While Lu Liangcheng said, his eyes motioned around him. Xiao Hai looked around immediately. Although there was no one in the corridor, many people were lying on the windows of many wards.

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A pair of eyes full of curiosity seemed to penetrate through the glass. Xiao Hai quickly turned back and immediately asked, "what's going on?"

"You mean them?"

Lu Liangcheng has a long voice. Once his mellow voice is put down, it sounds like a violin.

"I'm Lu Liangcheng. I'm not curious about the scene when I go out, but you don't have to worry. Before I enter your room, I'll ask people to clear the scene, and I'll explain what should be explained. So even if these people dare to peep, they don't dare to take photos, let alone Say it at will

"What does it have to do with me?" Xiaohai is very disdainful to raise his head, and then said: "I am not a celebrity, even if I was photographed, so what?"

"But I am. If you are photographed together with me, the media will block your door tomorrow!"


Xiaohai is skeptical, but then think about it, such a battle out of the man, the identity is certainly not simple.

She's not from G City, so she doesn't want to make trouble. As the saying goes, more is better than less, so Xiao Hai has to go down the stairs by himself.

Lu Liangcheng saw this and his eyes were full of light.

Look, it's all in her hands.

Reluctantly with landing Liangcheng on the car, a door closed, Xiaohai asked: "where are the things you said?"

"Do you want to see it?"

"I didn't!"

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Xiao Hai turned her head and her eyes moved away. She didn't know why. In such a narrow space, she felt uncomfortable all over.

"Your car is a little stuffy?"

"The windows are open, and I've even opened the skylight!" Lu Liangcheng said

Xiao Hai was stunned, and his cheeks turned red in an instant!

Lu Liangcheng's eyes are aiming at the sea like a fine pointing device. He sees every look and every movement of his eyes.

He felt the restlessness of the woman in front of him, so he could not help but want to tease.

"Do you feel nervous now?"

"Ah? What? "

"I see your body is stiff, and your breathing rate is also increased. What is this kind of performance? It's not nervousness. What is it?"


"So I want to ask you because you are nervous sitting with me?"

Lu Liangcheng suddenly burst out of the words, like a thunder to blow up the sea, she looked up in consternation, the results of the eyes on Lu Liangcheng bright black eyes.

What kind of eyes are these?

Xiao Hai wants to use the stars to describe it.

Such eyes seem to have magic, so that little Hemingway wanted to turn around, but he could not make any action.

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She couldn't control staring at landing in Liangcheng, but there was a sense of deja vu at this moment.

Why? Why is that?

"What do you think when you look at me?"

Lu Liangcheng's voice came out like a narrator. Xiaohai didn't know it. So he quickly asked, "what's the meaning of this?"

"Do you know my name?"

Xiao Hai bit his lips and said, "Luliang City?"

"Yes, Luliang City, land of land, cool breeze, city of city, so you can read it several times!"

"I..." Clearly the heart is not accepted, but the mouth is very honest, "Lu Liangcheng! Luliang City! Luliang City

After reading it three times, Xiao Hai finally couldn't stand it. She opened the door and got out of the car like crazy, and then she hugged herself with both hands in a conditioned way.

Lu Liangcheng got out of the car and saw Xiao Hai's appearance and immediately stepped forward. However, she was stopped before she came to her.

"Don't come here! Don't come here

Lu Liangcheng anxiously looked at Xiaohai, looking at her sweating and painful appearance, heartache to death.

"I just want to know what's wrong with you?"

"I have a headache! It hurts! Don't come here

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"Did you think of anything?"

Lu Liangcheng asked tentatively, but Xiaohai was more defensive.

"Why do you ask me that? Who are you? What on earth did you come to me for? "

Lu Liangcheng took a heavy breath, and then stretched out his hands to try to calm Xiaohai. "Hello, listen to me. I don't mean anything. I just know that you have lost your memory, so I want you to try and think about it. Can you think of something?"

"Then why do you keep me saying your name, which we used to know?"

Lu Liangcheng's eyes were a little red. Before he came, he thought of many kinds of straightforward questions, but when he really stood in front of the small sea, he didn't know what to do?

He thought for a while and finally said, "do you want to hear the story? I have a story to share with you! "Don't want to hear it?

Want to hear it?

It seems that there are two opposite villains in their own brain quarrel, Xiao Hai shook his head, and finally lost.

It seems that there is an invisible force pulling her. Even if she doesn't want to hear it, the words she spit out in the end are still: "you say it!"

"It's a story about my wife, it came out two years ago!"

"Your wife? Sugar sugar's mother? "

Lu Liangcheng nodded, and then tentatively took a step forward.

This time, the sea didn't stop it.

Lu Liangcheng took out a handkerchief from his pocket. Xiao Hai took it and found that there were three characters on it.

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"Qin Sangyu? What is this? "

"My wife's name!"

"so this is your wife's handkerchief?"

After Xiao Hai asked, he handed the handkerchief back. Lu Liangcheng laughed and then said, "it's OK. You can use it. Your face is covered with sweat. Isn't your neck operated on. It won't be good if you sweat there for a while."

Thinking of his neck, Xiaohai did not refuse, so the result of handkerchief.

Soft material gently pressed on the skin, Xiaohai only felt extremely comfortable, she even some reluctant to loosen this handkerchief, finally into a ball, I was in the palm of my hand.

Of course, Lu Liangcheng couldn't escape Lu Liangcheng's eyes. The tail of his eyes lifted gently, with a kind of small pride, and the corners of his mouth burst into a smile.

"Do you like this handkerchief?"

Xiao Hai was embarrassed and immediately explained, "I just feel that I'm sweating and dirty. I'm not polite to give you any more I'll go back and wash it. I'll give it back to you next time! "

"So you think we'll see each other again, don't you?"


Lu Liangcheng put his hands in his pockets, and his slender body stood there like a pine and cypress. "What a coincidence. I think that's what I think. Maybe we'll see each other often or every day."

"Who see you every day?"

Xiao Hai twisted her body, and the lack of oxygen in her head and the acceleration of her heart in her chest made her blush. She turned her back to Lu Liangcheng and said, "you said you have a story to tell me, so tell me!"

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