But before Lu Liangcheng wakes up, he and another woman's bed photos have already made a lot of noise. Everyone is watching this time's rape arrest on Weibo. We all know about the love between Lu Liangcheng and Qin Sangyu. Now we can see that Lu Liangcheng was caught in bed just after his wife gave birth to a child, and they all scold slag man.

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"I was blind. I envied their love before, and thought Cinderella finally married the prince."

"Lu Liangcheng is such a scum man. What kind of man is he still pretending to be! It's disgusting to me! "

"Qin Sangyu quickly divorced this man. It's really pitiful. He was caught in bed after giving birth to his child. I don't know what the man did outside when Qin Sangyu was pregnant."

This time, it was really a big disturbance, which almost destroyed the good man image of Luliang City.

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Mo Yu and the Lu family were shocked when they saw the news. Now almost all the people are discussing it. If this person let the media suppress all the news, everyone will be more disappointed with the Lu family. The more repressed, the more terrifying the side effects. However, if people on the Internet are allowed to say so, they are also uncomfortable. Let's have a good look Lu Liangcheng, what's going on.

Lu Liangcheng finally sobered up at this time. Seeing several people around him, he frowned, "grandfather, how are you here?"

But after finishing this sentence, his face suddenly turned pale, because he still remembered the things that passed out, but he did not remember the later things. Did Xia Yun do anything when he fainted? If this matter was misunderstood by Qin Sangyu, the other party would probably never forgive him in his lifetime.

"Look at Weibo."

Lu Tian said, with a heavy face, such a thing is really a disgrace to the Lu family, but this person still doesn't know anything. If he can, he really wants to scold, but he knows his grandson very well, and the other party is serious about Qin Sangyu, Should not do anything to hurt her, then what is going on in the end, this person has to slowly say.

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Lu Liangcheng's face turned black when she saw the things on her microblog. It's hard to imagine what would happen if Qin Sangyu saw these things. Now that she has just given birth to a child, the doctor has reminded him to pay attention to the mood of pregnant women and never do anything to hurt her at this time.

"Grandfather, does Qin Sangyu know about it?"

He pulled his lips and said faintly. Seeing that Lu Tian shook his head, he was relieved. "I don't know. I was drunk. The woman wanted to have something with me, but I was stabbed with a stick. When I was going to run, I was beaten by the child on his head. Grandfather, I must not let Qin Sangyu know about it. I will solve it It's a decision. "

Lu Tian's face is full of sadness. Naturally, he knows that his grandson will not cheat him, but the matter has developed to this stage. Even if the truth is revealed in the end, everyone will only think that it is the Lu family who spent money on public relations.

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"At this point, things can't be retrieved, because in the hearts of netizens, you have become a man who is unfaithful to his wife. Netizens in a small town don't want to know the truth, they are just gossip, They don't care about the truth at all. As long as the gossip can make them happy, they will keep watching. I see, you'd better not do it for the time being. Let them forget about it. "

What the old man said is very reasonable. After all, netizens don't care about the so-called truth, and they don't believe those truths. In their opinion, rich people can cover the sky. Lu Liangcheng will definitely choose public relations after sorry Qin Sangyu, so they won't believe all the following things. They only believe the truth they want to know.

Lu Liangcheng slowly squeezed his quilt. If he didn't do anything, wouldn't it be too cheap for those two people. Xia Yun really thought that if he blew this thing out, she would get benefits. Besides, she had the dream of 11 years old. Before that, he would never attack a child. But this time, the dream really touched his scales and all the people who hurt Qin Sangyu, Damn it!

Lu Liangcheng's eyes flashed a trace of darkness and ordered Mo Yu to catch Xia Yun and Meng Meng.

At this time, Xia Yun and Meng Meng are still thinking about the benefits they can get. After all, this matter is so serious on the Internet. In order to save their face, the Lu family will certainly give them money as a hush fee. With this money, they can go abroad and live a carefree life.

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Parents who had planned to deal with Xia Yun before were shocked when they saw the news, because they did see Lu Liangcheng on Mengmeng's birthday. At that time, they also speculated that Lu Liangcheng was Xia Yun's relative. Now, if you think about it, it's not really a lover's relationship. There's a little bit of doubt that Lu Liangcheng's identity should be Should not be so good to a girl casually, he likes dreams so much, is it because dreams are his illegitimate daughter?

As soon as this conjecture came out, they immediately joined the online discussion and told all the things they saw. Only one person said that such a thing was OK. Finally, seven or eight people came forward and said that it was the photo of Lu Liangcheng coming to attend the dream birthday party. It has to be said that with the participation of these people, gossip is instantaneous Like a wild spread of vines general, almost directly killed Lu Liangcheng.Lu Liangcheng is very anxious now, even in Qin Sangyu's side, he is still frowning.

Qin Sangyu knows that there is something wrong with this person, but she doesn't know what it is. She wants to ask and is afraid that the person will not say it. She can only close her lips and take out her mobile phone to pass the time.

Lu Liangcheng is now very afraid of Qin Sangyu touching the mobile phone. He is afraid that something will pop out. So when he saw Qin Sangyu pick up his mobile phone, he almost instantly exploded. He grabbed her mobile phone and put it on his side. "Wife, don't play with your mobile phone when you are in the month. It's very harmful to your eyes. You can bear it until we go home When I'm in confinement, can I give you my cell phone? "

Qin Sangyu's eyes flashed a little surprised. She never heard of it. She couldn't play with her mobile phone when she was in confinement. Her eyes flashed, thinking that this person probably didn't want to let her know something. Seeing that the other party was so nervous, her mouth was filled with a smile, "you shouldn't have done something sorry for me, and was attacked by the whole network?"

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