For two hours, when the man came down from her, they were full of satisfaction. The group of people outside were still hesitating. Now they saw that some people had already got the benefits, and they rushed to take out 500 yuan. They were afraid that the next quota was not their own.

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"Line up and come one by one. You all know the rules here. If anyone dares to break the rules, they will have a lot to eat!"

All of a sudden, those who were still making noise became quiet. They began to pay money one after another, and then waited for each other to finish and go in by themselves.

Xia Yun fell from heaven to hell on this day. When she saw men coming in, she began to shiver. She curled up in a ball, but her whole body had no strength. In front of these men, she was totally slaughtered fish.

On the other side, Mengmeng was also taken to the car. She saw that the direction of the car was more and more biased, and she was afraid. After all, she was only an 11 year old girl. How could she be precocious.

"Uncle, where are you taking me?"

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She asked in a trembling voice, but the driver didn't want to pay any attention to her. A little embarrassment flashed on her face. She observed the terrain outside and found that all the roads were rugged. If she jumped out, she would die. She didn't want to die. She didn't want to die.

"You can jump so that I don't have to find a place for you."

The man spoke, he was just a small figure in Mo Yu's hand, This time, after listening to Mo Yu's words, he decided to send the ungrateful girl to the countryside. All the girls tried their best to talk to him. However, he always remembered Mo Yu's explanation. He could never talk to each other. His face was cruel. He knew that the girl was not a common person. After all, he almost calculated the boss at the beginning Children use their own age to deceive a person, the heart is angry.

At this time, Mengmeng really knew that she was afraid. She was shaking all over her body. She was watching the car more and more. She was hungry. She looked at the man with panic on her face. However, the other side did not have any pity. She just threw a piece of bread occasionally, and she began to gnaw at it with a cold dough bag.

The car finally stopped in a county, and someone was there to meet him. The man got out of the car, picked up the dream and threw it directly to those people. "This is the child. You can take it away. Remember to let the other party eat more bitterness. The girl's life is too smooth, and will have those harmful feelings."

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The person who came to meet her took a look at Meng Meng and found that the girl was pretty pretty, and her mouth was bent. "Don't worry, we have more farm work there, and we will let her grow up quickly."

Meng Meng's eyes are full of panic. She knows who these people are and these are farmers. It can be seen from their clothes. Although she was a child of an orphanage before, it was also an orphanage in the city. She has never contacted the farmers. It is said that the poor mountains and evil waters bring about evil people. These farmers may have killed her.

"You let me go! Asshole

She was carried by people. In front of these people who do farm work all the year round, there is no room for struggle at all. All the attacks are seanks in the eyes of the other party. She dreamt of the car disappearing, and the panic in her heart spread endlessly. At last, she cried out heartbreaking. She wanted to go back and go back to the big city. She didn't want to do farm work in such a place. She wanted to live Life like a little princess!

But the men who caught her threw her directly into the car. No matter how she thought of it, the people in their hands had no possibility of escaping!

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Lu Liangcheng knew that his people had settled everything, and the things in his heart finally dissipated. However, when he saw the news that his microblog was still ranked first in the hot search list, he felt a burst of impatience. Qin Sangyu's mobile phone was on his hand. Qin Sangyu had not played with his mobile phone in this period of time, so he didn't know that he was now the poor object of all people 。

When Lu Liangcheng was still thinking about how to solve this matter, Ruan Hongzhuang came to the hospital angrily. After seeing him, she directly began to curse.

"Luliang City, are you worthy of Qin Sangyu?! You're doing that outside! What a scum! Qin Sangyu's marriage to you is totally blind to his own dog's eye! "

Ruan Hongzhuang was on Qin Sangyu's side. When she first saw this news on the Internet, she thought it was false news. However, after a few days, Lu Liangcheng didn't come out to refute anything. It seems that this person was really caught in bed. She was so angry that she decided to come to the hospital and tell Qin Sangyu about it. But who would have thought that she had just been there Come and see Luliang City.

Where can she bear her little temper? She began to curse on the spot!

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Lu Liangcheng immediately covered her mouth and looked at Qin Sangyu's ward with some worries. She found that there was no movement in the ward. She was relieved and dragged Ruan Hongzhuang to the end of the corridor. Many nurses saw this scene. They took some pictures and thought that Qin Sangyu was really more and more pitiful. Her husband actually opened it here It's a mess.

They feel that they are also women, and they can't let Qin Sangyu be bullied like this, so when they went in to change the dressing for Qin Sangyu, someone gently reminded each other."Miss Qin, the woman who came to see you before is very beautiful. I think you'd better pay attention to it a little bit. Sometimes men just like to eat outside, and that woman looks like a fox spirit. I'm really afraid that you will suffer losses."

Qin Sangyu frowned, thinking that among her friends, Ruan Hongzhuang was the only one who could be called a fox spirit. However, Ruan Hongzhuang was married and had a child. How could she have something with Lu Liangcheng? These nurses are really gossiping.

The nurse saw that her face was full of disbelief and took out the photos she had taken, Put it in front of her, "if you look at how close two people are in the corridor, ordinary friends will pay attention to keep a distance. I see, there is something between them. You can't blindly believe a man, Miss Qin. You have just had a baby and you don't have a roommate with your husband. When you are pregnant, Lu Shao is also hungry, and the other is hungry For such a long time, it's normal for a man to be hungry, and there have been pictures of Lu Shao and others on the Internet. Miss Qin, don't you know anything? "

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