Xiaohui finished scolding this sentence, it seems that it is not enough, so she added you: "you are not only a Muggle, but also a straight man with steel!"

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"Straight man of steel?"

Mo Yu felt that there was a group of crows flying by him. He was confused when he said that he was a straight man of steel. He couldn't help asking: "that Why do you think I'm a straight man? "

"Aren't you straight?"

Xiao Hui is so angry that her chest rises and falls one after another. She directly steps into the room. The ink rain is even more confused.

She was very self-made and skillfully sat down on one side of the chair, and then said to Mo Yu, "have you never been in love before?"

Mo Yu thought about it for a while, then nodded his head slowly and said: "of course I have. If I haven't even talked about love at this age, how failed my life is!"

"Since I've talked about it, I should understand what it's like to like someone. Why don't you feel anything about me?"


Mo Yu was startled to smack her tongue in an instant, and Xiaohui said it in a flash.

"I loved you the first time I met you. I think it is obvious that I have hinted to you. I will familiarize you with the environment of our village and tell you the details of our village. Even the small privacy of our boss's house, I will tell you the story after dinner. What do you think I am for, or not because I like you Try to satisfy your curiosity.

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I take you to dinner and order the couple set meal in the couple restaurant. Every look in my eyes is almost on you. I talk to you and smile at you. I think I have shown it clearly. Why don't you understand at all? I don't understand. It's all adults. How can we not understand such obvious hints? Mo Yu, I'll ask you, do you know I like you

"Well This... "

"Answer quickly!"

Xiao Hui's voice rises in an instant, and Mo Yu nods at her fate.

"I can feel a little bit, but I don't think it's possible. So I thought, I think I'm a good person, but I'm a little bit fond of me!"

"Well, I'll tell you now, very clearly, I don't just like you, I like you, I really like you, I love you at first sight, you know, I think that's how I feel about you. From the first time I saw you at the front desk, I felt my heart beating uncontrollably.

Therefore, Mo Yu, you may as well give me an answer. Do you know if I like you? If you do, then we will be fine. If not, I will make it more obvious for you to know. "

"Xiao Hui!"

Mo Yu called her and raised her head seriously.

When Xiaohui sees the eyes of Moyu, the emotion that just exploded disappears in a moment.

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although the eyes of Moyu are not very big, they are very bright. Xiaohui always feels that it is like looking at the stars, twinkling and twinkling, which is particularly attractive.

She put away a more serious expression, and then put on a smile, she turned towards the ink rain, and then showed a look of looking forward to saying: "go ahead, I listen carefully!"

Xiaohui thinks that a man's serious expression must have something important to say. She thinks it should be Mo Yu's confession to her, but at last she hears a sentence: "I'm sorry!"

Xiaohui stayed for a while, then stopped laughing. He looked at Mo Yu and took a breath of air in a puzzled way, "sorry? I don't understand, I don't understand. What do you mean by sorry? "

"It is I may not be able to do what you want

Mo Yu's expression has a kind of guilt. Of course, as a man, he really feels that it may be cruel to girls, but after all, he is married and has a summer dream, so he can't make any misunderstanding for himself, so he hesitates and explains it word by word.

"In fact, to tell you the truth, I can detect some of your good feelings towards me, but I don't think deeply about it!"

"But now I have explained to you, I have told you what I am to you!"

"Well, so I won't be silent. I think as a man, you can't hang a woman. So I need to explain to you clearly that I I may just regard you as a friend. No, it's not possible. It's true. It's just like this.

As you know, I'm a stranger. I just want to do some research on the fishing village. Of course, I don't exclude meeting new friends. So I'm very happy with your enthusiasm and can accept it. I think one more friend means more way! "

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"Who the hell wants to be your friend? I want to be my boyfriend with you!"

Xiaohui stroked her bangs and then asked, "tell me the truth. Do you feel like me?"


"Not at all!"

"I Just treat you as a friend"Then you Can you like me? Or try to like me

"Xiaohui, I'm really sorry!"

"So you mean no?"

"Yes, no, I don't want to cheat you, and I can't cheat you! Because I already have a wife, I Married


Xiao Hui suddenly springs up from the chair like a spring. She jumps in front of Moyu, then reaches out and grabs his collar tightly. She stares at him angrily, and then asks incredulously, "what did you just say? Married? "

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"Well yes! I'm married, I'm really married! "

May be afraid of Xiaohui do not believe, Mo Yu also took out the mobile phone, he bared his mouth and laughed very brightly.

"Look at this. This is the wife. Is it beautiful?"

"You You You son of a bitch

Looking at the picture on the screen saver of Mo Yu's mobile phone, Xiao Hui is so angry that she loses her mind. She reaches out and hammers the mobile phone to the floor. Xiaohui is not satisfied with the situation, so she stretches her legs and steps on it twice. Until the phone is trampled on, she stops.

"I tell you, the mobile phone is broken, I will not give you compensation, this is the consequence of you being a scum man, and you will immediately get out of the fishing village tomorrow, and you are not allowed to appear here in the future, otherwise, I will call you once and for all!"

"Xiaohui, there's no need to do this. I swear I didn't really want to hurt you!"

"You asked me to go out at ten o'clock and promised me to eat. When I like you, tell me that you have a wife, and now you don't want to hurt me, how can you be such a scum!"

Xiaohui directly slapped up, then shook her hair and left!

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