"Why not!"

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Before Xiaohai finished, Lu Liangcheng asked. Xiao Hai bit his lip and held it for a long time before he said, "if you are really mine When Tong Ning was ten years old, he would be my adopted brother!

Although I also sympathize with your experience, love sugar and sugar, and even more, you will lose fruit, but I can't casually add an identity to myself because of this natural feeling.

I know you haven't given up looking for your wife these years, but that doesn't mean you can find someone to replace you at will

"So you think I'm just looking for a replacement?" Lu Liangcheng turns around and grabs Xiaohai's shoulder directly. He doesn't exert any force. He doesn't know whether he is afraid to hurt Xiaohai or hurt her. "I've never loved a person so much in my life. Do you know how much I love? I can detect it wherever she appears."

"Do you think I'm just guessing and inferring just because you're in the same place? No, I think you look like me

Lu Liangcheng took out a photo from his shirt pocket. The woman in the photo was smiling brightly.

"This is Qin Sangyu!"

Xiao Hai took the photo. The person in the photo seems to be not very similar to herself, but I can't say why. To some extent, she feels like herself.

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In order to rule out this possibility, she can only take out her mobile phone and open the front. After numerous comparisons, she is relieved. Then she opens her mouth to Lu Liangcheng and says, "Master Lu, I think you really miss someone too much, so your eyes are all wrong. Look at my picture now. Where is Qin Sangyu like? She is so beautiful Like fairies, do you look at me

"But you've had a facelift, haven't you? I used to ask Mo Yu to check all your information. Because of the accident two years ago, you had a lot of operations, but there is one place you didn't do, which is the eyes

Yes, eyes. This is also the first place Lu Liangcheng saw Xiaohai in the ward that day. At that moment when his four eyes were facing each other, he was shocked. He felt as if he had been touched by electricity. He was nervous and intolerable, but at that time, he did not know why.

But now he knows.

So he held out his hand and held the sea tightly.

"Don't think I'm guessing, and don't think I'm mistaken. I know better than anyone what my wife looks like."

"Master Lu, calm down!" Xiao Hai is a little nervous. She tries to shake off Lu Liangcheng's hand, but the other party just grabs harder.

"At the beginning, I was wondering whether it was a coincidence, but later I believed more in myself, or in other words, I didn't deny that there would be two very similar people in this world, but eyes and voice can't be replaced!"

"you mean as like as two peas and a wife," my wife said.

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"as like as two peas!"

"So you think I'm her?"

"Of course not!"

For the first time in his life, Lu Liangcheng is as willful as an unreasonable child.

"What's more, when I saw you for the first time, I had an impulse to get close to you. I'm not a casual person, nor have I never met a woman. I've experienced all kinds of temptations and met all kinds of people. But there is only one person who can make me feel this way, that is Sangyu!"

"But No no no! It's impossible. How can I be your wife? Even if what you just said is true, my voice is like, my eyes are like. Even if you think that I have become what I am now because of cosmetic surgery, my life is totally different from what you described.

I'm from the fishing village. I've been in the fishing village since I was ten years old, so I can't be your wife, do you know? "

"Living in a fishing village since I was ten? Who told you that Xu Daning? Oh, by the way, you told me you were his fiancee. So that's what he told you, didn't he? "

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"Yes Xiao Hai nodded, but his voice was very low. It seemed that he rejected the issue, or just rejected that Xu Daning was his fiance.

Lu Liangcheng laughs and gives Xiaohai all the information that has been prepared.

"Do you think that if I had nothing, I would have come to you so abruptly? I also know that just by feeling these two words, I think you are my wife, which is a bit absurd, so I must have gone through some investigation to find you, as for what investigation has found, you can see for yourself! "

Xiao Hai shook his hands and opened those materials, and then looked at them one by one.

The content in it was investigated by Mo Yu when she went to the fishing village. Everything was written in detail. Xiao Hai collapsed at the moment after reading it.

"No! Impossible, these are not true! It must be fake! ""You don't believe it? You think I'm going to fake it, don't you? "

Xiao Hai's mouth is open, half open and not open.

She didn't speak, she just cried and shook her head.

"No, it won't be like this, brother Daning He won't lie to me

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"In fact, I've been thinking about your life, how can you be really not sad at all. Even if you lose the memory of the past, you will be more or less curious about yourself after you survive. So I'm thinking that you must have inquired about yourself. Then you should think about the life that Xu Daning made up for you. You really are Did you believe it?

Or have you ever doubted for a moment? If you don't have any of these, you can go back to the fishing village to find out for yourself. I think whether you have lived there since you were a child. It's really easy to find out. After all, there are so many people. Xu Daning can control one person's mouth, but not everyone's mouth!

So if you really don't believe what I'm talking about now, you can tell me again when you check it yourself! "

Xiao Hai's body was stiff there. After a long time, she began to say: "even if what you said is true, brother Daning cheated me, but I am not his adopted daughter-in-law. Even if I was rescued by her two years ago, it can not prove that I am your wife Qin Sangyu!"

"Yes, it is true that this alone will not prove anything, so I will tell you the last point!"


"Sangyu's sadness has a birthmark, which she didn't know. Later, we found it after we took a bath for her. It was a purple crescent. If you want to know if my guess is right, you can go back and see if there is this birthmark on your back!"

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