"Skin grafting?" Hearing these four words, Xiao Hai was surprised. Although the last time she went to the hospital for consultation, the doctor also told her that the wound on her neck could only be treated by skin grafting, but because the cost was too expensive, Xiaohai gave up knowingly.

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Although she knew that Xu Daning was good to her, she could also feel that Zhou Meifang did not like her very much. As for the reason, she thought it was mostly because of money.

So when Xu Daning told her about the operation, she really didn't believe it. She thought that even if Xu Daning was willing to accept the operation, Zhou Meifang couldn't agree to it.

"Xiaohai? What's up? What do you think you're not so happy? "

Xu Daning saw Xiao Hai in a daze, so he asked in a voice. Xiao Hai immediately shook his head and said, "no, I just think how can I be taken to do skin grafting operation all of a sudden?"

"What is sudden?" Xu Daning stretched out his hand and pressed Xiaohai's shoulder, and then word by word: "this decision has never been sudden. When I took you to the hospital for further consultation, when the doctor said that skin grafting surgery can help you to cure the scar on your neck, I told you that I would definitely take you to do hand surgery!"

"But the operation cost is too expensive. You have already spent a lot of money on the previous operations. I I don't make money myself. I don't have the face to spend it like this again! "

"What do you mean you don't make money? You are my fiancee, and the money I earn is the money you earn. Besides, you are not the only one who delivers meals to me. If you don't give me meals, I can't eat enough and have no strength to work. You say it is right. So, Xiaohai, don't always deny your own efforts. Besides, for me, your existence is my cardiotonic. You don't know what I'm trying to do now It's all you, and the motivation is you! "

Xu Daning said is very sincere, this kind of sincerity makes his eyes red. Xiao Hai doesn't know whether Xu Daning is angry or worried.

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She hung her head and her eyes fell down at random. Her white teeth were knocked on her red lips, and the tiny teeth marks looked very worrying.

"Brother Ning, I don't know how to explain to you. I always feel that I have a great sense of guilt and debt for you!"

"Why is it like this, Xiao Hai, I should do all these things. You are my fiancee. I am not good at you. Who is good to you?"

Xiao Hai's line of sight is very low, so in front of this line of sight, it is the floor and his shoes.

On the upper of the white shoes, there is a small flower pattern composed of purple shells. This is made by a good craftsman in the village. Xu Daning bought it for her. Later, she learned that the aunt made shoes.

"Ning Ge, in fact, I always have a question to ask you!"


Looking at Xiao Hai, Xu Daning always felt that such an expression seemed to predict something bad. Sure enough, when Xiaohai looked up, he directly asked, "am I really your fiancee?"

Xu Daning's face changed instantly, as if it were the sky before the storm, suddenly gray and gloomy.

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But in front of Xiaohai, he still wants to make a look of being calm.

"Xiaohai, how can you say such a good thing? You are not my fiancee, can't you be someone else's fiancee?"

"I don't mean that, Ningge I just think there are a lot of things I don't understand! "

"Don't you understand?" Xu Daning frowns tightly, and he stares at Xiaohai tightly.

Xiaohai naturally noticed this kind of gaze. At this moment, she was more nervous than anyone else.

But she also really doubts, this kind of doubt from her wake up the first moment, careful calculation, also nearly two years.

In the past two years, she felt like a machine. She was pressed once and then started the program. There was nothing about her own memory. However, if she tried hard or tried to search for something, there was nothing but pain all over her brain.

For a period of time, she also gave up, slowly recited Xu Daning's words to her, and told herself that she was Xu Daning's fiancee. However, after a long time of getting along with each other, she could not feel a little bit about the man in front of her.

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So she thought and thought again and again, or to say all the thoughts in her heart.

"Ningge, in fact, I haven't kept many words in my heart for a long time, but because I can't remember anything, I believe what you said. But in the past two years, instead of remembering the people and things about me and you, I feel that this village is strange to me no matter where it is!"

"Strange? You've been living here for two years. Why are you still unfamiliar? "

The little sea god's color was restrained. It seemed that he had grasped the key point in the words, so he immediately asked, "living for two years, so Ningge? I've only been here for two years, haven't I? "

Xu Daning suddenly lost his voice, and his eyes, looking at Xiao Hai, fell down in an instant.

Originally, she just asked a question reflexively, but Xu Daning's reaction made Xiao Hai more confused.She quickly stepped forward a step, and then quickly grabbed Xu Daning's arm, "Ning brother, why are you this expression? Are you looking at me

"I I'm all right! Forget it, Xiaohai, you have a rest first. I'll go downstairs to make dinner for you. I'll find you when it's ready. "

"Don't go away!"

Xiao Hai was in a hurry, so he ran up to block Xu Daning.

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"You have to answer my question!"

"Xiao Hai, do you distrust me?"

"It's not trust or distrust, it's It's a lot of things that don't make sense! "

Xiao Hai's body instantly seemed to be drawn by something. She had no strength at all. She loosened her hand and pulled Xu Daning, and then leaned against one side of the wall.

"Ning Ge, I know you are good to me, and I know that you have paid a lot for me. I have been thinking, if I am really not your important person, how can you be so kind to me, but Ning Ge, I also can't understand, if If I am really your fiancee, if we have experienced so much, why do I have no recollection at all? "

"I said, you and I had an accident at sea, fell into the sea, and then touched your tongue. At that time, your head, face and many places were injured, so you lost your memory!"

"Yes, I know that I have had an accident, and I also know that I have lost my memory. But I think that if we have really experienced so many unforgettable memories, even if I can't remember, we should have feelings after all when we live together every day, but But in the past two years, I haven't felt at all! "

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