Those women who came to the company in the past, after seeing the boss, they would ignore his existence. This is the first girl who actively pursues him.

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"Xia Meng, I really don't know what you like about me. You also know that I've always been with my boss. The boss is excellent, so I'm always ignored."

He said faintly, this is not because he is jealous of his boss, but because he has always been his boss is very good, and sometimes even willing to be the green leaf around each other. Before, many companies wanted to dig him in, probably because he saw his ability, but he never planned to leave Lu Liangcheng, because he knew that if there was no Lu Liangcheng, there would be no such thing Who I am now.

"Mo Yu, don't belittle yourself so much. I think you are the best man I've ever met. When you interviewed me, I knew I had a crush on you, To tell you the truth, if I didn't like you, I wouldn't come to this company. You know my resume. Several big foreign companies are calling me in the past, but I want to be with you and stay forever. So I choose to stay. I won't mind if you choose me. At least I have tried my best. "

Xia Meng's face is sincere, plus the pleasing face, no man will be unmoved, Mo Yu is also an ordinary man, ordinary to have not had any love with men, this met with a master of emotion, naturally only suffer.

He suddenly didn't know what to say. He just felt a little sweet in his heart. Maybe he didn't fall in love, so he couldn't tell whether a woman's words were true or false. At the moment he saw the appearance of Xia Meng, he just wanted to hold the other party into his arms. He thought so and did it, and happily raised the corners of his mouth.

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"Thank you."

Xia Meng pours in his arms, the corners of his mouth are bent, and he doesn't say anything. Men like to listen to sweet words. When she heard that Mo Yu had never been in love, she knew that she would succeed. Because Mo Yu's age is not young, such a man doesn't want to fall in love. He is lonely, Lonely, if he is willing to close to him at this time, he will certainly become determined.

Mo Yu always thinks that he is the green leaf beside Luliang City. The light of Luliang City is so strong that it completely covers up his existence. However, because of his good relationship with Luliang City, he doesn't care about all this, and he never thinks about his life. But finally, a girl ignores the powerful light Lu Liangcheng, but choose to put into his arms, he thought, this is a very special girl, at least her eyes are not only power and money.

Xia Meng hugged him for a while, and took the initiative to stand on tiptoe to kiss him. Her kiss was very sweet, and ink rain felt that he was about to melt. Originally, this was the feeling of falling in love. He allowed Xia Meng to kiss himself, and slowly sat down on the chair. Xia Meng was so bold and unrestrained that he coiled his waist, and the two people kissed for more than ten minutes. Both sides had some suffocation.

When the ink rain stopped, he was panting. So was Xia Meng. His face was shy. He felt the man's heart beat violently. He knew that he was trapped. It was not difficult to take away a man's heart. As long as he was close to him when he needed company, he would love you 。

Mo Yu thought that summer dream was his consolation and his dawn, but when the truth was brutally exposed, he realized that a girl's mind could be so deep that he felt chilly when he thought about it later.

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"Mo Yu, are we a boyfriend or a girlfriend now? In the future, you should be polite to me in the company. I have a bad temper. If you dare to get angry in front of everyone, I will punish you in private."

Xia Meng's expression is very cute, at least in Moyu's eyes, he was suddenly very glad that he had left this person in the company, he left a kiss on her forehead, "you can rest assured, I have never been in the habit of yelling at girls."

Mo Yu is really such a person, probably because he has never been in contact with girls. He has always been working with Lu Liangcheng. It is estimated that only Qin Sangyu is in contact with a girl. However, for Qin Sangyu, he has no heart for men and women, only full of respect.

The development of the two is very fast. The people in the top office can clearly find the pink bubble between them. They all come to Xia Meng and want to make sure about it. Xia Meng nods and looks bashful. Everyone gets excited. The serious assistant Mo actually falls in love.

"Xia Meng, you are so good. You took assistant Mo down so quickly. My God, Xia Meng, when assistant Mo gets angry, you must come out and plead for us."

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"Summer dream, you are our Savior

Many of the president's orders are executed by assistant mo. most of the time, they can't see the president, and they can only go to assistant Mo when they encounter problems. However, assistant Mo is really too cold. Sometimes they are so stupid that they can't understand the problem, and they will be severely scolded. Everyone thinks that assistant Mo is terrible. It is one thing to be able to get along with the president for such a long time It's a terrible thing.But now, assistant Mo actually has a girlfriend. They are very curious about how assistant Mo gets along with Xia Meng. When the man falls in love, does he also have a face?

"In fact, it's OK. Mo Yu is still very gentle and careful. You just don't know him. If you know him, I won't be in it."

Xia Meng's words made everyone begin to laugh. It's so happy to talk to this person. I don't have any mental devices. I just want to say what I think.

Mo Yu stood as like as two peas at the time of Lu Liangcheng. Lu Liangcheng felt that he was emitting bubbles of pink, which was exactly the same as his original self.

"Have you become?"

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He saw Mo Yu's face of desire to speak and stop, light asked, Mo Yu nodded, all became stiff, "boss, i... I will not go to the villa tomorrow, I want to go to the cinema with her."

The thousand year old iron tree is really blooming. Lu Liangcheng feels funny and pitiful. It seems that this man has not gone out to see a movie, and sighs.

"Go ahead. Remember to treat other girls well. When they chase you, they make a lot of noise. Everyone is talking about you. I guess it took a lot of courage for girls to like this."

Ink rain's hand some shake, perhaps his spring is really coming, very firm nod, "boss, you can rest assured."

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