rong Laozi was so happy that he had no time to ask them to eat.

White rose was a little flattered, but still very calm after a meal, the old man in the end of the meal, suddenly asked, "when are you going to get married, I think you two are not small, the wedding should be settled earlier, so as not to cause extra trouble."

The old man secretly poked that his grandson would marry the white rose in the door as soon as possible, so that he would not have to worry about anything, and might be able to hold his great grandson immediately after a year.

"Granddad Rong, Rong Lang and I are no different from marriage now, so even if we get married, I don't intend to make too much of a show. We just need to have a meal with the familiar people."

White rose suddenly said, she has not like these forms, two people together, love is the most important, is Rong Lang taught her love.

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Rong Lang suddenly turned his head and looked at her. She didn't twist it hard. The children didn't care about the form. Of course, the more thick the wedding ceremony was, the better, "no, it's only once in a lifetime. How can it not be a little ceremonious? This matter has to listen to me!"

His attitude was firm, but when he saw the loss on white rose's face, he couldn't help but start to worry, "is something going on?"

White rose shook her head, "I just don't like those forms, and I'm tired. Can we have a meal together?"

In the heart, she can only see a little bit of pain in her eyes.

The old man was satisfied when he saw that they had discussed the marriage so quickly. "Then you can decide when to call your friends over for dinner. As for me, I will go to show off some old antiques, so I won't eat with you at home. You can't let go of old guys like me."

If the old man was not as thoughtful as he was when he went out that day, he would be embarrassed.

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"Thank you, granddad. We don't dare to mess around with you."

Rong Lang's face was full of smiles. Thinking of the white rose ring that had been sent to her last time, she immediately unfolded her palm and found that the ring was indeed on her finger. Knowing that this woman really wanted to marry herself, "then I'll call them to see when they are free and come over for dinner together?"


White rose nodded with satisfaction. What she needed was this. She didn't want her wedding to be known by too many people. Moreover, she would feel very embarrassed if her relatives didn't attend the wedding. It would be better to have a dinner with friends and decide on her own life.

Rong Lang didn't know the idea of white rose at the beginning. Until he thought of her relatives, he was surprised that he almost ignored the feelings of the other party. When he came out of the house calmly, he grabbed the other party and thought about how to comfort people. But he didn't say anything, he felt a gentle, surprised turn of head and hair on his cheek Now white rose even took the initiative to kiss him.

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In the past, he always took the initiative to kiss this person. White rose has always been very strong, and even a little dismissive of men. Therefore, in front of the relationship between the two people, he has always been more active. This person has almost never taken the initiative, but he has been very happy to be with this person. Even if he is active, he feels nothing.

However, even though he thought so, he still felt a little lost in the dead of night. If only white rose could learn to take the initiative one day, he always comforted himself in this way. He did not expect that in the evening, he finally waited.

White rose saw the expression on his face a little silly, and her eyebrows twinkled for a moment. Before, no matter which man she was with, she would not take the initiative. She felt that taking the initiative was a very tiring thing. Besides, going to bed was to relieve loneliness. Taking the initiative seemed to be very cheap. So she was used to other people's initiative, and then she lay quietly enjoying herself, but with ronglang Together is not to relieve loneliness, just at the moment, she suddenly thought, maybe it is her own initiative, originally thought that this man would be very surprised, but the other party actually looked at her with such eyes, her face turned red.

"Don't you like it? I thought you liked it. I'm sorry."

She was about to put her body back, but Rong Lang held her, her face was excited, "who said I don't like it, I like it very much, but the first time you do this, I feel very surprised, do not believe you touch my heart, now the beating is very fierce, white rose, I am really happy."

The car quickly stopped by the roadside. There seemed to be a strange magnetic field between them. They began to tear each other's clothes. After they were together, they seemed to do such things most of the time. Neither of them was bored. It was really strange.The car has been parked by the road until midnight. After ronglang finished, he opened the window lightly to let the smell of the car dissipate. He put his arm around the white rose, and his eyebrows were satisfied. "Let's go. Let's go home and tell you the news of our marriage tomorrow. I believe they will be very shocked."

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White rose still had nothing to wear at this time. She was quietly nestled in his arms. Until the car stopped at their door, she was held out. A blanket was casually built on her naked body. After returning upstairs, ronglang directly covered her body, which was another round of war.

Until early in the morning, two people gasped to stop, looking at each other, eyes are thick can not open friendship, and finally a deep kiss, just ended this time of love.

The next day, when everyone was still sleeping, they received a phone call from Rong lang. Rong Lang's tone was very excited, which probably meant that he was going to get married. I hope everyone can come to Rongjia to have a meal and get together.

Lu Liangcheng rubbed his eyes and thought he was dreaming. How long has it been? Even though he knew that the two might eventually come together, he had only been talking about marriage for a short time. It's really ridiculous.

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