"Tangtang, after all, is still young, three years old. After a long time, he should forget it when he grows up. As for your brother, Xiaoxiao, he has experienced a lot more things than you imagined. Although I know Qin Sangyu is very important in his eyes, I believe he should be able to stand up."

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"Baijue, tell me, if it's really a terrorist attack, what's the survival rate on the plane?"

"No survival rate!" Bai Jue seemed hesitant. After all, he knew that Lu Xiao would be pregnant with a child, and could not stand any great stimulation. However, after thinking about it, he still had to tell the truth about it, otherwise it would be even more unbearable in the future. After hesitation, he still explained in detail: "the survival rate of an airplane crash is small, even if it is a forced landing for all the staff, the plane is easy to catch fire and scrap, let alone to say nothing of it It explodes, and the explosion is instantaneous, so there is no reaction time at all! "

"Well After all, the final result is still one sentence. Sister in law and Guo Guo may Probably dead, right? "

Bai Jue didn't speak. For the word "death", he couldn't open his mouth. Mo Yu's face was calm all the time. He didn't know what to say, and he didn't dare to say anything, because at this moment, he was also afraid.

Over the years since he landed in Liangcheng, he has gone through all kinds of experiences. Many people think that Moyu is just a subordinate of Luliang City, but Mo Yu knows that Lu Liangcheng has never treated him as a subordinate.

Because of Lu Liangcheng, he had a foothold and more money than ordinary people. Even when he appeared and performed dangerous tasks, he never chose to give up because he wanted to save his life.

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In fact, many times, when they were carrying out confidential tasks, they could let Mo Yu go alone. Anyway, he was just a subordinate, and died when he died. No one would remember him. Everyone would praise him and say that he was loyal, but Lu Liangcheng did not. No matter whether it was a small task or a big task, or how dangerous the task was, Lu Liangcheng was charging with Mo Yu Set up.

His memory suddenly blurred, thinking of a long time ago in an explosion, because of the explosive, the building was about to collapse, and his body was pressed under the beam.

At that time, Mo Yu gave up his own, he cried out: "boss, you go! Leave me alone and go

However, Lu Liangcheng didn't hear it at all, so he went back directly. He picked up the soil with his bare hands and pulled out Mo Yu. It was also because of the timely rescue that Mo Yu suffered from skin trauma and was not in danger.

In fact, Mo Yu also asked Lu Liangcheng: "boss, why did you save me at that time?"

At that time, Lu Liangcheng was looking at the report form in his office. When he heard Mo Yu asking, he raised his head in surprise: "I don't save you, who will save you? Besides, do you want me to watch you die

"I'm just your subordinate, and I should serve you. But you are different from the boss. Your status is valuable, which is also the hope of all the people of the Lu family. You can't have an accident!"

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"Fart, what is valuable or not is two eyes, one nose and one mouth. You are a human being, and I am also a human being. We are all the same. Moreover, you are not my subordinate. You are my brother, a good brother who shares life and death together."

That is, from that moment on, Mo Yu really gave his life to Luliang City. If there is any change in recent years, it should be that they are not only brothers, but also relatives.

Mo Yu's eyes are red. He seems to have noticed something. Then he reaches out to wipe the corners of his eyes. When he looks up again, the firmness in his eyes suddenly comes up.

"You take care of the boss in the hospital, I will take people to the accident site to search and rescue!"

"Search and rescue? What are you searching for? I've sent a rescue team over, and this matter is too big, and all the people in charge are there. If you go through like this, you will certainly let you in! "

"No, there are secret soldiers in the Lu family! There are also emergency codes! "

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"What? Are you going to use stealth and emergency code? "

Bai Jue was shocked. He looked at Mo Yu and seemed to be very dissatisfied with his decision. "Do you know what the secret soldiers and emergency codes mean? It means that all the contributions and efforts made by the Lu family for the country in recent years have been exchanged!"

When Lu Liangcheng took on a private mission, he was praised for his meritorious deeds. However, Lu Liangcheng never asked for it once. He had all the money and didn't care. At that time, the leader let the Lu family cultivate secret soldiers in private. However, it must be ensured that they do not violate the state and finally the country. Of course, they are not allowed to appear in the public's eyes Line, and as for the emergency code, is equivalent to an ancient gold medal, allowing Lu Liangcheng to do one thing without the consent of the superior, but only once!

Although the leader said so, Lu Liangcheng has never done anything. Everyone thinks that this is a reward that won't be exchanged. However, Mo Yu has to change it today.

"Everything in the Lu family is earned by the boss, so it's right to use the emergency code at this time!"

"Mo Yu, you can't be so impulsive. The international situation has been so tense in the past two years, so the emergency code must have other uses. Moreover, Lu Liangcheng is still lying in bed. If you act without authorization, he will blame you when he wakes up!""Brother won't blame him!"

Lu Xiao raised her chin. Her eyes were flushed with tears. She looked at Bai Jue and begged, "let her go. If my brother wakes up, he will do the same!"

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"But it's futile. The probability of survival of terrorist attacks is very small. Is it really cost-effective to use the emergency code under such circumstances?"

"Baijue, my sister-in-law and Guoguo are on the plane. They are two lives. Tell me, is it human life important or what emergency code is important? Or I will ask you in another way, if you are my brother, and I am on the plane with my children, what will you do

Bai Jue suddenly shut down. He looked at Lu Xiao and didn't know what to say.

He is calm and calm. It is true, but it is only because he is a spectator that he can think from the perspective of the overall situation. But just after Lu Xiao's words, he was completely silent. Yes, he was wrong. Nothing is more important than his relatives.

Bai Jue said sorry, then turned around and patted Mo Yu on the shoulder.

"You go, you have been following Lu Liangcheng. I believe your strength, even if there is only 0% hope, you should try your best. Maybe there will be a miracle. As for here, leave it to us!"

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