Lu Liangcheng didn't seem to have any interest in the five places. However, because this was the place where his mother had been before, he decided to stay here for a longer time. However, he asked in the five places, and no one knew the real identity of his mother. Everyone was not clear about each other's identity. Only the director knew about it. But now the director of five departments has died in the summer, It took all the secrets underground.

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Xia Meng is now being treated by the doctor. The doctor takes out the bullet in her body and bandages her wound lightly. We all know what happened in the five places, but we don't want to say too much. At present, who is the director has no conclusion. So for Xia Meng, they are naturally polite.

"Sister Xia Meng, how are you feeling? Are you still not feeling well? Can I ask the doctor to prescribe some painkiller for you?"

Dream is still heartfelt, has been staying at the side of summer dream, but also because this woman brought herself in at the beginning. In addition to trusting each other, she really doesn't know who she should trust.

Xia Meng seems to have lost all her desire to survive. Especially when she knew that she and Xia ChuChu were actually sisters, she felt as sick as eating flies. She hated Xia ChuChu and wanted to eat each other's meat. But this disgusting and scheming woman is indeed her only relative in the world now. It's ridiculous.

The doctor bandaged her wound and went out from here. When she was at the door, she just met Xia ChuChu who came to visit.

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Xia ChuChu came in and sat down. He found that Mengmeng was still sitting here, thinking about whether the girl understood it or not. It was Xia Meng who sold the other party. Now it seems that the other party still doesn't know all this. After all, he is still a child, and knows too little about adults.

"Dream dream is, you go out first, I have something to say with Xia Meng."

Dream worried looked at the summer dream, or stand up, slowly walked out.

Xia Meng's face has always been satirical. Of course, she knows what this woman wants to say to herself, which is nothing more than showing off. She planned for such a long time that she thought she could catch five places in her hands, but Xia ChuChu only went to G City, and unexpectedly moved to Luliang city. This woman's means are really impressive.

"Are you here to mock me? Xia ChuChu, I know what kind of person you are. Now there are only two of us. Don't pretend to be any more. "

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Xia ChuChu in the side of a little meditation, and finally slowly raised his head, "do you know why you will fail?"

Xia ChuChu's voice is very light, as if laughing at summer dream. At least in summer dream, the other party is laughing at himself. She pulled her mouth and looked at the ceiling faintly, "my heart is not as deep as you are. You are too good at camouflage and always let people take off all the precautions."

Xia ChuChu shook his head and suddenly took a drink from the water in front of him. "You will fail because you always put your hopes on others. When you went to G City, you knew that Lu Liangcheng and Qin Sangyu were in love, but you still wanted to rob Lu Liangcheng, which offended Lu Liangcheng. In fact, another reason why you want to be with Lu Liangcheng is that you want to use his hand You won five places for you. Later, you angered Lu Liangcheng and others drove you out. You still don't give up. You rely on the three elders. Xia Meng, you didn't want to rely on yourself. All depends on others. Have you ever thought that if people suddenly repent, you are like this, thinking that everyone will be charmed by your beauty. "

Xia ChuChu light said, suddenly sat in the summer dream side, saw each other's pale face, stretched out his hand to smooth her hair back. "In fact, I knew you were my sister for a long time, but you and I were not the same person. You resented dad in your heart, but you didn't know that dad did a lot of things for you behind your back. At least you chased and killed so many times, but the other party solved them behind your back. Unfortunately, you didn't know your father's good until you died. You are such a person Xia Meng, you can't see the heart clearly, and you don't know who is sincere to you

Xia Meng heard her talk about this, and her heart hurt severely. Although she didn't want to admit it, she cared about her father very much. All she did was to attract the attention of the other party and make him feel that he was the best daughter. No matter what kind of tasks she received, she would try her best to be the best.

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"Xia ChuChu, are you teaching me a lesson now? Where do you think you can be better? You go to G City, not to find Lu Liangcheng and ask him to help you. Why are you talking about me here, Xia ChuChu? We are only half a dozen."

Xia ChuChu saw her resentment in the eyes, knew that this person still did not understand, sighed. "Xia Meng, when I was a child, I knew that you were my sister. I always took out my heart and lungs to treat you well. But you always thought that my heart was not simple, and I was against me everywhere. Finally, I was provoked and hated me deeply. I asked myself that I didn't do anything to hurt you. I couldn't see the heart clearly, which has always been your biggest shortcoming."

When Xia ChuChu talked about her childhood, there was still a trace of softness in her eyes. At that time, she knew that it was not easy to live in five places. There were assassinations and frame UPS everywhere. So she found her father. It was the first time that she said so much to her father.

"You say you want to be the successor of five places?"At that time in summer, she looked at her with surprise, because Xia ChuChu at that time was really insignificant. The other party was like a forgotten child. Who would have thought that she would put forward such a big goal.

"Dad, yes, I'm fully aware of Xia Meng's temperament now. She's too confident in herself and can't see people's hearts clearly. She doesn't know who is really good to her, so she is not suitable to be the successor of five places. Only I, Dad, at least I know that you treat me and Xia Meng differently from others. I saw from the beginning that you want to protect me and Xia Meng."

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At that time, Xia ChuChu was only five years old. A five-year-old child could see clearly the purpose behind the adults at a glance. At that time, she was surprised, but also distressed, because she did not want her children to understand these principles early and immerse themselves in the dirty world of adults.

"What are you going to do?"

Summer or light ask export, want to know their own woman, will give him how much surprise, the results of Xia ChuChu next words, let him very surprised.

"Dad, I want you to spoil Xia Meng severely obviously, and then train me to be the successor behind my back. I know when I say this, you must think I have selfish intentions. But Xia Meng's temperament needs to be honed. She will suffer a lot in the future. Since her temperament can't be changed in a short time, we have to let her suffer a lot of setbacks The other side will certainly improve. "

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