Did Suhua care about her birth? Maybe he cared before. Seeing Su Mo playing so carefree, he had the courage to look forward to everything in the future. He often wondered why his birth was like this. Why he would be laughed at by all people all his life. He complained about the old man more than once in the dark, but he never complained about the mother, because the other party was also a man A poor man, and did what he could, brought a little warmth to his childhood.

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"I didn't care, just wanted to talk to you. It would be OK on the phone. I knew that when you were my mother, I had already returned to Sue's house. Everyone said you were dead. Dad showed me your photos, and I knew that my beautiful aunt was always coming to me. It was my mother. At that time, I felt happy, because I was also someone Love. "

Su Hua thought of that short childhood, the corner of his mouth raised a smile, even the breath of a little relaxed.

Chen Rong's eyes are all moved, this child can think so, if continue to tangle with their own life, the days will only be more sad.

"You must try to overcome depression. I will wait for you to get up. I will call you often later."

Su Hua didn't expect to contact this person much. Now, she heard that the other party would call himself frequently. His happy eyes narrowed. "OK, I will hurry up and get better. Mom, do you mean to call me regularly, is it true?"

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Chen Rong nodded, but he couldn't see him nodding. He could only say, "yes, you can also give me a call. I don't want my child to be troubled by depression. Xiaohua, you are still young, and my mother has experienced more than you have suffered. But I never thought about dying, because there are still many things that care about me in the world. I can't Live up to their expectations. "

"Do you care about me?"

Su Hua asked softly, others' care may not be important, but the answer of this person is what he wants to know most.

"No one doesn't love your children, you grow up and learn to fly."

Su Hua's heart suddenly relaxed, has been backlog in the bottom of the heart of things so scattered, his mouth corner, "thank you."

After he spew two words, he really didn't know what he should say. He wanted to talk to each other well. But he heard the voice of a man coming from there. He knew that this person should be inconvenient now. He could only speak cleverly. "Mom, please busy yourself. We can talk slowly later."

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Chen Rong's eyes are smiling, "I'm going to start cooking now, birch, you can take care of yourself. Don't be in a bad mood, or I will be very sad."

Su Hua thought that he often did not eat now, a sip of the corner of her mouth, hung up the phone, decided to eat a few bowls of rice, must not be able to break the body.

"OK, mom, I see. Goodbye. You go. Please

After that, he hung up the phone and asked his assistant to bring two bowls of rice to him, and ate it with a big mouth.

Assistant is a little surprised. He has always known that this person has depression, and will take care of each other very hard recently. However, this person always does not eat, and he is in a hurry to see his body getting thinner and thinner. However, he can't find any way to treat depression. Many people will jump downstairs after they have depression, hoping that this person can support them.

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Su Hua ate several bowls of rice continuously, until the belly drum up, only to light stop, and then sent a thank-you letter to Su mo.

"Clean up, go back tomorrow. I've finished my mission here."

He said to his assistant, the assistant's eyes are more surprised, this is not to say that just to want to meet a very miss person, but now in addition to see the young master, it seems that no one has seen ah.

"Don't be dazzled. Hurry up."

Su Hua saw his assistant still standing in the spot, and said in a good mood. He saved the phone number and repeated it many times. He made sure that the number had been firmly recorded in his heart, so he was slightly better in his heart.

The assistant packed up the things very casually. They came here this time, and they planned to play for a few days. But now this person is making a fuss to go back. He can't help but slowly load the luggage he just opened. He likes his boss now, doesn't put on the shelf or scold casually. The other party is more likely to stay alone. He really hopes this one People's depression can get better early, so that Su family companies do not need to be coveted by others.

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That afternoon, Su Hua went back by plane. He sent a message to Su mo before leaving. He knew that the man would not come to send himself, and there was no expectation. When he passed the security inspection, he looked back quietly, but saw Su Mo standing in the crowd and waved his hand towards him.

As before, when he was going on business trip, Su Mo would always come to send him, but he would not come near. He waved his hands in the distance, saying that waving represents goodbye. The next meeting will be very fast.

Su Hua felt his eyes were sour and strange. He never felt so touched before. He always thought his heart was cold and numb. But a small action of this man made him feel moved to cry.He also waved his hand with a smile on his face, and then disappeared in the crowd. In this way, the big stone in his heart was completely put down. He knew that the meaning of Su Mo's action was to represent goodbye and also to forgive. From this point on, everything started again. The past resentment was in this moment, in an instant Disappear, two people are still brothers.

Until the plane took off, Su Hua's mouth was still smiling, lightly hooked his lips, and felt much better. Before he came, he seemed to be deprived of all his anger. He couldn't really love the world. But from now on, everything seems to be so expectant, looking forward to his mother's phone call and his brother's next meeting Life doesn't seem so bad.

He touched the position of his wrist. His eyes were deep and shallow. All the haze in his heart was blown away by a gust of wind. He has never been a loser or a coward. Since he has put down everything in the past, and since someone in the world loves him, he must live well.

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