Mo Yu didn't blame this person. His boss had nothing wrong. He was good-looking and rich, and was liked by women. Moreover, Xia Meng came all the way to pester him because of his engagement with this man. He sighed and thought how good it would be if he didn't expect anything from his feelings at the beginning Individual, also need not think of summer dream now, chest still ache.

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When he was sitting in the villa, he felt that the house was really open in space and did not have the slightest popularity. However, due to everyone's concern, he had to work with a strong spirit.

In the top office of Tiancheng, it seems that everyone knows what happened. During this period of time, his eyes were full of sympathy, and several girls quietly sent him news. Anyway, it was all about the content of Xia Meng. In fact, Mo Yu didn't want to see any news about Xia Meng. These two words became his secret, but these people always wanted to expose his wounds Yes.

He sighed. He went to the company and ate his breakfast in a muddle. After returning to the office, he began to be in a daze. Until Murray came over, he just tried to keep up with himself, "brother, how did you come here? You don't want to cultivate yourself?"

Before Murray's body was injected with other things, we have been trying to make him recover, so this period of time, Murray has been in the hospital rest, there are special people to take care of him.

"It's much better. I don't need to rest now, so I plan to go back to work. You seem very unhappy recently. I can take over your work. Do you want to go out and have a rest?"

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What is nice is going out for relaxation. If it's not good, it's escape.

Mo Yu is not a person to escape, but the feelings of this matter, really let him break through the heart, he gently pulled a lip, "even if go out to relax, what can it do, anyway, the results have been caused, no matter where I go, summer dream these two words will always be accompanied by the shadow, I can't please, can only accept life."

Mo Lei is a little bit distressed about his brother, but in addition to heartache, he really doesn't know what to do, because the feelings are both sides. People don't like him. What's more, Xia Meng is a woman in five places. From the beginning, she approached this person for her own purpose. If she had a moment's sincerity for Mo Yu, he would not be so angry Anger.

"If you say you believe in something, you should believe in love."

Mo Yu's mouth pulled and said, in terms of feelings, he and this brother are really similar. They have been single all the time and have not considered this problem at all. However, after meeting the summer dream, everything is different. He began to become eager and cautious. However, everything turned into a joke in the end.

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"That's what you didn't meet, otherwise you would be like this. Anyway, you know from the boss that if you really met the right person, it would be the happiest thing in your life."

It is because Lu Liangcheng and Qin Sangyu have been showing their love to him that his heart has become so yearning for love. Before that, he has always been dismissive, but God must torture him so much and send a summer dream to torment him.

Murray patted him on the shoulder with sympathy on his face. "What else can I say? Don't think about that in the future. Make good money in the company. What women do you want in the future? And you have grown up now, and you can't always be led by the nose by women. I'll teach you later."

Mo Yu looked at the man with some scorn. All the other party's theories were just on paper. If it was really so powerful, he would have taken off the list. Therefore, for his brother's boasting, he also gave a faint smile, and then continued to sit at the work in hand.

Murray's current status is Lu Liangcheng's personal assistant. He is always with each other. After seeing him and Miss Qin show love in front of him, he finally understands Mo Yu's feelings. It's understandable that he wants to fall in love. After all, these two people are really in love.

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However, Qin Sangyu began to have nightmares like before, and began to see other things at home. She knew that this was Xia Meng's counterattack. The woman decided to revenge so quickly.

"Husband, during this period of time, you should follow me well, otherwise I will be really scared by those things. Besides, check the surroundings carefully to see if there are any things belonging to five places. I suspect that I have planted the powder in five places. I heard that the kind of powder will make people hallucinate. If you ask people to look around the villa, I don't want to see any genus Things in five places. "

Now the villa is very strict around, let alone the people from five places. It is impossible for a fly to fly in. Qin Sangyu is very relieved about all this. But since he is having a nightmare, it must be because of the magic sticks in the five places.

Sure enough, the people under him soon found a lot of things around the villa. There were villains full of needles, other yellow spell paper and so on. It was really evil.

"Take it out and throw it away. Don't burn it. Throw it far away. I suspect there are powder on these things. As long as they are burned, the powder will fly and enter the nose."

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Qin Sangyu has always been a smart person. After burning the paper windmill, she began to see all kinds of strange things. So it must be something on the paper windmill that made her so insecure and began to have nightmares.After the things were cleared out, she asked wanqichen to look at herself and want to know if there was something wrong in her body. She just checked out. Her heart rate was faster than that of ordinary people. "It should be the effect of drugs. This effect is gradually disappearing, and there is no harm to the body. Take these medicines. It's better to take one every day in the morning When you eat it. "

Qin Sangyu nodded and looked at wanqichen happily. Wanqichen was the most refined one among these people. He spent every day in the laboratory studying those strange things. He did not know whether he had considered his own life events.

This is the first time Qin Sangyu came to the Research Institute. It's strange that the people above seem to be very trusted. As long as the people he brings, they can walk freely in the research room, and the whole process will not be monitored, as if they were wandering in their own backyard garden.

"What have you been studying lately? I think your dark circles are very heavy. Didn't you sleep well for the sake of research? You do it all the time. "

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