After hanging up the phone, Qin Sangyu sent a text message to Lu Liangcheng. Before flying high in the plane, Qin Sangyu carefully typed the things to pay attention to in the message. Lu Liangcheng looked at the dense words in the message, and his eyebrows were scattered. So he immediately took a picture of sugar and sugar hanging water and eating corn for her.

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In the photo, Tangtang was wearing a water Blue Mickey suit, and her wool hat was bought by her when she went shopping. There was a string of English I am the best on it. Qin Sangyu saw it and thought it matched the dress. So she bought it without saying a word. Now she is looking at the photo and it is really beautiful.

said that boys as like as two peas, but sugar candy felt like they were carved out of the mold of landing in Liangcheng. No matter what appearance or temperament, they were exactly the same as the natural and cool air field of Lu Liangcheng. No, they sat there only slightly, and could see from the pictures, and always felt this little fellow was dying of high cold.

When Qin Sangyu saw the photo, the stone in her heart was put down. The stewardess stood on the edge of Qin Sangyu with a gentle face. Seeing that she was still sending messages, she gently reminded: "madam, I'm really sorry. Maybe you need to turn off your mobile phone, because our plane has already taken off and will soon enter the high altitude!"

"OK, I'll turn it off right away!"

"Honey, I'll wait for you and Tangtang in the hotel! Love you

After typing these words quickly, Qin Sangyu reluctantly turned off the machine. At that time, she did not expect that it was the last time that she sent a text message to Lu Liangcheng as Qin Sangyu.

The drops of sugar and sugar hit very quickly. It seemed that he had eaten the corn in his hand. He raised his head and looked at Lu Liangcheng, who was still dealing with the documents. Then suddenly, his face was very wrong and he called for Mommy.

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Seeing this, Lu Liangcheng immediately took the notebook away, and then said to Tangtang: "Mommy and my sister will fly away first. When you finish the drip, daddy will take you there."

Tangtang has always been calm beyond his age, but unexpectedly, when he heard Lu Liangcheng's explanation, he suddenly got angry and said, "no! Sister and mummy can't go! Daddy, you call them back

Tangtang talks earlier than Guoguo, but the pronunciation is very standard, so every word is very clear. At first, Lu Liangcheng thought it was Tangtang who was in a bad temper when he heard it. So he immediately put on a straight face and said, "if you don't listen to me, I'll spank you!"

At ordinary times, if Lu Liangcheng had a tiger face, Tangtang would have changed into a good boy. But today, it is not only useless, but also worse. Even because of his temper tantrum, the needles in his hands slipped out. In an instant, the needle tube near the back of his hand immediately bled back.

Lu Liangcheng was really angry. He hugged Tangtang and called the nurse. However, Tangtang was crying and twisting, so the nurse's needle couldn't be inserted into it!

"Lu Chenghao, I'll ask you whether you want to fight this drop!"

Hearing his name, Tangtang realized that his father was really angry.

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He adjusted his breath slowly, then restrained his choking, and explained to his father in a calm voice: "Daddy, sugar just wants Mommy!"

Although Lu Liangcheng is very strict with Tangtang, he still regards him as a quick treasure in the end. As soon as his soft voice comes out, Lu Liangcheng's fire is suppressed. He sighs heavily and explains with Tangtang patiently.

"Mommy and Guoguo are already on the plane. We have agreed to go out for a trip."

Tangtang looks at Lu Liangcheng with tears in her eyes. The grievances in her eyes come one wave after another.

"Well Why didn't Mommy take me

"It's not that I didn't take you, but daddy and you couldn't catch the plane!" Speaking of this, Lu Liangcheng couldn't help but give sugar a look, and then directly said: "it's not because you are greedy. If you don't eat your stomach badly, we will all be on the plane!"

"Can you call mommy and ask her to wait for me? I don't have a stomachache now!" she said

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Lu Liangcheng sighed, then stroked Tangtang's head with his hand. "Be obedient, you're good enough to finish this drop, and we'll leave immediately. Otherwise, if you do this again, you'll have to wait for a clear flight."

Tangtang seems to understand, so he immediately put down his noisy hand. He leaned against Lu Liangcheng's arms and watched the nurse's aunt prick the needle into the back of his hand. He didn't know why. At that moment, he suddenly cried.

"Daddy, I seem to hear Mommy calling me!"

"What nonsense, your mother is on the plane!"

Yes, most of a child's words are nonsense. Even Lu Liangcheng, who has always been shrewd, would not think of it. Such a nonsense is actually the telepathy between Tangtang and Qin Sangyu. When he felt that the airport staff said that Qin Sangyu's plane had crashed, he was stunned.Tangtang didn't seem to react at the first time. He walked to the staff with short legs and then stretched out his hand to pull the corner of each other's clothes, "uncle, uncle! What does a plane crash mean? Did the plane explode? "

Looking at Tangtang's innocent face, the staff couldn't say anything at once, so he squatted down and said, "it's just a temporary loss of contact."

"Is that my mother and sister can't be found?"

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Tangtang's calm face is totally beyond a child's ability to bear. What's more, the staff member didn't expect that he felt that the child in front of him knew everything, so he was stunned and didn't know what to say for a moment. Lu Liangcheng signed Tangtang's hand, but Tangtang forced him away. It was the first time that Lu Liangcheng saw Tangtang look at him with that expression.

"As I said, mummy can't go. Daddy, why don't you agree? Why don't you let mommy wait for me?"

Lu Liangcheng didn't say anything, just stood. He looked up at the red words on the screen, and his heart sank to the bottom of the sea.

"Give way, give way!"

All of a sudden, the crowd burst into the platform, and they ran towards the staff like crazy, asking about the plane.

"What's a lost connection? What exactly does that mean? Is that how your airport staff handle problems? "

"That's right. What's going on? At least tell us whether these family members are alive or dead

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