"Sister Mengmeng, congratulations. For three days, I don't know if you have that life."

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"We'll be waiting for you outside."

"If you die, you can rest assured that we will take care of your things."

Xia Meng was really angry when he heard what they said. But what Dad hated most was the fighting between his brother and sister. If he found out that the relationship between his brother and sister was not good, it would be more than three days.

Summer dream light looked at them, know that these people want to argue with her, and then inadvertently let her father see, so that the father to her daughter completely die, these people are really vicious ah.

She went straight to the place where she was punished. Everyone looked at her straight back and thought that this time her father was really active. He stayed in the small dark room for three days. At that time, he didn't know whether he was going to die or not. Although that person usually spoiled people, once anyone made a mistake, his horse would turn over mercilessly.

Everyone is waiting for the news of Xia Meng. It is better to die directly in it. Everyone is looking forward to it. However, after three days, Xia Meng was carried out from the inside. Although he was unconscious, there was no big problem at all. Everyone knew that the other party had passed the test of the man and didn't know what he was going to do next Summer dream.

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After Xia Meng woke up, it was a day later. When she saw the familiar ceiling, she was relieved. At least she came out safe and sound. Her father was a man of principle. Since she said that she would be punished in a small black room, there would be no other punishment. That is to say, the other party can let bygones be bygones for everything that happened in G city.

Today, she was able to get out of bed and walk. She saw several of her favorite men taking good care of her. A little displeasure flashed on her face. When she saw Lu Liangcheng, all the other men seemed to be unable to enter her eyes.

"You all go. You don't need your care here in the future. Just let the dream come here."

Mengmeng was brought here by her this time. When she saw such a prosperous place for the first time, she was very excited. But at the same time, she could see that she had to rely on Xia Meng if she wanted to make a name in this place. So long as she had the opportunity, she would brush her feet in front of Xia Meng. She wanted to let this person completely trust herself, so that she could get a good one Teaching.

"Wash my head. I'll go out later."

She light said, summer dream quickly helped her to go to the bathroom, prepared a chair for her, let her sit on the chair, and then took the sprinkler, carefully washed for her.

"Dream, do you like everything here?"

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Summer dream light said, very want to see this little girl's change in the end big or not.

"I like it very much, sister Xia Meng. Can I live here all the time?"

Dream eyes are hope, do not know what they are going to face next, although she is much smarter than her peers, but after all, she is just a teenager.

"Of course, but have you seen my father, who is the person in charge of this place, here, his words are the law. If you can make him like you, you will have no problem walking around here in the future, and there will be countless money and dreams. Tell your sister that you want to not be limited to these things?"

Xia Meng's eyes are hoping that, no matter what the price, she will get the favor of that man, and will dig out a lot of good things from his hands.

"Sister Xia Meng, what should I do?"

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She said faintly, the face is clever, summer dream likes this person's cleverness very much, at least adjusts, does not need any effort, moreover own father also likes the clever girl.

"Later, I'll ask someone to teach you how to please a man. You study hard with that sister and brother. Remember what they say in your heart, and then demonstrate it in front of my father, so that you can live a good life. In the future, I will guide you slowly."

After washing his head, he really saw two people coming in outside, a man and a woman, but they didn't wear clothes. Then they began to entangle themselves on the floor. The women were very skillful, which made people dry and dry.

Meng Meng's face was flushed and she knew what they were doing. However, she still remembered Xia Meng's words. She should write down all the things used by her sister and show them to the man at that time.

For a whole hour, the woman almost used 18 kinds of martial arts skills. She was not shy in front of them. All the movements were big and square. Xia Meng's mouth was always hooked. This is the person in charge of teaching these things in this organization. She and all her brothers and sisters were forced to see these when they were children, because her father said that they could not Let love become their stumbling block, so early let people experience these things, so that they won't be cheated away when the body goes out.

After the demonstration, they left here directly, while Xia Meng squatted beside the dream and said, "dream, do you understand it? How much do you remember? How about showing it to the man later? My sister believes you are the best. "Dream nodded, and his face was full of potential. "Elder sister, don't worry. My memory is always very good. It's nothing to remember such a little thing."

Xia Meng's face flashed a glimmer of satisfaction. It was right to let the little girl follow her at the beginning. She pulled people and walked towards her father's room. The man probably wanted to see himself. After coming back, he didn't speak to him properly.

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As expected, the man was waiting for her in the room, but when he saw the little girl in her hand, her eyes brightened and her face turned to smile. "Dreamer, every time you go out, you know to bring me a gift. It's really hard. This time in the dark room, you have suffered a lot."

Xia Meng shook his head, "it's not hard at all. I know Dad, if you don't do that, you won't be convinced. What I did this time is really stupid, so I'm willing to be punished."

Dream has been following the summer dream side, eyes have been flashing, eyebrows droop, see the man is very like.

"Dad, this is a gift for you. My dream is very obedient and a beautiful girl. She is the most sensible person I have ever seen."

A trace of satisfaction flashed on the man's face, waving to the dream, "come here, good girl."

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