"Grandfather Lu, we know, children, we look at it, you can rest assured."

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Qin Sangyu was full of regret and said, "can't we express this regret? We only had a bitter smile with Lu Liangcheng. If we had known that it was so troublesome to have children, we should have had children later. It's all due to Lu Liangcheng, who has been clamoring for a child. Now, the life of the couple has been completely disrupted.

Qin Sangyu thinks so, it is very irresponsible idea, but only with children understand that children in their childhood are really too tormenting, so that they haven't slept for a long time, and they are not comfortable at all.

The two old men nagged for a while, leaving the children here. Before leaving, they repeatedly told Lu Liangcheng not to do anything that would damage the face of the Lu family. The old man is a man who wants face. Such things can be done once, but not again. Otherwise, they will fall out with this grandson.

Lu Liangcheng has been repeatedly assured that the old man went back by car.

In the evening, Qin Sangyu and Lu Liangcheng came back from a run and were busy getting food for the children. "Is it time to change the diapers? I think the diapers are bulging. They are not La Baba, are they?"

It's time to eat. If you change diapers for children at this time, it's estimated that they have no appetite to eat. Qin Sangyu's face turned white, and immediately pushed the child to Lu Liangcheng, "you are the father of the child. I'll leave the matter of changing diapers to you."

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Lu Liangcheng's face is not good-looking, change diapers, where he will change what diapers, this person is not joking, "wife, I will not ah, you will not change, we together, I will help you."

Qin Sangyu saw the dishes all over his face and knew that the man was not joking. He sighed that he would not change diapers. What else would he do? "Open the diaper, and I'll get a new one.

Lu Liangcheng almost opened his diaper with his eyes closed, because his nose could smell the smell.

"Oh, it's so dirty, husband. Let's throw the baby away."

Qin Sangyu said this, Lu Liangcheng's mouth was drawn, has been closed eyes, very do not want to see those disgusting pictures, ah, changing diapers for children everything, it is a nightmare.

Qin Sangyu finally changed, but her face turned pale. Just as her aunt made egg soup for the night, Qin almost vomited it out. She waved her hand and said that she was not hungry, so she went upstairs to nest.

"What's wrong with Miss Qin? Are you not used to taking care of children? At the beginning, it was like this. When I was a newborn, I didn't want to change diapers for my children. I would eat fewer bowls of rice every time I changed diapers. "

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Lu Liangcheng's hand shook a little. Before he wanted to have a child, he saw the Sheng Sheng of Su Mo, and thought the child was really lovely. However, he did not expect that the process of children's growth was grinding people, especially their parents. He sighed, "I only wanted to have children. I thought that the children were very lovely in their life, and forgot the difficulties in growing up Now, Xin, it's not easy for parents to bring up a child. "

After dinner, he brought some snacks to Qin Sangyu. He saw that she was coaxing fruit to sleep. Her face was full of brilliance. They said that a girl would become more gentle after becoming a mother. Qin Sangyu is just like this.

"Is the child asleep?"

He went in to ask a question, see sugar has fallen asleep, naughty fruit is still open eyes, keep smiling, how refused to sleep.

"The child has always been very excited, and must be very noisy in the future, but sugar and sugar are relatively cold."

Qin Sangyu coaxed the fruit, went into the bathroom and took a bath before coming out. Seeing Lu Liangcheng bringing snacks to her, a smile flashed in her eyes. "It's hard for you to be a parent. Only when you have children can you know the hardship."

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Lu Liangcheng hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "You work harder, but I don't have anything. You are always with the children."

Two people's faces are happy, each other nestled in the past.

On the other side of the earth, this time is the morning. Moyu has been in this country for a month. He came here on the second day of his vacation. The boss has already said hello to the senior management, so no one has been looking for him for such a long time. Finally, he does not need to pay attention to the trivia of his work and concentrate on relaxing himself.

As he walked in the crowd, he felt that the figure in front of him in the skirt was very familiar. His steps slowed down. Everyone knew that Xia Meng died in the tsunami and was eaten by sharks. But even if he came to a foreign country, he could still see such a familiar figure. It was crazy.

Mo Yu thought so, can't help but follow up, just want to see what the other side looks like, but the girl soon disappeared in the vast sea of people, as if he just saw all just illusion.

"It's just an illusion. How can you have such a similar back figure?"

Mo Yu said so, quietly looking at the movie ticket in his hand. This is a recently released film, which is very popular with the local people. Since he has come, he naturally wants to go and have a look.He came to the cinema, holding a coke in his hand. As soon as he raised his head, he saw the familiar figure sitting in front of him. His breathing suddenly became difficult. He did not dare to say hello to the other party. He was afraid that all his perceptions were illusions.

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He pinched the coke in his hand quietly, and heard the cry of the girls in front of him. This is a tragic movie. Many people in the cinema are crying. Some girls even cry to the utmost. Maybe they have similar experience with the protagonist in the movie. This is more traumatic. But the girls in front of him have been crying very quietly and oppressively.

This movie is not about love, but about family, and it's a great story about a father.

Mo Yu doesn't have much impression on his relatives. He grew up with his brother since he was a child. However, compared with his brother, he seems to get along with the boss more because they are trained by the old man, and they receive different training, so they seldom meet each other.

In front of the girl is still crying, Mo Yu silently handed a paper towel in the past, heard the other side whispered, "thank you."

this voice made as like as two peas in his hair. If he was just looking alike, he would not have a trace of hope in his heart, but now, even his voice is exactly the same as Xia Meng's. will there really be two people who are so similar? Or is this woman Xia Meng?

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