But Luliang City gave her a condition, and it is absolutely impossible to make ink rain too sad. After all, Mo Yu is his brother for so long. If there is something really wrong with ink rain, there is absolutely no possibility between the two.

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This requirement is completely difficult to live in summer dream. It is easy to leave ink rain. But it is a real night to let ink rain not feel sad. This man has been trapped in. Although there was the role of powder, she has not used powder for ink rain now. This man really likes her. If he leaves, he will be sad to collapse 。

Summer dream sat in bed thinking about ways, I really want to know what to do, if time can flow back, she would not have been to provoke any ink rain.

In the morning, she found that Mo Yu really prepared breakfast and prepared her a cup of hot milk. "I think you slept well last night. I think there is a big black eye ring on your eyelid."

Mo Yu said worried that she sat down beside her, but summer dream refused his approach very much at this time. In her heart, she was Lu Liangcheng sooner or later, and could not have any contact with other men.

Mo Yu saw her so exclusive, eyes flash a bit disappointed, but still pull lip, "eat."

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Summer dream frown, thinking as long as let this man to himself disappointed not to do, let him feel that he was blind at the beginning, the corner of the mouth bent.

"Mo Yu, in fact, I cheated you that night. I was not the first time. My private life was very chaotic before. I had several male favorites. I told you that my family relied on me and found me several male partners."

She said, seeing a bit of shock on the face of Mo Yu, she knew that the man must not accept this, slightly clenched her lips. "The women who grew up abroad are actually very open. I want to be a clean girl, and I will not kiss you when I meet at the beginning."

Mo Yu didn't know what this person suddenly said was doing. There was a pale face, but he managed his emotions quickly. "I like only your people, not your body, so it doesn't matter. What you want is your choice."

Summer dream frowns, this man really does not have a little dignity and bottom line ah, "then I tell you, I am with you, just to get close to others, I like the president, with you, can speak to the president, this is the purpose of my stay with you, you always feel that I am cold and hot, in fact, because I don't like you."

Summer dream really wants to be with Lu Liangcheng, so choose the stupidest way to let this man see himself.

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The face of Mo Yu was pale, and I would like to know what happened to this person. Why would it change so much after a sleep.

"Summer dream, are you stimulated by anything, don't say these words for a while. After you have stabilized your mood, let's discuss it again."

Summer dream sipped her lips and wanted to open up again. But Mo Yu took a piece of bread and left the place directly, saying she was going to work. But Xia Meng knew that this person was escaping. She ate the dishes slowly and wanted to call Luliang City. However, she thought of Luliang City's advice last night, but she still held up and planned to find another time to be honest with Mo Yu Bai, anyway, she will not continue to go on with each other, now she hate to be with Lu Liangcheng all the time.

After Mohui left the room, the whole people were ignorant. Before that, he always knew that he was the green leaf beside the boss. No girl noticed him, because the women they met almost liked the boss. He was not surprised that people went up and the water flowed down.

But this time, summer dream is not a small harm to him. I thought someone could ignore the sun and noticed her little firefly. But summer dream told him that he liked the boss, not his staff.

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Today should have been a working day, but Mo Yu didn't want to go to the company. He couldn't afford to resent his boss. Even he thought, it was strange if he really saw it. Why did he like summer dream somehow? There are so many excellent people in Tiancheng, but he has a partial view of summer dream.

Luliang City called at this time, but Mo Yu didn't want to answer it at all. He was also a human being and had his own emotions. This is probably the first time he hung up Lu Liangcheng's phone call. He sighed, sat down on the ground and looked at people coming and going blankly. It's strange. Why should he be so compassionate now, like summer dream is true, but the emotion is not a thing like this Can make a strong demand.

Once something is clear, he finds the wrong strength between getting along with summer dream. For example, she doesn't let herself touch her. She always stays dazzled. When she thinks of the summer dream at that time, she thinks of another man, and Mohui feels heartache and the pain is dying.

"He didn't answer the phone?"

Qin Sangyu saw Lu Liangcheng with a sad face and sighed and sat down beside him. "It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself too much."

Lu Liangcheng guessed that summer dream should have said something to Mo Yu. Although he always believed in Mo Yu, he knew that he would not be easily defeated by a little thing, but this is the first time he likes a girl."Why don't I go to Moyu tonight and have a good talk?"

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He tangled and said, but felt that ink rain should not want to see him now.

"What are you going to do? Let Mo Yu slow down. If he thinks it out, he will come to you naturally. Mo Yu is not a person who can't tell right from wrong, and won't blame you for this. It's good for Xia Meng to make a direct decision. It's better to have a long pain than a short one."

Qin Sangyu was holding a glass of milk. Seeing that the man was still blaming himself, he bent his mouth and leaned over to leave a kiss on his face. "Mo Yu has been with you for so many years. You have to believe him. Let him think about it. You are still responsible for dragging down the summer dream. When Mo Yu thinks it through, that is when we turn over with Xia Meng."

Qin Sangyu's words have just finished, heard Luliang City's mobile phone ring, is the summer dream called, the original summer dream wants to see him.

Qin Sangyu's eyes are a little ambiguous, but this is her husband. How could she let the other party meet a woman with a bad heart? She asked Lu Liangcheng to find a reason to prevaricate, and then began to discuss countermeasures.

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