When we had dinner together, Lu Chencai came back from running and went to take a battle bath. Then he sat down comfortably. "Sister, you got up so early today. I've already lost my eyesight."

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Qin Sangyu took a look at him. He always felt that this man was satirizing himself. He frowned and thought that he was good to Lu Chen. As a result, the boy's mouth was really unforgiving.

"Xiaochen, don't you think your brother-in-law doesn't hate you enough?"

Lu Chen looks at her innocently and thinks that he is wrong again? Or is the other side reading too much?

"Sister, I'm telling you the truth. If you take it together, you will sleep until breakfast is cooked. Today, you suddenly wake up. Congratulations."

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Qin Sangyu is very sure now that this boy is satirizing herself. She is very uncomfortable in her heart. She stares at him, but doesn't say anything.

Everyone had a happy meal together. Chen Rong, Lu Heng and Lu Chen were about to return to the army. Before leaving, she seemed to be worried about Qin Sangyu. She pulled her over and gave her a good command for a while. Then she turned away in silence.

Sugar and fruit are held in the hands of the two old people. Everyone likes them very much. When Chen Rong left, she left a lot of gifts for the two children. It seems that she still likes her grandson very much.

Qin Sangyu sighed. She probably grew up, so every time she left, she felt very uncomfortable. She nestled in Luliang City's arms, saw what the other party was thinking about, and reached out to touch him, "what's the matter with you? What's your stupidity at this time? "

Lu Liangcheng seemed to suddenly come back to his senses, and his eyes twinkled. "I'm trying to decide whether or not to give the gift to Lu Chen. After all, this time the other party's mouth made me very angry. Fortunately, I prepared a big gift for him in the army."

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Qin Sangyu was amused to see the man's stingy appearance. He reached out and touched his face. "Since they have been prepared for others, there is no reason to take it back. Do you think I am really angry with Lu Chen? In fact, I like the way we get along with each other. If the other party is polite to me, I should be sad. This means that he really doesn't take me for granted Family. "

Seeing that Qin Sangyu didn't look like a liar, Lu Liangcheng didn't intend to return his gift. He took a deep look at her and put his arm around her waist. As for the two children, he decided to stay in the old house for a period of time. Anyway, the two old people hoped that the two children could stay here all the time.

"Grandfather, grandma, the children will be handed over to you. We will come back to pick them up in half a month. If there is something missing, you can call me immediately and I will ask Mo Yu to deliver it."

Lu Liangcheng walked freely and freely. He didn't feel that there was anything wrong with putting his children here. The corners of his mouth had been slightly bent. Because he was about to pass the world of two, everyone was very excited. However, Qin Sangyu couldn't let go of his two children, but he stopped talking. Seeing that the two old people seemed to like children very much, he sighed and let the children stay here more Old man.

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When they got home, they found that Xia ChuChu was not there. They heard that this person had already received a new script, which was the number one girl. She wanted to ask the agent, but after a look, she found that the agent was not there. Xia ChuChu just called at this time. It turned out that she was going to attend the award party, relying on that one Supporting actor, actually also won the prize, is really promising ah.

"Well, I see. Well, we're home already."

Qin Sangyu took a look at the villa and found that it was cleaned up. Only when she called a nanny before, she found that there was no nanny in the room. When asked, she knew that something had happened to the nanny's house, which had been cleaned up by Xia ChuChu these days.

Qin Sangyu was a little sad. She continued to call the housekeeping company and wanted to contact the new nanny. However, Lu Liangcheng took her phone and hung up directly. "I have a candidate who has just let Mo Yu inform each other. She is about the same age as Aunt Zhang. Her wife died two years ago. She lives alone. In fact, her family is very rich It's just that her children and grandchildren are all abroad. It's boring for her to keep such a big home by herself, so she occasionally goes out to do something. She is also a member of her grandfather's circle. She has agreed to come here, and will arrive at night. "

Lu Liangcheng said slowly, Qin Sangyu heard his words, no longer looking for other people, there is no one at home to clean up, still feel quite unaccustomed to, she usually rarely aorta cleaning the house, now come back and forth a lot of maid, still need a cook aunt.

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After Aunt Zhang left, she was more or less lost, but Aunt Zhang was going to pursue her own happiness. She could not leave her family here for her own selfish desire.

Qin Sangyu sighed and turned on the TV to watch it. He found that Xia ChuChu was the leading actor of the TV series. This play was really popular. He searched the microblog every day. Xia ChuChu didn't take advantage of the popularity to open the microblog, because the agent set the route for the other party at the beginning, hoping that the person would finally take the high-end line, such as microblog, now Ming Almost everyone has a star. If Xia ChuChu is only opened under the thousands of calls of fans, it can be regarded as another wave of powder. So the agent now tells Xia ChuChu not to rush to open the microblog, and to settle down is the key.Xia ChuChu trusts this agent very much. Now that two people get along with each other, they become sisters, and they are not any clinker sisters. The other party is really considering everything for her. She is very moved. Since others have delivered their sincerity, she will also deliver her own sincerity.

"The love of female stars has always been a sensitive point. Because of the public love, the performing arts career has reached a low ebb. Some people have announced their love affairs and won a large number of fans. It all depends on luck. I know you have a secret lover now, but in front of the media, you can never say more about it. When your career is completely up, you can say you have a secret love People, but they don't know that you love him secretly. This is the way to go recently, understand? "

The agent carefully analyzed the situation to Xia ChuChu with the information, and saw the other party nodded solemnly, which was funny. "In fact, the entertainment industry is not as terrible as you think, mainly the hidden rules and wine accompaniment, but you are the people who are holding up in Tiancheng. No one dares to let you go to accompany the wine. You just have to film well, and all the other things don't need your consideration."

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