"After all, it's the first time I've been in the TV series, and I've seen myself on TV for the first time. I'm still a little nervous. I want to know how the audience's reaction is. Last night, I sent a text message to Wan Qichen, hoping that he can also watch the TV series."

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Xia ChuChu said, with a trace of red on her face. Qin Sangyu took a teasing look at her and knew that the woman was really moved. He stretched out his elbow and stabbed the other party, "you are sincere to him. I thought you were just saying it casually. If you can really get together with wanjichen, how good it would be. We don't have to worry about where you will go in the future It is killing two birds with one stone if you worry about everything

Xia ChuChu's heart is a little sweet. Maybe he has been thinking about wanjichen in his heart recently. So when he realized it, he found that his love for each other was so deep.

"I'll try my best, but if I don't like me in the end, I can't help it."

She said with some melancholy, I really don't know how she should do if wanjichen still despises herself. Maybe she is still very sad.

Qin Sangyu didn't say anything because she didn't understand Wan Jichen's Thoughts on feelings. She only thought that this man was an elm's head. It would take a while for her to really get enlightened. It seems that they still have a long way to go.

Both of them did not speak. The fruit in her arms began to cry at this time. Qin Sangyu slapped two palms. Guoguo was finally quiet and blinked at her with a pair of big eyes.

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Under this kind of gaze, Qin Sangyu felt a little guilty, because the slap just now didn't control the strength well. It was estimated that this person still felt pain and would stop crying immediately.

"Guo Guo is still very obedient. I've been here for so long, I've heard each other cry two or three times. If you change to someone else's child, you can't sleep every day. Would your strength be too heavy?"

When Xia ChuChu heard that voice, he criticized Qin Sangyu. Qin Sangyu was guilty at first. When he was said by the other party, he was more emotional. "I just didn't control my strength. Who knows this slap will be so heavy."

When they were talking, they heard someone ring the doorbell, because Qin Sangyu was still holding the baby in her arms. The matter of opening the door fell to the cook who was very thick.

Ring the doorbell is the guard, see Xia ChuChu, very respectful of the opening, "Miss Xia, someone at the door for you to plug this over, said is must personally give you."

Xia ChuChu took the note and saw the familiar handwriting on it. His pupils shrunk fiercely. He saw a place written on it. He didn't have time to go upstairs to change clothes. He immediately put on his shoes and planned to go to the place mentioned above.

"Where are you going?"

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Qin Sangyu saw that she was changing her shoes, and said, her eyes were full of doubts.

"I feel that Xia Meng may still be alive. The handwriting on it is very similar to her. I'm going to have a look."

Qin Sangyu has no good impression on Xia Meng. Now when she hears that, she turns her mouth and what kind of tricks is that woman is playing. What's more, when she hears Lu Liangcheng talking about the tsunami, she is shocked. How can she survive? Xia ChuChu is in danger.

"I'll let people go with you. I'm afraid you are in danger. I don't know what kind of heart Xia Meng has for you. I feel that she hates you, and of course she hates us."

Xia ChuChu's body a meal, summer dream hate her? She is not very clear about this, but since the other party is her sister, her father has always told her to take good care of her sister, so she must go on this trip.

"No, I believe Xia Meng will figure it out. She should learn to grow up after this experience."

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Xia ChuChu changed her shoes and refused to be followed by others. The closer she was to the place written on the paper, the more nervous she was. Before she thought that Xia Meng might still be alive, but this idea was really crazy. Sometimes she would laugh at her own fantasies. Now that the truth is coming, she is inexplicably nervous.


Summer dream's face is ruddy, see her to come after, poured a cup of tea for her, "is not very surprised, I am still alive."

Xia Meng's body as like as two peas and a tea, and the tea movement is so quiet and elegant. If this person is not exactly the same as Xia Meng, Chu will think he is mistaken.

"How can you...

she has too many questions to ask each other, but Xia Meng's expression has always been light, and the whole person is ethereal." after being swept out by the waves that day, I was lying on a floating tree, and then was washed out for a distance, and was rescued by a fishing boat, but my body was injured, so I have been cultivated until now I decided to come and see you. "

Summer dream said earnestly, after seeing the fatigue on Xia ChuChu's face, the corner of his mouth curved, "I heard that you intend to enter the entertainment circle. Congratulations."

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Xia Chu Chu can't tell whether this person is sincere or fake. According to her understanding of summer dream in the past, the other party should not be congratulating her.

Summer dream seems to see through her ideas, the smile on the corner of her mouth is a little bitter, "I was too stupid to see who is really good to me, sister, in fact, people will understand a lot after a trace of death, the previous summer dream and in the tsunami died, now I am new, before too late to cherish things, I will cherish."Xia ChuChu's high hanging heart finally fell to the ground. Seeing the sincerity on each other's face, she suddenly reached out and held her, "you can torture and think of the best. Do you know where Dad's graveyard is? I can take you to have a look. Dad will be very happy to see you now."

A struggle flashed in Xia Meng's eyes. Before that, she had always resented the man. She felt that she had been a shield for Xia ChuChu for so many years. She wanted to seek revenge on Xia ChuChu. At the same time, she did not have any gratitude to that man. Until the second before the death of the other party, she was still saying vicious words. Xia Meng was extremely regretful, but no matter how many regrets It's no use. The person is dead. All she can do is repent for the other party's tombstone.

"I don't dare to go, sister, you know, I always hated my father, so I didn't give any good face until you told me all the truth. But it's too late to regret. Even if I bury my knee in the loess, it can't shorten the distance between me and him..."

Xia Meng's voice is a little hoarse, her eyes are scarlet, and she missed this After so many years of fatherly love, nothing can be changed back.

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