"If Xia Meng is still alive, I would like to choose a place for her here, but if she were alive, it would be unnecessary to do all this."

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She said faintly that Qin Sangyu helped her to get on the bus. In fact, Qin Sangyu wanted to tell this person that the probability of Xia Meng's survival was too small. Such a big tsunami almost swept everything away. The news of these two days has also been reported. The whole island has been submerged. It is estimated that the people who still stay on the island have become shark food.

"ChuChu, I'm sorry, although I want to comfort you and tell you that Xia Meng is still alive, but you have read the news of the past two days. It is impossible for anyone to live. In such a big tsunami, there are sharks around. I think you should quickly pick a place for Xia Meng."

Qin Sangyu doesn't like telling lies, so she won't feel comfortable in her heart. It's better to tell this person the truth directly.

Xia ChuChu had a trace of pain on her face, but she knew what Qin Sangyu said was true. If Xia Meng was still alive, she might have been eaten by sharks. The sharks there are a natural protective barrier, which is to protect the island from invasion by outsiders. This is the reason why we chose five places there in the first place, but I didn't think that the final protection barrier was actually successful For something that kills people.

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"I know what you're saying is true. I'm confused."

She looked at the heavy rain outside, as if her mind was still flowing with the words of summer dream that day, to see who could live to the end. Now it seems that she has won. At the beginning, she really treated her sister, and because of the other party's stupidity, she had a hatred in her heart, but when the person was really away, she felt a void, as if this She will be the only one left in the world.

"Don't worry, we will accompany you in the future. You will meet many friends in G city. Don't be depressed."

Probably saw her idea, Qin Sangyu said with worry.

Xia ChuChu did not speak, of course, she will not be depressed, life will always pass, she has also entered the entertainment industry she likes, now the agent has won her supporting role, she depends on this opportunity, in the entertainment industry to fight for a career.

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"I will never forget the help you and Lu Liangcheng gave me. Thank you very much. In order to repay Lu Liangcheng's kindness, I will try to make myself popular and become a cash cow of Tiancheng."

Qin Sangyu thought that this man was just a joke, but in the years after that, she really knew the woman's tenacity. The other side did what she said and became the cash cow of Tiancheng. At the same time, it also brought many new stars to Tiancheng, which made Tiancheng become the leader in the entertainment industry.

After the two returned home, Qin Sangyu first heard the child's cry. She knew that Lu Liangcheng had gone to wanqiezhen to pick up the child. She walked two steps faster and found that Wan qiaochen was also there. This person rarely left the laboratory.

Wanzhuoshen's temperament is different from other people's. He just sits there, and seems to be out of place with his surroundings. It seems that he should not be a person in this world. What kind of society is this? The material desire is so rampant that even Qin Sangyu dare not say that his heart is completely clean. However, the man in front of him gives a kind of extraordinary and refined feeling Blasphemy.

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"I thought it was Lu Liangcheng who went to pick up the child. It turned out that you sent it back in person. It's hard. Stay here for dinner tonight."

Wan Qichen has been obsessed with research, but he probably realized that he was alienated from the communication with his friends, so when he heard Qin Sangyu's words, he did not refuse, and looked at Tangtang and Guoguo in his eyes. "The two children are very cute and envy you very much."

He said this seriously. He always felt that he might not get married because he had no time to contact other girls and no energy to run a family. It seemed that from choosing such a road, he had no choice but to go all the way to the end and contribute to the development of this country.

Xia ChuChu had shown interest in wanqie dust before, but now when he saw each other, he still had a feeling of self abasement. Although he wanted to understand wanqie dust very much, he did not say anything after all. He sat beside him silently, like a obedient baby, putting his sight on the TV in front of him.

Lu Liangcheng came back at this time, and saw Wan Jichen and his two children. He thought that someone would become a free nanny for the children, and that he and Qin Sangyu could have a few days' free carefree life. However, how long did it take? Wan Jichen actually sent it in person, and his fantasy was smashed by a slap in the face.

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when Qin Sangyu went out, he thought that someone would become a free nanny for the children Waiting, he told Lu Liangcheng to pick up the two children, but Lu Liangcheng refused in his heart. Life without children is too beautiful. Qin Sangyu's attention is focused on him. However, once a child intervenes, this person's attention is inevitably separated by the two children. He can't stand such a day.

However, when he thought that he had always wanted to have children, Qin Sangyu would try to make his stomach pregnant. He really regretted that he knew that having a child was what he was like now. He should enjoy the world of two with Qin Sangyu.Wan Jichen didn't know his brother's thoughts, because he knew that they were back, and he was afraid that they were worried about their two children. So he took the initiative to send the child back. If he knew Lu Liangcheng's inner thoughts, he would vomit blood. It's really disgusting that this man took him as a free nanny.

Aunt Zhang prepared a lot of dinners. Seeing that there were more people in the family tonight, her smiling eyes narrowed into a slit. If only the family would be so busy in the future, she had always felt that Mr. Lu was too lonely. Later, she heard that he was married and thought that his life had changed a lot. However, she still felt that the couple's life was lonely. She was afraid that Mr. Lu had no friends Friend, but after living here for so long, she has known all the people around Lu Liangcheng. What makes her happy is that these people treat each other sincerely.

"Aunt Zhang, you can sit down and eat. It's been hard for you recently."

Seeing that Aunt Zhang was still standing, Qin Sangyu got up to get a bowl for her, but Aunt Zhang took off her apron and left, with a face full of shame. "I have obtained the certificate with him in private, and I will be a companion in the future. I may not be able to come here again in the future. At most, next week, I will go on my honeymoon. Miss Qin, you will find someone who will replace me earlier."

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