Now it's October, a new round of fresh graduates will soon enter the company's internship, Lu Liangcheng gave the matter to Mo Yu, and asked Mo Yu to help the interviewer to check.

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However, this interview seems to have come to a very excellent graduate. I heard that she graduated from a famous foreign university. At a young age, she is the youngest master's degree from Harvard University. She is also very beautiful. The first day the girl came to interview, she became a conversation for everyone.

Harvard graduates are not uncommon in the company, but this is the first one who looks so beautiful. Everyone is guessing whether this girl is the daughter of G City family. However, the daughters of G City family do not seem to grow like this. After thinking about it, they really can't guess.

Mo Yu looked at the resume and knew that this woman was the best among the fresh graduates of this year. Her mouth was crooked. Her company really needed such talents, so she almost immediately asked people to inform each other. After the interview, she came to the company for internship.

Xia Meng has always been very confident in her ability. She is the most favorite girl in her family since she was a child. Naturally, she has been given high expectations. She has lived up to everyone's expectations. She has been excellent since she was a child. She has been looked up to by everyone. So when selecting her fiance, the director is very embarrassed. She always feels that other men are not worthy of him Before Xia Meng's fiance, Lu Liangcheng, Xia Meng's fiance, could barely match her, but the other party was already married, and he really didn't want his daughter to suffer such grievances.

However, Xia Meng just wanted to marry Lu Liangcheng, which broke the hearts of many men. Now, people in five places know that Xia Meng wants to contact Lu Liangcheng. They are also paying close attention to Xia Meng's progress. They know that Xia Meng has entered Tiancheng, Men are dying. Since Xia Meng has already gone in, I think Lu Liangcheng will soon like her. After all, Xia Meng is an excellent girl, and no man can resist her charm.

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Xia Meng was not surprised when she received the internship notice. She interviewed the Secretary of the president this time. She was qualified to be the Secretary of the president for such a position. Tiancheng people are not fools and will certainly agree. So the next day, she saw Lu Liangcheng.

Sure enough, it was the same as in my memory. When I saw Lu Liangcheng for the first time, she thought that this man was the prince charming in reality. However, people in five places could not marry outsiders. Even if she was moved, she could only hide it. Now she finally knows that this is her fiance. She will try her best to keep people around.

"Mr. Lu, I will be your assistant."

She arranged the documents for Lu Liangcheng cleverly. It seems that she has no other thoughts. Mo Yu has been observing this girl silently. He remembers Miss Qin's instructions and must pay attention to every girl who appears around the president.

When Xia Meng came out with the document, he saw Mo Yu's eyes on him, chuckled and went to his side. "Assistant Mo, you don't seem to like me, do you think I look bad?"

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she was bold enough to lean on the rain, and the rain was red on the woman's face. She felt a strange smell coming into her nasal cavity, like the smell of perfume, but it didn't feel like it. She could only shake her head.

"Please show some respect."

Xia Meng's face is full of smile, away from him one step, "I was just joking with you, scared you, Mo assistant should not have a girlfriend, if you don't mind, look at me how?"

Xia Meng is a very scheming woman. She knows that if she expresses her meaning to Lu Liangcheng directly, she will be expelled from her. But if everyone knows that she is looking at Mo Yu at first, they will only let her down.

Mo Yu's face is more red, thinking about the girl now is really bold, he wants to escape here, but the breath of summer dream is getting closer and closer, the last sinking kiss suddenly imprinted on his lips, Mo Yu's heart, which hasn't been beating for more than 20 years, suddenly beats violently. He stares at the woman standing beside him, and the whole person becomes extremely flustered 。

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"It seems that assistant Mo has never had a girlfriend. I'll chase you later. If you like me, please tell me and let's go straight to get the certificate."

Mo Yu stepped back and did not dare to look into her eyes, His heart beat is too intense now, just like a drum. It's very fast. For the first time, he realized this feeling. In the past so many years, he has never kiss any girl. This is the first time. He feels that he is about to lose his breath and almost runs away from here.

Xia Meng's face smile, see the top office people are looking at themselves, suddenly become incomparably shy, "Mo assistant should not have a girlfriend, I still like it, you can remember later, he is my man."

Previously, people in the top office were discussing Xia Meng, the new assistant to the president. They thought that this woman, like other women, had a bag of thoughts about the president, but who could have imagined that the other party was attracted to Mo Yu.

In their memory, Mo Yu did not seem to have contact with women, let alone kissing. The kiss just happened must be the first kiss of Mo Yu. Many girls who fell in love with Mo Yu began to break their hearts, thinking that if only they had the courage as Xia Meng, they saw the performance of Mo Yu and thought that Mo Yu should like summer dream sooner or later.Xia Meng's face is full of smile, full of vigor and courage, just like the college students who have just left school. She is full of vigor and courage. So in the top office, suddenly many people begin to like her, even girls can keep chatting with her.

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"It's brave of you to kiss assistant Mo just now. We always think that assistant Mo is very fierce and dare not get close to him."

"That's right. We were really shocked, but assistant Mo's reaction was so lovely. Ah, I knew I was like this. After all, assistant Mo is also excellent and looks good."

Girls in the lunch break, around the summer dream to discuss, summer dream looked incomparably simple, this is also the reason why we all like her.

"I'm just chasing what I like. I have to be brave once in my life. When she interviewed me, I fell in love with him. Do you understand? Anyway, I'm not going to marry him. I'll stand by him until he likes me."

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