The first time they find these people, according to the killers' rules, they have to go to a specific person to pay a deposit and sign a treaty between them so that they can carry out the task.

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And this time, the other party is the initiative to raise this condition, do not know why, always feel these people are uneasy and kind-hearted.

"What else? I guess it's money. This time, it's not because Qin Sangyu is lucky and won't escape so easily. These people also have some skills. Since they want to continue this task, they can continue. Anyway, I'm willing to pay for Qin Sangyu. Besides, they have the ability to escape from Lu Liangcheng Come on, it's not ordinary people. "

After hearing that several people were arrested, she was worried. But soon, she contacted them and said that they had escaped safely. She found that Lu Liangcheng's means were not good. As long as they were given another chance, Qin Sangyu could be killed. Why not.

The man standing beside her is worried. Lu Liangcheng is very capable. Can those people really escape from Lu Liangcheng? What should we do if this is a trap? Now Xia Meng has not thought about these problems. If he puts it forward rashly, the other party will surely feel that he is deliberately making trouble. He can only sigh and let the foreign people go according to the agreed place Connect with these people.

The previous killers were afraid that the other party would not agree, but they did not expect that people would agree to see it so soon. They rushed to the trading place before. Although killer is a very dangerous profession, there are some things hidden in this danger, but ordinary people don't know what is hidden in it.

In killers, once they have agreed to the buyer's task, they must try their best to complete it. Every time they fail, they will draw a sign of shame on their record. This is fatal to killers. If the number of failures is too many, the level will continue to decline, and no one will come back to do business with them in the end.

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And the most important point is that you can't make any personal attacks on the people who come to trade, or you can get rid of the killers directly. These people promised Lu Liangcheng to investigate this matter. In fact, they blocked all the innocent as killers. It seems that the man who came to trade was a man. They immediately arrested the man and quickly took him back to his place of residence.

The man obviously didn't expect that they would attack him, kept threatening, and finally was gagged.

As long as this man is handed over to Lu Liangcheng, their task is also completed. Anyway, Luliang City has means to let this person tell the truth.

"You are responsible for sending him back to G city. Remember to hand it over to Lu Liangcheng in person. No matter who else is, don't believe it. This is our remedy for him. When we were in G City, we were generous to Qin Sangyu, and they didn't investigate our responsibility."

Several people nodded, directly knocked the man unconscious, and then for him to do a fake ID card, forcibly took on the plane.

Lu Liangcheng was still coaxing the child. He heard that he had caught a man who had come to trade. He immediately put the child down and went to the airport to pick up the plane. Then he put the man in his car.

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"You go, we won't come to G city. We hurt sellers. This has broken the principle. If we come to G City, we will be chased by everyone."

Lu Liangcheng nodded and shook hands with each other. His eyes were sincere. "If you can't get along one day, you can come to me. You can remember the last place. When you go there, someone will arrange for you."

The man nodded, almost nonstop on the plane here, while Lu Liangcheng took the man back to the place where he was interrogated.

The man probably didn't expect that after sleeping for a while, he came to another country and saw Lu Liangcheng. His face turned white. Isn't this Miss Xia Meng's fiance? Why did he come here?

Lu Liangcheng didn't want to talk nonsense with him, and let people be executed directly to see how much he could know. He waited in the room outside for about half an hour After that, someone came to his side excitedly.

"Boss, everything's done. Go with me."

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Lu Liangcheng nodded and walked in.

The man, who had been beaten out of shape, shivered when he came in.

"Are you from five places?"

Lu Liangcheng asked faintly. The man nodded, and his whole body was aching. These people were really cruel. He could not hold on. If he had not been in five places, he would have been insane.

"Why assassinate Qin Sangyu?"

Lu Liangcheng asked again, his eyes flashing a ray of black light.

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"Because of you, you are Miss Xia Meng's fiance. Maybe you don't know about it. In fact, we just heard about it not long ago. Your mother is the saint of the five departments. There are many women in this position. But your mother was the most prestigious one at the beginning. After she was pregnant with the child of a man outside, she soon died It is stipulated that the director's child must marry the daughter of the saint. You and Miss Xia Meng have an engagement. Now Miss Xia Meng has reached the age of marriage. The director originally wanted to choose a suitable husband for her. However, an old man suddenly thought of the marriage and just mentioned it casually. Unexpectedly, Miss Xia Meng took it seriously and came all the way to see you and said that she did not care If you have a wife or not, you will be with you. You are the son of the saint, and naturally you are from the five places. If you come to the end with Qin Sangyu, you will be punished. "The man said everything very clearly, and involved Xia Meng. It seems that Xia Meng is really from five places. Lu Liangcheng admired Qin Sangyu very much at this time, because Qin Sangyu doubted Xia Meng firmly from the beginning and trusted her intuition. Now it seems that her intuition is really right.

"So the summer dream in G city is from five places? This time the assassination will be arranged by her? "

The man nodded because he had just been abused. He was just a man's favorite of Xia Meng. He didn't go through too strict training at all. He just learned some self-defense things. However, these things are just like passing the family in front of professional people.

Lu Liangcheng's mouth was hooked for a moment, so that people will look at the person, and then go back to their own place.

Qin Sangyu is still waiting for him at home. After knowing that he has come back, he is pestering him to ask about the progress of this time.

"It's summer dream indeed. That man has been looked at now. Wife, what do you think we should do?"

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