Qin Sangyu's eyes were gloomy. She was about to call Lu Liangcheng when she heard her mobile phone ring. She had a strong premonition. Maybe it was Qin Baiqiang or Du Miao calling. They disappeared for such a long time, which created so much trouble for her. It was really uncomfortable.

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"Qin Sangyu, have you been frightened by what you received? I heard that you married Lu Liangcheng and were pregnant with his seed. How can you be so lucky? I won't let you have a good time. You killed my woman, and I won't forgive you!"

Qin Sangyu's brow frowned, thinking that you won't forgive, anyway, I'm better than you.

"Do you think a shroud can frighten me? I tell you, these things are not painful to me, not only can't hurt me, but now the two old people love me more and more. They prepare delicious food for me every day. Your actions will only make me more and more popular in the Lu family. Aunt Du, thank you very much."

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Qin Sangyu's words almost made Du Miao vomit blood. After leaving G City, she always felt uneasy and wanted to go back there to kill the woman. However, her ability was limited and she couldn't do anything to the superior little grandmother Lu. She could only use these tricks in secret. However, Qin Sangyu was not afraid at all and mocked her severely on the phone.

"You wicked woman, you killed Mo Mo, even if Mo Mo turns into a fierce ghost, he will not let you go."

Qin Sangyu raised her eyebrows and thought about Qin Mo Mo's appearance. Even if she became a ghost, she couldn't fight her. The corner of her mouth bent. "I don't know what your daughter looks like. Aunt Du, Qin mormo was not as good as me when she was alive, and even worse than me after she died. Even if she turned into a fierce ghost to ask for my life, what would happen? I would let her fly to the ashes."

Qin Sangyu's words were really cruel. Du Miao spat out a mouthful of blood directly. For more than half a year, she and Qin Baiqiang have been hiding in the countryside for fear of revenge from the Lu family. She even ignored her own daughter when she fled. After knowing that Qin Momo was in prison, she left quickly.

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But later, Qin Moro called them on her own initiative, saying that she was rescued by a kind-hearted person, and that she would become a star. She also really saw the TV play played by the other party. At that moment, she even felt that she could go to G city to avenge Qin Sangyu. But the good news didn't take long, and bad news came again. This time, Qin Sangyu did the same thing. She killed her daughter twice, which was the account She'll make good calculations with each other.

After she was so angry that she hung up the phone, Qin Baiqiang had been sneering at him, "do you want to offend Qin Sangyu for Qin Moro? Do you know that Lu Liangcheng protects her very well and likes her to death. I'm afraid you can't even catch other people's clothes. Du Miao, I think you'd better give up your mind to live in the countryside and make more money for me. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude. "

Du Miao has been living a miserable life since she came to the countryside with Qin Baiqiang. She is forced to sit in some shady black industry here. Now she is in charge of seven or eight girls. All of them live on a big truck. She usually drives this truck to the construction site to perform striptease for those workers at the bottom. Everyone is crazy Crazy, so from one place to another, there is money to earn. These girls are very obedient. They never want to escape. Du Miao, as the boss's wife, has to take off her clothes on the stage on the first day of business opening. Qin Baiqiang is watching from below, but does not stop at all. Instead, she collects money from those men and comes down all night, Can earn tens of thousands.

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It's just that most of the money goes into Qin Baiqiang's pocket. Du Miao is like a worker for him. Now Qin Baiqiang's behavior is more and more unrestrained. If you are lonely, you can choose a girl to sleep. The seven or eight girls who dance with her are supposed to have relations with Qin Baiqiang. They are like the pets kept by Qin Baiqiang, but we can't do without them Because Qin Baiqiang thought of this profitable business at the beginning. It's quick to make money and everyone is relaxed. If they leave Qin Baiqiang, they don't know how to live.

Even Du Miao can't do without Qin Baiqiang now, so he just turns a blind eye to Qin Baiqiang's behaviors. He thinks he doesn't know.

"I want to revenge for my daughter. Isn't it OK? Qin Baiqiang and Mo Mo have lived with you for so many years. Don't you like her at all? Even if it's a cat and dog who has lived with us for such a long time, it should be emotional. How can you do this? "

Du Miao said and began to cry. Qin Baiqiang, without any pity, grabbed her hair and said, "I like her?! Why should I like a cheap one?! Du Miao, don't you think I forget that Qin Momo is not my daughter at all. I have raised a daughter for others for so long. Now I feel sick and miserable when I think about it. At the beginning, I should have severely attacked her, so I won't suffer any loss. "

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Du Miao's scalp was almost caught by the other party. When he heard the man's dirty words, he raised his head. What was the man saying? It was his daughter. "You're a jerk!"

She took the knife on one side and tried to fight with each other, but her body had been in deficit for a long time. With such a fierce attack, she threw herself on the ground directly and almost broke the bridge of her nose. Qin Baiqiang trampled on her back with a hard foot, "I advise you to stop now. You don't have a good look at our present identity. It's just a dream to find Qin Sangyu for revenge! Cheap woman! You'd better go and pick up the guests for me in the future, while there are still people who look up to youIf the car doesn't reach one other, someone will ask Du Miao if he wants to sell it. But Du Miao refuses every time. Undressing in front of everyone is the bottom line. After all, she was a top-notch person in G city. How can she sleep with these dirty workers? But now, qinsangyu intends to push her to those men in person. Damn it!!

"I am your wife! If you do that! It's just letting someone else wear a green hat! Ha ha ha, Qin Baiqiang, your hobby is so unique. How can I not know before? "

Du Miao was forced to rush. He began to speak some dirty words. I hope Qin Baiqiang would better kill her now. But Qin Baiqiang has been bending his mouth, and he seems not to do so. He said a word by a woman, and the woman soon led 56 men in.

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