Qin Sangyu felt that she was about to collapse. She covered her ears and wanted to let herself not care what the black shadow was saying. However, his voice was like a magic spell, which was pervasive and quickly occupied her whole heart.

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"Get out of here!"

"Get out of here!"

She crouched on the ground and yelled. People around her were pointing. She thought it was a patient from a mental hospital. Some people were going to call the police. But Qin Sangyu suddenly pushed aside the crowd and ran out in front of her, startling everyone.

Qin Sangyu wanted to catch up with Lu Liangcheng and Ruan Hongzhuang, but in the vast sea of people, she did not see them in the blink of an eye. Her unprecedented panic was like a terrible spider's web. She felt that she could not breathe, and her tears fell down.

"Isn't that Qin Sangyu? Do you think she's out of her wits? Is it because of the news that Lu Shao recently burst out? It's really a pity. "

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"It's Qin Sangyu. She looks very haggard. I heard that she had only two children. Ah, I used to envy her to marry into a rich family. Now I know that a powerful family is not a place for people to stay."

Qin Sangyu stupidly listened to the surrounding voices, and felt that it was really ridiculous. How did she make her life like this? Ridiculous, she laughed a few times, and saw that everyone was still watching her, her lips pursed, and she did not say anything. She turned around and calculated to go to the car.

But the onlookers did not intend to let her go at all. After a while, some reporters came to ask her questions, one by one.

"Mrs. Lu, what do you think of things on the Internet? Are you going to divorce Lu Shao?"

"Mrs. Lu, I don't know how you feel about being put on a green hat? And Lu Shao goes to the birthday party of his illegitimate daughter. Are you really not going to say something? "

Qin Sangyu didn't speak. She walked slowly towards her car. Her tears had been wiped away. Everyone saw the haggard on her face. They thought that her marriage with Lu Liangcheng had come to an end, so she came out to relax.

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Suddenly, someone crowded in from the crowd. It was Lu Liangcheng, who was also accompanied by several bodyguards. Seeing Qin Sangyu's dejected appearance, he only felt a pain in his heart. He quickly held her in his arms, and the cold breath suddenly rushed to all the people. The reporters who were still questioning were still in the same place and did not dare to move. Lu Liangcheng's eyes looked at him It's got to get upset.

"Let's go. I'll take you back. Didn't I say we'll only come out for half an hour?"

It was Lu Liangcheng's voice, but Qin Sangyu felt that the voice was so strange. Clearly, this person had just been with Ruan Hongzhuang, how could he think of taking care of her life and death? As expected, the men were all sentimental things. She pulled the corners of her mouth and pushed people away violently. Her disappointed eyes were like a sword, and shot at the landing Liangcheng.

"You'd better go to your little lover, Lu Liangcheng. I misread you. When I gave birth to a child, you colluded with others outside. I really misread you."

She murmured to herself that anyone would be angry if she was criticized by a woman in public. However, Lu Liangcheng would not. When he saw Qin Sangyu, he felt sad because he had just given birth to a child. He could not bear the blow. What's more, it was his fault. He was too credulous to be calculated by a little girl 。

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"Qin Sangyu, things are not what you think. I'll go back and talk to you slowly. You have just given birth to a child. You can't be angry. You should keep your body well first."

Qin Sangyu just stares at him quietly and suddenly finds that she no longer believes this man. She pulls her lip and wants to leave here. Seeing Lu Liangcheng following him, she yells, "don't follow me! Or I'll die for you now! "

With a trace of determination in her voice, Lu Liangcheng was frightened. He was not afraid of anything. He really stood there and did not move. He was acutely aware that Qin Sangyu's mood was very wrong, but he did not know what happened to the other party, He is sad and blames himself, but Qin Sangyu can't listen to any explanation now. Even if he wants to stabilize the other party's mood, there is no way.

"Qin Sangyu, please believe me, OK?"

He almost begged to say so. When reporters around saw that Lu Shao began to plead, they quickly put down their machines. What should and what should not be photographed. They have been in this business for so long, naturally they know better than others. Even if the film was taken, no one would dare to let it out.

Qin Sangyu didn't speak. She turned around and went to her car. She didn't take it to Liangcheng. When she got on the bus and closed the door, she caught a glimpse of the lonely look of the man and felt a dull pain in her heart. But now she has no choice but to drive the car away from here.

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"Boss, what are we going to do, do we follow?"

Mo Yu said faintly, thinking about whether to follow up now, but Lu Liangcheng just shook his head, "let her be quiet for a while, her mood is very unstable, if we follow up, it will only make her more angry, you can check, out of this period of time, to the bottom what happened, how her mood will become like this.""Yes."

Mo Yu left respectfully. He was really worried about the situation of these two people. It was clear that the children had been born. It should be a happy family reunion. However, at this time, Miss Qin would have such a thing. He immediately took all the monitoring just now. But in the middle of this, Miss Qin didn't contact anyone. It seems that suddenly, love happened And then the mood starts to wobble.

Lu Liangcheng watched the surveillance without saying anything. He remembered that Qin Sangyu had said about the black cat and wondered if he saw something in Qin Sangyu's world, so he was so excited. However, Qin Sangyu has left now and doesn't know where she has gone, so no one can answer this question for him.

But not far away, several men and women looked at the scene just staged, the corner of their eyes and eyebrows are proud, "this time their husband and wife relationship should come to an end, I think that Qin Sangyu will soon become a neuropathy, our goal can also be achieved, it is really tired, women after giving birth to children, really vulnerable can not."

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