Qin Sangyu was upset by his quarrel. He moved his hand away from his waist, turned over, looked at him face to face, and then sighed, "this kind of thing can be discussed slowly in the future. Now I want to sleep, OK?"

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Lu Liangcheng gave her a kiss on her face and saw the dark circles around her eyelids. She wanted to know why the other party didn't sleep well these days. She sighed, "are you having nightmares again recently? I'm worried about you. Look at the dark circles on your face, it's really heartache."

Qin Sangyu sighed and looked at the window. It was strange that after the black cat had disappeared, she should have been happy. But recently, she has always seen a child with blood all over her body. Although she has given herself numerous psychological hints, thinking that all this is false, she is seeing that child At that time, she was still agitated, especially when she opened her eyes and could see the other party at the head of the bed. That feeling was really terrible. In addition, Du Miao, the woman who sent the shroud at this time, made her nerves tense. She even thought that maybe Du Miao knew something, otherwise everything would be so coincidental.

However, Qin Sangyu obviously thinks highly of Du Miao. After all, Du Miao really doesn't know anything. At this time, she is still sitting in the car, watching the city of G getting closer and closer, and she starts to get nervous. Maybe she has left so long, and she is a bit timid to go back. What's more, this time, she is no longer a Qin family. The Qin family, which was once beautiful, no longer exists It's a woman with AIDS struggling at the door of despair.

G city was about to arrive. When she saw the words on the sign, her heart became more and more excited. At last, her nervous face turned red, and several people around her were also very excited. Originally, everyone wanted to go directly to the city, but there was a traffic police checking here. They had to rest for a night, saying that they would wait for the police to leave and then enter the city tomorrow.

Du Miao plans to get off here. As long as she waits until midnight, she will leave the people in this carriage. Anyway, as long as she can get in, the snowman will definitely be detained by the traffic police. She doesn't want to follow the bad luck.

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In the middle of the night, she quietly opened the door of the car, saying that it was convenient to go out. The people in the carriage did not doubt it. After all, it was this time. Everyone was a grasshopper on a rope.

After getting off the bus, Du Miao found a haystack and planned to make it convenient. After getting up, he ran to the road not far away, took a free ride and went straight into the city.

The people who were left in the same place did not know what was going on. Everyone was waiting to earn a lot of money. How could he have thought that Du Miao would disappear on the way.

Du Miao got on the bus at this time. Seeing the familiar scenery, he was scarlet in his eyes. He thought he could live a good life in such a place as G city. Unexpectedly, when Qin Sangyu, a cheap woman, broke in on the way, everything changed.

"This is it. Get out of the car."

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She stopped outside the original Qin's house and found that it was desolate. No one had ever lived there. She walked around and thought that this was no longer her own, so she did not go in. She lingered outside for a while, and then sat down on the stairs, thinking about how to revenge Qin Sangyu this time.

She knew that Qin Sangyu and Lu Liangcheng were living a happy life. When she thought that her daughter was suffering under the yellow spring, and that these heartless people could enjoy it peacefully, she felt angry. As long as Qin Sangyu could pay the price this time, she would like to.

But after thinking about it, she seems to have no other way, after all, it is very difficult to get close to Qin Sangyu.

Du Miao grabs her hair with hatred in her eyes. Finally, she can only go to the back of Lu's old house and turn around. However, Qin Sangyu has not been found. She can only guard outside with strong corrosive gas in her hand. She thinks that if she gets close to Qin Sangyu, she will directly throw the liquid on his face. This is the most direct revenge she can think of at present Methods.

But after waiting for four or five days, she did not see the shadow of Qin Sangyu. She was depressed. All her money was not enough to stay in a hotel in G city for one night, so she had to make do with it at night, sleeping under the overpass, and staying here during the day.

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"This woman's endurance is really good. If you can use this endurance to find a good job, I don't think it will be so hard for the rest of her life."

Qin Sangyu saw the woman waiting outside through the black glass window. She knew it from the first day when Du Miao came to G city and knew that the woman intended to revenge her. However, it was a pity that she would not go down for a step until she gave birth, so all the next actions of Du Miao were delayed.

Du Miao thought that Qin Sangyu didn't know that she had come to G city and was impatient to wait outside. Finally, she heard that Qin Sang was going to have a baby and was in a certain hospital. She thought that there were many people in the hospital. If she really wanted to do something to Qin Sangyu there, it would be convenient. So she ran to the hospital immediately. She just arrived at the gate of the hospital and saw the outside A lot of police cars stopped in front of them, and several policemen came down from them.

Du Miao was so frightened that she thought about killing Qin Baiqiang. She didn't know whether the police had already guessed it. So at this time, she only wanted to escape, and even forgot to revenge Qin Sangyu. However, she just ran out a few steps and was caught by the police. Everyone took out the photos and found that it was this man."Du Miao, it's her. Take it back and ask."

The police take Du Miao away. Du Miao has been struggling with dangerous liquid in her hand. The police seem to realize what she is going to do and grab the things in her hand and hand them over to the people nearby for management.

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"Let me go!! Why did you catch me

"You are suspected of homicide. Come with us now. All your accomplices have been recruited. Du Miao, you are finished."

When the police say the last few words, Du Miao is in a trance and thinks that Qin Sangyu is standing in front of him. Because Qin Sangyu also said such a sentence at the beginning, how can she finish it? She is going to go back to G city to live a good life. As long as she retaliates against Qin Sangyu, she will find a decent job and live in a big city.

But the police didn't seem to want to give her the chance to arrest directly.

When Du Miao is arguing with the police, she sees Qin Sangyu come down from the car, followed by Lu Liangcheng and several bodyguards. Her eyes turn red and she yells at Qin Sangyu.

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