Summer dream is so thinking, see a few people came here, is her brothers and sisters in five places, we see her so embarrassed, face smile bloom.

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"Summer dream, summer dream, now my father is very angry. I see how you can explain to your father this time."

"Don't you always think that you are the best among us? How can you be frightened by others' prank this time? Xia Meng, you are just like this."

Everyone you say, I a taunt, Xia Meng's face is very black, but at this time, no one has any way, after all, this time is really her disgrace, even if you want to save her reputation, it is not by mutual hostility with these people.

She took out her mobile phone and called Lu Liangcheng again, but it was still Qin Sangyu who answered. In order to get angry with the woman, Qin sang Yu said in a very blunt tone, "what are you calling again? I tell you, Lu Liangcheng likes me alone. Even if something happens between you, it can only show that you are free chicken and you need to go outside to find it If you ask for money, you will save my husband a lot of money. "

What Qin Sangyu said was really vicious. Xia Meng's face turned white and her heart went up and down. She thought that this woman should be proud now. When she has passed this difficult period, she will see how to deal with each other.

After Qin Sangyu hung up the phone, he found that Lu Liangcheng's eyes were full of banter and turned his lips. "I was just angry with her. If you really have a woman outside, I won't interrupt your dog leg!"

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Lu Liangcheng shook his head and hugged her. "How dare I? I have children now, and my wife is so lovely. He is the happiest man in the world. He won't do these things to kill himself."

Qin Sangyu breathed a sigh of relief, and finally began to think about Xia Meng. Mo Yu seemed to like Xia Meng very much. Although Xia Meng was from five places, he knew that Xia Meng was only coming to him to take advantage of him. It was really irritating. No matter what he said, it was useless.

Now Xia Meng certainly doesn't know that they already know her identity. If she continues to work in Tiancheng, what can I do.

"You take Xia mengkai apart. I don't want her to stay in Tiancheng. That woman is always eyeing you. Who knows what she wants to do. If you don't pay attention, you are really succeeded by her. What can I do? The things in the five places are insidious and mysterious. I'm afraid you will be attacked."

Lu Liangcheng listened to this person very much and immediately called the human resources department of the company, Although people in the human resources department don't know why the president suddenly wants to dismiss the other party, it is a pity to think that Xia Mengren is beautiful and highly educated. However, it is the order of the president. As employees, they have to listen.

Xia Meng, after adjusting all night and planning to go to work in Tiancheng, received the news that he was laid off. It was said that the president personally called the human resources department.

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Xia Meng looks at a pile of things in front of her in a trance. She feels that everyone's eyes have looked at it, and her face suddenly turns green and red. Everyone should be guessing what he has done, and actually let the president kill her by himself.

Xia Meng began to think about whether she didn't go to the appointment last night. Lu Liangcheng thought that she had colluded with Mo Yu and thought that she was stepping on two boats, so she made such a thing.

Xia Meng is really wronged. He was just kidnapped. Didn't the man come to ask her, and cut off the person like this. He really didn't give her face.

She put down what she had in her hand and went to Lu Liangcheng's office, but Qin Sangyu was in it. What she had intended to say was stifled in her mouth.

"President, why did you quit me? I'm very serious in my work, and there's nothing wrong with my work. It seems unreasonable for you to be like this. "

But before Lu Liangcheng spoke, Qin Sangyu said, "I want to quit you. As for what you have done, don't you have a little count in mind? I've given you a lot of face, and I haven't told you your business in front of everyone else. Now, the real economy is not good. There are layoffs everywhere. This is the time to lay off You don't seem to need a good reason to lose you. "

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Xia Meng heard Qin Sangyu's words, a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes, and the woman was really itching to hate.

"Qin Sangyu, don't press me with your wife of the president. Did you see the chat record between me and the president? I'm afraid that I will threaten you, so I decided to dismiss me. I tell you, the president said that she likes me! You yellow faced woman should have been out of the Lu family for a long time

Qin Sangyu's face was full of smiles. This woman couldn't hold her breath at all. She went to the door of the office and opened the door at once. Sure enough, she saw a lot of people outside. Everyone wanted to listen to gossip, but she didn't expect to be found by the president's wife. They all wanted to go back to their seats, but Qin Sangyu hooked her lips and said, "here you are Keep listening. I want you to see what a shameless woman looks like

Xia Meng's face turned red. What did Qin Sangyu want to do? She didn't take the initiative to hook up with the president. From the first day she came to Tiancheng, Lu Liangcheng said that she liked her, but because of her being with Mo Yu, Lu Liangcheng never revealed his feelings."The president and I like each other, Qin Sangyu. I know that it's hard for you to accept such a thing, but I'm fired because of this matter. You're really narrow-minded. You take advantage of your power at hand and sit on things that everyone despises."

Qin Sangyu is really shocked by this woman's three outlooks. Why can this woman be so righteous after she has colluded with someone else's husband? It's really shameless.

"You say you and Lu Liangcheng like each other? Xia Meng, I think you are dreaming. Lu Liangcheng likes me from the beginning to the end. You collude with someone's husband, and now you are so righteous. Do you want to be shameless? "

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The people at the door began to whisper.

"It's really strange that Xia Meng was not chasing Mo assistant before. Why is it related to the president now?"

"This woman should not be able to walk on two boats. It's disgusting. She's picking on the assistant and trying to get on well with the president at the same time. She's really pitiful."

"It's shameless to be a junior with such a strong sense of justice!"

Everyone began to scold, Xia Meng heard those curses, and he was a little anxious. He immediately took out his mobile phone and turned to the records of his chat with Lu Liangcheng.

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