What Mo Yu doesn't know is that he is thinking about how to turn white with this woman, but others are thinking about how to leave him, which is probably the saddest place for him.

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Xia Meng went to play the carousel, but when she stood on it, she was still thinking about Lu Liangcheng. She didn't want to continue to play such games with Mo Yu. If this man is really a paranoid, what should he do? The corners of his mouth pursed, and it seemed that he immediately thought of a way. Otherwise, it would be his own misfortune.

When she was playing the carousel, Mo Yu was waiting outside. She was very quiet. She didn't speak. She just kept smiling, which made Xia Meng frown. In fact, she didn't like to be with this kind of honest man. Mo Yu was the kind of honest man that we all said. People who thought he could follow Lu Liangcheng were somewhat ingenious, I didn't expect this man to cheat.

"Inky rain, hi

She waved her hand and didn't want to be too much at the moment. First, she fooled the man in the past. Then, she pulled the ink rain to play with the ferris wheel, and then went to play with the bumper car. Two adults crowded around a group of children, without any guilt.

This is the happiest time in such a long time.

After playing a lot of projects, Xia dreamt of his eyes on the jumping machine, took the hand of the ink rain and walked in the past, "let's try this one?"

But such a project is too exciting for Mo Yu. He is no longer a young man now. If he plays this project, he will lose half of his life. But Xia Mengliang's eyes keep looking at him. He has no way to refuse and can only nod his head.

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When he sat on it, he felt his legs stiff. In fact, he was afraid of these projects, but his discomfort was a joke in Xia Meng's eyes. A man was afraid of these things, and his eyes were disdainful, and he grabbed his hands.

"Don't worry. I'm here. If something happens, we'll both be together."

Mo Yu smiles at her, and when the machine slowly lifts off, he grabs the other party's hand tightly. This is probably the first time that he regards a girl as his own dependence.

Summer dream has been laughing, laughing at her embarrassment, but Mo Yu thought this person was happy, as long as she was happy, it was worth it, he thought lightly in his heart.

For a few minutes, it seemed like a century away. When the machine stopped, he felt some nausea in his stomach. Instead of being afraid of heights, he simply didn't like such projects.

"Today I am very happy, Moyu, how about you?"

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See each other so embarrassed, summer dream said with a smile, is to build their own happiness on the pain of others, she thinks this man likes himself, probably should do such things.

"Me too."

Mo Yu stood in place to rest for a while, then pulled her to the car, "I'll take you back."

Xia Meng's face is a little stiff. Does this man want to follow him home and then want to have a little other things happen? She wants to get out of the car, but she feels the hand of Mo Yu grabs him.

Mo Yu looked at her suspiciously, "what's the matter? Haven't you played enough? "

Summer dream wants to wave his hand very much, this man wants to take advantage of oneself, still be far from, even if she is blind, also won't be together with such a man.

"I want to go back by myself, Moyu. Don't ask me why. I don't want you to know where I live."

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Mo Yu's eyebrows wrung for a while, now it's a little late. It's not safe for the girl to go back alone, but he sees the insistence on Xia Meng's face, so he can only nod lightly, "then call me when you get to the place."

It suddenly occurred to him, I don't even know the phone number of my girlfriend. It's too incompetent. However, Xia Meng didn't want to take the initiative to call this man. But there's no way. She can only take the other party's mobile phone and store her phone number on it. "Nah, this is my phone number. If you have time, please call me, anytime. ”

her tone is very lovely, just catching the points that men like. These skills of hooking up with men are also taught by special teachers. Because in such a large family, it is very important to find a good man to spend the rest of their life, so almost all her sisters have learned such skills.


Mo Yu said with a smile and said goodbye here.

After Xia Meng got on the taxi, Mo Yu took out a cigarette and smoked it. He didn't know what he was thinking. Anyway, it was very bad. After today's events, Xia Meng didn't seem to like him so much. It must be because of his bad movie selection and poor food selection. He sighed and drove the car Where I live.

Mo Yu also has villas in G City, and there are more than one. He went to the nearest one. After opening the door, he threw himself on the sofa, took out a bottle of coke and drank a few drinks. At this time, Qin Sangyu called again.Qin Sangyu chose to make this call with great determination, because she had just heard about Mo Yu's girlfriend. She thought it was too coincidental. Why did a girl appear at Mo Yu's side at this stage? Did the girl really like Moyu, or did she want to use it to achieve her own purposes.

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"Mo Yu, can you tell me something about your girlfriend? I want to know what kind of person she is. "

As the president's wife, it seems that Mo Yu shouldn't be asked like this, but Qin Sangyu doesn't want to let go of any doubt. If this woman has other purposes, she should stop loss in time to prevent Mo Yu from falling in.

"I am a fresh graduate, very capable and lovely. Miss Qin, how can you be interested in such a thing?"

Mo Yu summed up a little bit of the characteristics of summer dream. He was somewhat conflicted with Qin Sangyu to discuss the summer dream with Qin Sangyu, because Xia Meng was a man without a heart. He didn't know how Miss Qin thought about each other in her heart.

"Mo Yu, I want to tell you the truth. Don't be unhappy. I just think that the time when this woman appears is too coincidental. When I ask you to observe the women around Luliang City, she appears. She is not courteous to Luliang City, but to you. If she has other purposes, it is not a good thing for you."

Mo Yu's hand slowly pinched. He didn't think about it before, but Xia Meng was very enthusiastic about him. This kind of enthusiasm can't be put on. People in the top office also like her very much. Can such a person really be a woman with a plan?

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