Several people quickly arrived at the place where summer dream was closed. The head of summer dream was covered with black and black cloth. So she didn't know who had caught her. She never spoke. After all, she was the one who came out of five places. She could not be frightened by such a little trick.

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"This girl is very beautiful. I heard it's from five places. We can use her to change a lot of money."

"I think I'll give her first, and let's have a good time ourselves."

There was a man talking, and the content was very low.

Summer dream's face is white. Although she has many male partners since childhood, it doesn't mean that a man can go to bed with her casually. She is very selective in men, at least more than 90% of the people, so she will have a mood. These men, ghosts know what they look like.

"Who are you? Since you know I am from five places, you don't put me away quickly, or you will be finished when my people find out here."

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Her tone was a bit insidious, but the lovely summer dream was far away. Everything here was monitored. Qin Sangyu and Luliang City looked at everything in another house.

Several men around summer dream are all makeup makeup. The makeup artist Lu Liangcheng can find is naturally the top in the country. So those men are now looking at it very obscene and have many scars on their faces. If girls see them, they will be scared to cry.

Several men received the instruction of Luliang City, pulled the black cloth off the head of summer dream, summer dream was hurt by the sudden sunlight pricked eyes, and closed it hard. Then he opened his eyes slowly. Only when he saw the appearance of several men, he almost didn't spit out directly. These men are really ugly, and she has seen the ugliest man in her life.

"You are the daughter of the five directors. What we are looking for is you. You offended people outside. Your brother asked us to kill you. I thought you didn't look good on that photo. I didn't expect that the real person was more beautiful than the photo."

Summer dream heard the man's question, and made up a big play in her mind. She and the so-called brothers and sisters were not born by the same mother In order to compete for the love of her father, she has been one of the best. So several others always despise her. From childhood to age, she has experienced numerous shooting and killing. If she is not a big man, she can't live until now.

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Hearing the man's words, she began to think in her mind which brother was going to kill her. Her father was a kind of sentimentality, and there were women everywhere. So there were so many brothers and sisters. She couldn't remember at any time who sent her.

"What do you want?"

She only wants to save her life now. As long as she is alive, everything is fine to say. When she returns to five places, she will thoroughly investigate the matter. She will let the people who plan all these things after farewell pay the price.

"You care what we think. Anyway, we have seen you. We decided to leave you here and wait for our brother. You'd better call someone you trust and ask him to take the money to redeem people quickly, or we will tear up the ticket."

Several men are cruel on their faces. Because there are many scars on their faces, they are also scary. No one will be so calm in front of life and death. So summer dream is scared white at this time. When she sees the mobile phone delivered to her, she doesn't know who she should call. This time, my father believes in her, and believes that she can turn Luliang City to her hand But it was only long before she called home hoping they would redeem. All the expectations her father had had for her would eventually turn out to be indifferent.

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Xia Meng knows the big families too well, and there is no kinship between them. Even in the past many years, her father has been very good to her, but she knows that the other side just thinks she can bring more benefits. In the heart of that man, where there is any kinship, it has been diluted by the interests.

She had a tight lip and thought about whether to call Luliang City. But Lu Liangcheng is the president of Tiancheng. She doesn't like trouble most. Now it is just a little bit like her. Will she really pay her ransom for her, where the bird doesn't shit?

Xia Meng had a little despair on her face. The people under her hand are in the old nest of five places. The place is completely monitored by her father. The father is the emperor of that place. As long as she calls back, the father will know that everything will be exposed.

I think about it. Summer dream still picked up the phone and called Mo Yu. When the two were young lovers, she remembered the phone number of Mo Yu. Now I am very glad that she has a good memory.

Mo Yu was in the next room, heard his mobile phone ring, and saw summer dream full of pride know that this person is determined to see his feelings for her, face a dark, this person has never liked himself, he is his use, stepping stone, can be used at any time, or can be discarded at any time.

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The phone has been ringing for a long time. Qin Sangyu also knows that summer dream calls Mo Yu, sighs, "I think she is sure you will help her. Mo Yu, this woman used you at first, and there is no emotion at all. You should not be cheated by her, and make a good vibration. She left her and other good women are waiting for you."Mo Yu did not answer the phone, directly turned off the phone, and then looked at the screen in front of him, want to know what kind of expression summer dream is.

Xia Meng heard the mechanical voice coming from the mobile phone. His face was black. This man didn't like himself. Why didn't he answer her phone? At last, she turned off the phone. She prepared a lot of good words. She died in this way. Xia Meng really hated her. The man said that he loved her and wanted to marry her, but when she needed help most, he completely abandoned it She, damn it.

"Girl, who are you calling? We see your face is not good-looking, whether the other party did not answer the phone, it seems that your popularity is no more than that. We will give you another 10 minutes. If no one can redeem you, we will sell you. You know, women are needed in many places now."

Xia Meng's face flashed a trace of cold, these men really look ugly, mouth pursed up, if she had something with these men, she would certainly dislike her own.

She picked up her mobile phone again and called Lu Liangcheng.

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