"ChuChu in summer!"

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Xia Meng angrily says that she tried every means to get close to Lu Liangcheng, but they didn't care about her. How long has Xia ChuChu gone? How long can she get so close to Lu Liangcheng, bitch! What kind of seduction did she use!!

Xia ChuChu saw Xia Meng. She thought she was hurt. She wanted to move forward, but she was suppressed by Xia Meng's next words. "Don't come to this hypocritical look. Xia ChuChu, you've been like this since childhood. I'll tell you, even if you fight to death today, I won't give this position to you!"

Xia ChuChu's forward steps slowly drew back, it seems that this person still hates himself very much. She should not go to the hot face and stick to the cold buttocks of others. She sipped her lips and said, "summer dream, don't be stubborn."

When Xia Meng heard her words, she just felt funny. Why should this person stand on the commanding height of morality to criticize her? She just took back what she should have. Her father's heart was biased from childhood, and she always preferred Xia ChuChu. Therefore, she is so resentful now. When she thinks that she has been a shield for her for so many years, she feels more like a fool Like, being played with in the palm of your hand.

When the three elders saw the rocket, their faces turned white immediately. The other side was more prepared than they were. Because they prepared secretly, they didn't dare to make the action too big to avoid being discovered by other elders. However, Lu Liangcheng is the president of Tiancheng. What kind of equipment do you want? The other party only needs to wave and have the latest weapons for them to choose Choose.

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"Shoot! Fighting

Summer dream scarlet eyes, at this time no longer left any sense, even if it is broken, she does not want to see her kneeling beside Xia ChuChu, she will stand dead!

People who are held by ronglang's rockets are still a little afraid. They have been performing tasks all year round. Naturally, they know how lethal the thing is. If people really open fire, they will have to finish playing. What is the meaning of this summer dream? Do you want everyone to die? Just for her own selfish desire.

Xia Meng saw that they didn't move. After all, she knew that these people would not listen to themselves. After all, no one really obeyed her. No matter how many things she had done at the beginning, no matter how much credit she had made for five places, as long as she was a woman, all the credit seemed to turn into cloud smoke, which was not remembered by everyone. In their view, women just can't be leaders.

"Xia Meng, I think they're coming for you. I know there's a secret road. If you go first, you'll stay there. You won't be afraid of no firewood. If you die here, you'll have no way."

The three elders said quietly that he had experienced too many deaths. Of course, he knew that those who knew the current affairs were heroes, but Xia Meng was stubborn and would never ask for mercy from people she hated.

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Lu Liangcheng and his party have been slowly down at this time. When they see their equipment, they take a breath more. This man is a devil. What is the other party going to do this time.

Lu Liangcheng's mouth was hooked. Good. They came at the right time. It seems that everyone has already fought.

Xia Meng looked at this man with resentment on his face. At the beginning, he was very good with Qin Sangyu. He swore that he would never change his mind. As a result, he was just a Xia ChuChu. The other party changed his mind so quickly that he took Xia ChuChu with him directly, which really made her spit on him.

"Lu Liangcheng, don't you say that you will only like Qin Sangyu in your life? What's the matter with the women around you now? I think you are really good at acting. I don't regret your acting. I'm almost moved by the feelings between you. However, a man can't escape the affair in the end, but your vision is really poor. If you like Xia ChuChu, you can't see it at first If you think I'm not worthy of you, do you think Xia ChuChu can be worthy of you? Lu Liangcheng, you are the president of Tiancheng in vain. You can't see through a woman's small mind. "

"Xia Meng..."

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Xia ChuChu looked at each other with some worry, because the person was already incoherent. She wanted to move forward, but Xia Meng's gun pointed at her, "Xia ChuChu, in the whole five places, only I know you best. You are good at camouflage and scheming. This time, I was defeated. I didn't expect that you could catch Lu Liangcheng so quickly I really look down on you

Xia Meng's face was pale, and she didn't want to admit that she was so ugly that she thought the position of director could be easily obtained. As a result, Xia ChuChu brought Lu Liangcheng. This is the biggest irony. She wanted to catch the man in her hands and finally stay with the people she didn't like.

Lu Liangcheng knew that this man was trying to be crooked. He was going to explain, but Xia ChuChu said at this time, "summer dream, it's not what you think. When will you grow up, won't you feel it with your heart? You always think it's what you think. There's no time to be excused. In your heart, everyone is untrustworthy

Xia ChuChu's face was moving, and she wanted to make this person understand. She didn't want the other party to have an accident.

"Shut up! bitch! Don't think I don't know what you're thinking. I can't bear it. You are even more, Xia ChuChu. Let's not talk about anyone! "Xia Meng had a gun in her hand, but she didn't have the strength to shoot. She hated the woman, but she had to admire each other's ingenuity. In a short time, she won Lu Chen's trust, and took her landing in Liangcheng to seek the position of the director of the five divisions. Xia ChuChu was really a blockbuster. For so many years, the hidden beast finally showed its claws and teeth, and gave everyone a fatal blow.

She gritted her teeth, pulled the trigger hard, wanted to let Xia ChuChu die, she was crazy jealous of each other, really jealous.

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But a slight voice reminds her that there are no bullets. It seems that even heaven is standing on the side of Xia ChuChu.

When the voice remembered, Xia ChuChu closed his eyes, but did not feel pain, or feel lucky, see Xia Meng's angry face, the corners of his mouth hook up a light smile, "this is the arrangement of God, summer dream, you wake up, don't let down the father's intention."

Summer dream was stabbed by that smile all over the body uncomfortable, panic and panic keep occupying her heart, the huge pain is like a vine general, tightly around her neck, she can't breathe, can only red eyes to look at each other.

Lu Liangcheng's eyebrows frowned, and the hostility between Xia Meng's eyebrows was really frightening. It seemed that there was no family relationship in the five places.

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