There is a strong contrast between the weakness and boneless in the early stage and the blackening in the later stage. This is a test of one's acting skills. When Xia ChuChu just stepped into the entertainment industry, the agent chose such a script for the other party. It seems that she really trusts her.

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Xia ChuChu didn't think it was very difficult to play such a role. After all, she was such a person. She was gentle and innocent in front of people, but had to make various plans after people. This role was her own, so she didn't play it at all. She just showed her usual self.

After watching the episode, Xia ChuChu gives a deep impression. The unpopular lady in the palace usually has an air of ignorance of human fireworks. She has a good feeling.

Xia ChuChu was quite satisfied with her performance, but she thought that she had sent a message to Wan Qichen, hoping that Wan qiechen could see the play. Now that the two episodes have been played, I don't know how the other party feels about his performance.

She took her mobile phone, but she was embarrassed to bring a phone call to wanqichen. She always felt that the man didn't want others to disturb him.

"What are you hesitating about? Feelings are such things that you can't hesitate to fight for. If people really don't like it, it's not too late for you to hesitate. I think you and wanjichen are quite predestined."

Qin Sangyu began to lead the red line in disorder and wanted to lead the two people together.

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Xia ChuChu heard her words, eyes a bright, immediately took a mobile phone to wanjichen sent a message.

I forgot to tell you the name of this TV play. It doesn't matter if you didn't watch it. It's going to be replayed tomorrow. You can watch it. It's called "deep Palace". I'm playing a female partner in it. It appears in the second episode.

However, as soon as her message was sent, she saw that Wan Jichen had returned one.

Not bad.

Xia ChuChu's face instantly appeared a trace of smile, too happy to find the north, but afraid of Qin Sangyu laughing at himself, or a little convergence, "he said I played well, before I did not tell him the name of the TV play, now it seems that he should be specially interested in Internet search, Qin Sangyu, do you think he is interested in me? At least not repel me, right? "

Xia ChuChu's face appeared a glimmer of brilliance, thinking of wanjichen's own ideas, his heart was very sweet, like eating a preserved fruit.

Qin Sangyu felt that the two men were possible, and immediately pushed her shoulder, "it's definitely not repellent. You should increase your firepower, maybe in the summer At that time, I can drink the wedding wine between you two. Now the people around me are basically married, but you and Wancheng dust are left. I don't expect ink rain. If there is no possibility between him and Xia Meng, he will not marry in this life. "

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Xia ChuChu heard her say about Mo Yu, but she still has a trace of guilt in her heart. After all, the reason why Mo Yu has become this way is because of that unreasonable sister. If the other party didn't provoke Mo Yu, it would be better. At least Mo Yu is still the same as she was now, and will not become so degenerate because of a woman.

"I'm sorry."

She said with guilt. Qin Sangyu found out that the other party was in love and apologized to herself and patted her on the shoulder. She felt that there was nothing wrong with the matter. What was hurt was the ink rain. It was estimated that it would take some time for that person to come out, so I'm sorry. Besides, it should not be said by Xia ChuChu.

"Develop well with wanjichen. Don't wait until you become an old girl or a person. Wanjichen is reliable. However, you can see that the man is addicted to research and may often stay in the laboratory in the future, and his days with you will not be very long. If you can accept it, you can continue to attack, so that both of them will not suffer in the end."

"I know."

Xia ChuChu's eyes are firm. When she went to the laboratory once, she knew how much wanzhuochen liked her research. She admired that person. At least now that everyone was impetuous, he could still be so addicted to such a thing, and he could forget to eat or sleep. This kind of self-discipline made people feel ashamed.

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"I am the result of careful consideration, not just the heart."

She said firmly, it is because of the firmness now that she will finally come together with wanjichen. The combination of the two makes everyone feel incredible. However, after seeing the way they get along with each other, we can know why Wan qiezhen is moved at last, because the two people get along so naturally, just like people who have known each other for many years.

But now the Wanqi dust is still a piece of wood. I don't know how subtle my feelings are. When I find out, I know that I am different from Xia ChuChu at the beginning.

But now Tangtang's two hands start to cry when they see each other It's when I kick my foot that I hurt sugar and sugar.

Qin Sangyu quickly moved the fruit away and patted the bottom of the fruit twice. "That's your brother. How can you kick people? It's really disobedient."However, Guoguo just looked at her with a pair of big eyes. She didn't seem to understand what she was talking about. She occasionally made a fool's smile and kept kicking her legs. It seemed that she was very happy tonight.

Tangtang cried for a while, also did not cry, quietly turned to look at everything in the room, and then shriveled mouth wanted to sleep.

Qin Sangyu heard the voice downstairs and knew that it was Lu Liangcheng who had come back. Where could she care about her children? She put the fruit down and saw Lu Liangcheng come up as soon as she got to the stairs. She gave him a big hug, like a coquettish nest in each other's arms.

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"Don't you say you'll be back later this evening? I thought it would be at least eleven. "

Lu Liangcheng took her waist around her, doting in her eyes. "It would have been at that time, but I told them that my wife was still waiting for me at home, so she would not go to sing."

Qin Sangyu's heart was sweet. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and then pulled him into the room.

Lu Liangcheng saw the two children lying on the bed with a trace of tenderness in their eyes. After holding the sugar candy for a while, he found that the children's eyes were getting cleaner and cleaner. His eyelashes were really long. If he grew up, how many girls would be fascinated.

"Did he just cry? I see tears on my eyelashes. Poor, are you hungry

Qin Sangyu found that the man became more and more gentle, sighed, "fruit accidentally kicked him."

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