Qin Sangyu was happy to hear that he had been praised for his child. He rushed over to take a look at the fruit. He found that the fruit had been open with big eyes. He looked at all the people, occasionally blinking and showing a smile.

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"Guoguo is very obedient. Looking at the ancient spirit, she must be a pretty little princess. I really want them to grow up quickly."

Chen Rong said with love on her face. She seemed to think of the time when she took care of her children, and sighed, "when a mother, I know the pain of giving birth to a child. Ah, morning, you see, if such a small child wants to grow up, it depends on the help of adults. Don't always say that I am too strict with you. If not, where are you qualified to sit in today's position?"

Mom is like this, when she seizes the opportunity, she will sneer at each other.

Lu Chen's face appears a trace of red, this person is really, usually at home that he said, even if, now everyone is in, can't give him a face, "OK, OK, mom, I know you're not easy, OK, everyone is here, can you give me a face?"

Chen Rong seems to have remembered that Lu Chen is already a man, no longer the little man she held in her arms at the beginning. For a time, she was a little lost.

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Seeing that his wife was not happy, Lu Xing glared at Lu Chen fiercely. The child's wings were not hard, so he was thinking about flying out.

Lu Chen felt that he was really innocent. He just praised the fruit and said it was cute. He was promoted to himself by the adults, and was criticized inexplicably. Now he has received the white eye from his father. Who is he doing to provoke who?

Qin Sangyu saw Lu Chen's cry for help. His eyes were smiling, and he asked everyone to sit down. "Mom, how did you come out? We just separated?"

Although she would like to be with her family all the time, she has her own company now. There must be other things to do. She doesn't expect to be with her family all the time.

"Come out and have a look at you and my two grandsons. They are very obedient. I feel like you and the town."

Chen Rong's low mood was swept away. Seeing the fruit smiling at her, she quickly picked up the child and put it in her arms, smiling between her eyes and eyebrows.

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Lu Liangcheng has always felt that the two children are like themselves and Qin Sangyu. Now, when Chen Rong said this, he was even more happy. Before he arrived here, he was somewhat oppressed. However, some people praised their children, and all the oppression and grievances were dissipated. Instead, they were proud and deeply proud.

There is a flower on Shen Bizhi's face. She holds Tangtang in her arms. Tangtang is like a porcelain doll. She stares at her and laughs at her all the time. "You're here just in time. We're just getting together. We didn't have a good time last Spring Festival. You're not here. Now we finally have time."

It was just a month after the new year, but at that time, Lu Liangcheng had something to go abroad, and the Luxing family didn't come back. It was cold and quiet. There was no taste of the new year at all. Now that we get together, this new year will be a complete one.

"Don't worry, mom. We'll stay here for three days and then go back. We'll come out to see you and the children."

Lu Xing looked at Chen Rong and said that he knew that Chen Rong had always thought of it. Now when he saw the other party so happy, his heart was also happy. It was not easy for two people to be together.

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"Good, good, stay a few more days, Sangyu and the town are here these two days, our family is lively."

It's a pity that Lu Song was missing. Lu Song's affairs were a thorn in his heart, so now the Lu family has completely forgotten them. At 10:00 p.m., another person also came to the Lu family. It was Lu Dongqiang who had disappeared for a long time, but he had not been exposed for a long time.

The old man saw also came, his face first flashed a trace of excitement, and then looked at him with dignity, "I thought you would never come back in this life. Before the Spring Festival, even a phone call was not available. It was really chilling."

Lu Dongqiang took a puff from the corner of his mouth and put the gift he brought on the table. "Dad, my car was trapped in the deep mountains during the Spring Festival, and I went to explore the primeval forest with others. There was no signal on my mobile phone in those days. It's not that I don't contact you, I can't contact you. I dug a lot of good things in it, and brought them back to you. You can have a look."

Lu Dongqiang, like a treasure offering, put all the things he dug in front of the old man. When he saw those things, his face softened a little, knowing that the man was not lying. After all, the medicinal materials were very fresh, suitable for medicinal wine, and there were also Ganoderma lucidum in it. It seems that this son is really interested.

"What are you going to do in those places? You're looking for your own suffering. I don't care about you."

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Although the old man's heart forgives the other party, his mouth is still merciless. Shen Bizhi starts to speak well and stares at the old man fiercely, "the son of other people is specially going to dig these for you. You don't take them well. What's wrong here? If the son really has something to do in it, you should be the one who cries the most. Play your mouth here Leather Kung Fu, really, Dongqiang, sit down quickly. Don't go to those places next time. It's very dangerous. There are many poisonous insects and snakes in the primitive forest. If something happens to you, what can your father and I do? "There was a trace of embarrassment on the old man's face. This man was worthy of living with himself for so many years. He felt his ideas clearly, and he gave a sharp slap at the corners of his mouth, leaving his eyes out of his sight for fear of being laughed at.

Lu Dongqiang has always known the old man's temper. When he saw something called embarrassment on his face, he only felt funny. "Although it's spring now, but the weather is still cold, snakes and other insects are hibernating. We also saw this rare opportunity and decided to go. Parents, don't worry, I'm such a big man, and I won't mess around."

Lu Dongqiang sat down beside him. Seeing that the old man's face was still not happy, Lu sighed, "Dad, this time I will stay a little longer before leaving. I will accompany you well. I will prepare the New Year gift for you and mom."

The old man's face is happy at last. However, this kind of pleasure is not because Lu Dongqiang will prepare gifts for them, but because the man said that he would stay for a few days before he left. This is what people are like when they are old. They don't ask for anything else, as long as their children can stay with them all the time.

Lu Dongqiang saw the children of Qin Sangyu and Lu Liangcheng for the first time. His face was full of surprise and surprise with fruit.

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