Lu Liangcheng has lived like machines in the past two years. He has deliberately avoided all the memories of Qin Sangyu, including the sympathy of his relatives. As for Tangtang, he has been estranged in the past two years. Of course, it is not because he does not love him, but because he feels heartache every time he sees Tangtang.

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Because he felt that he owed too much to sugar and sugar.

He hugged the candy tightly, and then said, "everything will be OK."

Tangtang raised her head from Lu Liangcheng's arms, then blinked with tears and said, "Dad, is mother really dead? Although all the people have told me in front of me these years that my mother just went on a trip, I know that my mother and my sister had an accident together, and I remember all the things when I was a child.

I remember when my aunt took me to the seaside to look for you. I remember Dad, you were anxious to go down to the sea to look for your mother I remember you came out of the hospital with your sister in your arms, so Dad, I remember everything in fact

The sound of Tangtang was heartbreaking. Lu Liangcheng released his body and lowered his head. Looking at the man crying into a bun, he was at a loss for a moment.

But Tangtang didn't give up. He didn't know why. Today, he especially wanted to know the answer, to know whether his mother was still alive in this world.

"Dad, I beg you. Can you tell me the truth? Will mother come back or not? Is she like her sister They're buried in the sea. "

"Sugar sugar, you are still young, these things..."

"She's my mother!"

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Tangtang seemed to be angry, so his small voice raised decibels in an instant. He didn't understand Lu Liangcheng's statement, so he argued: "I'm nearly six years old, not a three-year-old child. Why do all of you always think I'm still young, Dad, I know you're protecting me, afraid I'm sad, but that's my mother, my own mother, I have Rights and obligations know everything about her, otherwise it will be unfair to me. "

Lu Liangcheng suddenly stopped there, his eyebrows wrinkled and his expression was deep.

"Did you hear me, dad?"

Tangtang's arm shook when she landed in Liangcheng. Her expression was full of anger.

"You still don't want to tell me, do you? Well, I'll go to my aunt myself. If my aunt doesn't tell me, I'll go to my grandparents. If my grandparents don't tell me, I'll go... "

"Your mother and Guoguo had an accident together, but we only found the body of Guoguo."

"Is that mother still alive?"

Lu Liangcheng's eyelids drooped in an instant. He took back all his eyes. He was always a high-ranking man, but now he looks like a criminal who has done something wrong.

His voice is like a ball of cotton blocked inside, so the voice of his mouth is hoarse and astringent.

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"Tangtang, as you said, you are not a three-year-old, so Dad will not hide anything from you. Your mother was in an air crash at that time. Later, we found out that she and Guoguo had parachuted before the plane exploded.

Your uncle Mo Yu and I got to know it, and then we were told that the sea area where we jumped down was a gathering place for sharks and crocodiles

Sugar sugar's face is still with tears, but his expression is very calm. At the moment, he is not a child at all, but like an adult who has experienced a disaster.

"Dad, what you just said is that the place where mom fell is dangerous, isn't it?"

Lu Liangcheng nodded, as if hesitating for a moment, then continued: "it is almost impossible to survive if you fall there. If you really remember everything, you should not forget the appearance of your sister. Her broken arm was bitten off by a shark."

"But Dad, I still think my mother is still alive!"

Sugar sugar's face did not show too much sadness, on the contrary, he was calm. He put his small head on Lu Liangcheng's shoulder, and then Wen Wen said, "Dad, do you remember that beautiful sister today?"


"I don't know why, when I'm with her, I feel very relieved and happy, just like Just like when mom was there, Dad, I really like her

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Lu Liangcheng's gaze finally came back. He turned his head and looked at Tangtang. Then he asked, "I'll marry her home and let her be your mother?"

"That's not very good."

Tangtang reached out to wipe his tears. His sad look would disappear. He changed into a serious and serious expression, and then said to Lu Liangcheng: "I can see, Dad, you don't seem to like this beautiful sister very much. Moreover, I always have a feeling that my mother is still alive, so I have to supervise you to defend yourself for your mother.

I've already thought about it. I've done it with a computer. In any case, it's only 12 years. When I'm an adult, I can be with my beautiful sister! "

"Together?" Lu Liangcheng mouth a hook, very funny looking at sugar, "do you know how old she is?""Most don't care. I'm not as vulgar as you are. It doesn't matter what age or age. What matters is whether two people are happy together! Anyway, I am very happy with her

"Oh, so you identified her?"

"Of course Tangtang raised her head and raised her face in an instant, and then said in a certain way: "anyway, I must be with this beautiful sister. She saved me today, and I want to make a commitment to each other with love and reason."

"Do you know her name? Where do you live? "

Tangtang's eyes turned, and then said, "it doesn't matter if I don't know now. Anyway, I'll know it sooner or later. I'll have the final exam in two days. When I finish, I'll go to him!"

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Tangtang said it seemed to think of something, so immediately from the bed to play.

"Dad, I won't tell you. I'll go back to my room. Tomorrow I'll go to school early, and then I'll go to the teacher to make up for the homework I left behind. I'll have to take the first place in the final exam, and then I'll go to my beautiful sister with my certificate to confess!"

Tangtang said and amused himself. At the moment, he seemed to have seen Xiao Hai standing in front of her.

Lu Liangcheng looked at the back of Tangtang. In a moment, the five flavors mixed bottle rose up, as if something was pulling him. Soon, he also stood up.

Lu Liangcheng went downstairs in three steps and two steps. When he returned to his room, he immediately took out his mobile phone.

"What do you want, boss?"

"Mo Yu, you need to work hard for a while. You go to the fishing village immediately. Xu Daning, who is Xu Daning, needs to help me to make a good investigation. Xiaohai says that Xu Daning is her fiance. Please help me to confirm."

"Yes, boss, I'll go right away!"

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