Such a discovery made everyone feel surprised. What happened to this person? How could he suddenly feel so good, or even changed so much? But no one asked him what happened. He just watched in the dark.

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Before that, Qin Sangyu also felt that wanqieshen was quite cold, which gave people a very detached feeling. It seemed that things like falling in love were not related to each other. However, she was very optimistic about wanqieshen and Xia ChuChu. The names of these two people seemed to match. So in order to match up the two people, she specially informed everyone to have a party tonight and go to KTV.

Lu Liangcheng agreed with her very much. After all, now that the two little oil tankers are not around, their husband and wife can say that they are very free. They must take advantage of the two old people who have not sent their children back to vent their grievances during this period of time. So in a short time, ronglang family, sumo family, and Mo Yu brothers all arrived Waiting for wanjichen, the man just called to say that there was a traffic jam, and he didn't know when he would be here.

Xia ChuChu was forced to come by Qin Sangyu. After all, these people are the people in the center of G. although she is a miss of five places, five places no longer exist. According to her identity, she can't meet these people However, Qin Sangyu was very enthusiastic about bringing her into this circle. She didn't know what to be grateful for. In short, she had mixed tastes. Until she finally saw Wan Jichen come in from the door, she didn't know why Qin Sangyu had brought her here. It turned out that the purpose of the other party was this.

Xia ChuChu suddenly raised her head. Since her friends are paving the way for her, she can't let people down too much. She must succeed tonight. Even if she doesn't succeed, she has to make a confession to wanjichen to see the attitude of this person to himself.

Xia ChuChu has never been a person who is afraid of failure. She is also the same in the pursuit of men. When she found that Wan Jichen was sitting next to her, she quickly put the fruit plate on her side, and her face was natural and generous.

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"Try this one. It's good."

When Wan Jichen saw the fact that Xia ChuChu was sitting beside him, he felt a little bad. How could his body be so rigid? Even he felt his own body abnormality. Was it a fever? He stretched out his hand and tried his temperature. It was normal, not like a fever. But why was his face so hot.

"Yes, thank you."

He said politely. He took up the contents and took a bite in his mouth. Then he took a bottle of wine silently and spoke with ronglang.

Rong Lang took the initiative to entertain Xia ChuChu. When Wan chuchen was waiting for the dust, he had already seen some skills. It seems that this girl is really interested in her brothers. They are all married, and some even have children. However, Wan has been addicted to research for so many years and seldom contacts with outsiders. If this continues, isn't it really necessary to be lonely You're old alone?

So the next aristocratic family, as long as he had a chance, would throw the topic to Xia ChuChu, so that Wan Qichen had to talk to Xia ChuChu.

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Xia ChuChu thanks these people from the heart, very simple, willing to help her.

She tried to make her performance very good, a pair of eyes like full of starlight, tender like water will Wancheng dust look at.

In the end, Wan Jichen was more and more flustered. He even didn't know what he was doing. He wanted to move his eyes away, but suddenly he found that Xia ChuChu was beautiful tonight. Yes, this man is a star. If he doesn't pass the appearance test, he won't let so many people like him.

In fact, he has been paying attention to Xia ChuChu's news on the Internet recently. He knows that this person is going to be popular. Many men regard her as a mate choice, but they don't know what she thinks.

Mo Yu also followed him this time. He sat on the side and was silent all the time. Seeing Xia ChuChu's face, he suddenly thought of Xia Meng. Up to now, he still remembers the woman in his heart, but he dare not express his mind. Because Xia Meng has provoked all the people here, everyone doesn't like her, but he treats that woman only It's because of the kiss?

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Mo Yu thought so, it was his first kiss. It seems that he can still clearly remember that touch feeling, like a feather gently brushing, with a string of electric current, has been running to his heart. He was surprised to see that gentle face, the other party's closed eyelashes seemed to rush into his heart, that is, this picture is always fixed in his brain The sea, no matter how he waves it, can't go away.

"Come on, drink."

It seems to know that he is thinking about the woman. Murray took a bottle of wine and put it on his hand. His face was full of heartache. The younger brother was so stupid that he was cheated by a woman for such a long time, but he still didn't come out. He sighed, "you should learn to put it down. Don't let others see jokes. For such a woman, it's not worth it."

Mo Yu's heart sharp pain up, everyone said that for the summer dream is not worth, but sometimes he felt that the summer dream is also very poor, especially after knowing the other party's experience, he is more distressed, the more heartache, the more can not put down, and really should that sentence, poor people must have hateful place."Brother, I know. I'll learn to put it down slowly."

He said faintly, thinking that now everything has settled down, he will go out to relax, at least half a year, will come back to G City, but such a decision, he has not told anyone for the moment, when he goes back tonight, he will talk to the boss.

By the end of the day, it was 11 o'clock in the evening. Wan Jichen drank a little more wine. She felt that Xia ChuChu had been standing beside her, and a smile flashed on her face. The girl did not admit defeat "Persistent ah, he quietly approached her, and slowly opened his mouth in her ear," three years, three years later, you have not liked the person, you still like me, then we will get married. "

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A light sentence, with a slight alcohol gas, suddenly burst in Xia ChuChu's mind, Xia ChuChu's eyes suddenly lit up, like a meteor flying in the night, but she was afraid that the man was drunk and did not remember his oath.

"I'm not drunk. I'm awake."

Wanjichen left such a sentence and got on the bus, while others didn't notice the small interaction between him and Xia ChuChu, otherwise he would be crazy.

Qin Sangyu saw Xia ChuChu standing in the same place, thinking that this person must be sad. After all, Wan Jichen did not make any response from the beginning to the end. It seems that she does not like her at all.

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