"Grandma, are you teasing me? Sugar is only three years old. What can he do there?"

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"If he doesn't go, if Sangyu and Guoguo are really confirmed to be gone, what do you think he will do with your brother's feelings for them?"

Lu Xiao didn't say anything, but she knew clearly that if Lu Liangcheng lost Qin Sangyu, Lu Liangcheng might really collapse. When his mind was hot, it was possible to do something quiet. After all, she often heard Lu Liangcheng say to Qin Sangyu that if you have anything, I will not live alone.

"Take Tangtang to let your brother know that he has an unshirkable responsibility here, and this responsibility belongs to Qin Sangyu and his two people. If Qin Sangyu is really gone, then this responsibility must be completed by your brother!"

"But But is it too cruel to Tangtang? Although he is only three years old and doesn't understand life and death, he still knows the four words without mother

Shen Bizhi holds her mobile phone, her body is cold as if she is stiff. She looks at the candy playing on the lawn outside, and immediately two lines of clear tears flow down.

"This may be the child's life, and now, only he can take back your brother's life!"

Lu Xiao understood, so he hung up and went to Shen Bizhi. Tangtang didn't know what happened. He was very happy to see Lu Xiao come to pick him up. He got into Lu Xiao's arms and asked naively, "Auntie, have you come to take me to find daddy and mummy? By the way, my sister is OK. Is there any crying? Her Barbie was taken away by me after playing. It is estimated that she will not be found. She must be crying! "

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Lu Xiao's nose was sour. Looking at Tangtang's naive appearance, Lu Xiao almost burst into tears. Fortunately, baijue gave her a look and reminded her. So Lu Xiao quickly stopped her emotion and said, "Auntie will take you to find them!"


Tangtang hugged her mouth happily. The little white teeth that had just grown out looked very cute. He took Lu Xiao's face in his arms and gave a big voice: "aunt is the best!"


When Shen Bizhi comes out of the hall, Lu Xiao looks back and finds that in a few days, Shen Bizhi is very old. Lu Xiao puts Tangtang in baijue's hand, and then walks over to hold Shen Bizhi. She turns her back to Tangtang, and her voice is deliberately low, so Tangtang doesn't know what they are talking about.

"Originally you are pregnant, I shouldn't have worked hard on you, but Xiaoxiao, if you don't go, then no one will go to the Lu family. I'm old and my body is useless. Your father and your uncle are rational people. If they know, they will force your brother back. If so, with your brother's temper, your brother may be breaking up with the Lu family!"

"Granny, I know. You can rest assured that my elder brother has been so kind to me and my sister-in-law has been nice to me. Naturally, I will not forget this friendship. Moreover, baijue accompanies me and takes care of me. The child in my belly will be OK!"

"Well, that's good. Fortunately, Tangtang is not a naughty child. You and baijue don't have to worry too much about it all the way."

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"Don't worry, grandma. I know how to do it. Don't worry about the rest of the things. I don't think you look very good these two days. You've got a lot of white hair!"

When Shen bichi heard this, her voice suddenly choked. "How can I not worry? Although I didn't like Qin Sangyu when she was with your brother, what she did these years has melted my old lady's heart.

She is a kind-hearted person. She understands the overall situation. Standing beside your brother, how do I see how to match? When your brother is busy at home and abroad, she does not forget to improve herself, especially for your brother. The good one is nothing to say. I also think that it is lucky for my Lu family to have such a daughter-in-law. Therefore, I love her from the bottom of my heart. How can I do this Can not sad, not sad

"Grandma, things have happened, we can't help it. Sister-in-law is a good person, and I feel bad when she has an accident. So I always think, maybe we are too pessimistic. Maybe sister-in-law and fruit have survived. Maybe they are waiting for us in some forest or some island."

"How are the rescue and search teams?"

"There was no news, but a damaged wing was found!"

"What about those who have been brought by the ink rain?"

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"Those men are capable soldiers with good physical strength and water quality, so the scope of search and rescue is much larger than those sent by the leader. On the way before, I heard Mo Yu call baijue to say that he had found something new, but I didn't have time to ask about the details. After all, we were not on the scene anymore!"

"Then take Tangtang and baijue together. Remember, you must hand Tangtang to your brother, and tell him that no one can take care of Tangtang, only himself!"

"Grandma, I see. Don't worry about it."

After saying goodbye to Shen Bizhi, Lu Xiao and his staff set off. Lu Liangcheng arrived two days earlier than them because he went by private plane.

When Mo Yu saw Lu Liangcheng, he was dragging the nose of the plane from the lake. Of course, the nose was not complete. It should be only one tenth. But judging from the damaged traces, he still found some clues."Boss! Are you awake? "

Mo Yu quickly loosened the rope in his hand, and then ran over. He put his arm around Lu Liangcheng, his eyes red.

Maybe he found something wrong, so he loosened his hand. He wiped his eyes and then apologized: "I'm sorry, boss. I'm rude!"

Lu Liangcheng naturally won't blame him. Looking at Mo Yu's tired face, he felt very grateful. He reached out and solemnly patted Mo Yu on the shoulder, and then said in a loud voice, "thank you for coming here when I was in a coma."

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"Boss, this is what I should do!"

Lu Liangcheng received the emotion, and immediately switched to a very serious expression. He looked at the damaged nose, and his heart suddenly jumped. He went over and looked at it carefully, and then asked, "did you find anything?"

"Xiaoxiao's wife and I think it's possible that my boss and I have hope!"


Lu Liangcheng was a little excited. He looked at the ink rain and asked again: "what you just said is true?"

"How dare I cheat the boss?"

Mo Yu said while leading Lu Liangcheng to the damaged nose pulled out from the lake. "Boss, although it's only a small part, I've already compared the built-in map of n731. This is the VIP cabin."

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