Xiaohai is very straightforward and loud, because she knows that this is the best time.

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Zhou Meifang stood there, her body trembled a little. After a long time, she seemed to recover. Then she said, "in fact, you know it in your mind, don't you?"

"Yes, but auntie, I want a positive answer!"


After a long silence, Zhou Meifang finally opened her mouth. At the moment Xiaohai heard it, she stood up directly.

Although after hearing what Lu Liangcheng said in the hospital, she knew that the answer was expected, but when she heard it personally, she was still very sad.

"So you've been lying to me all the time?"

Zhou Meifang couldn't help but look at her with some disdain.

"I don't want to lie to you. Do you think I'm willing to take care of you? Feed you? Do you want to eat and drink in my house for two years? I can't help it, and I don't know what Anning is in love with you. When he rescued you from the sea, you were covered with blood, and your face was completely changed. But he could still have feelings for you.

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You say you are not a fox spirit. You are like that, and you still want to hook people up! "

"Auntie, your prejudice against me is really big. You said it yourself. I'm like that. How can I hook people up? You're blaming me. Why don't I blame you? Don't I feel sad to have lied to me for so long and tell me the truth at this meeting? "

"I What matters to me is Daning's decision I am a mother, can persuade all, how can I do? Besides, what right do you have to blame us? You don't want to think about yourself at the beginning. If it wasn't for me and Daning, you would have been dead! "

"Yes, I admit that, so I'm grateful, but that's not why you lied to me."

"Now you know it all!"

Zhou Meifang's head was always low, because she did not dare to face this moment.

"In fact, I have talked with Anning about this matter, and more than once, but he always tells me that he has not turned back when he starts bowing!"

"Bow without turning back?" Xiao Hai frowned, as if she didn't understand this sentence. Zhou Meifang sighed and explained slowly.

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"It's because I don't know what it is, but at the beginning, anin didn't have any indiscreet thoughts about you at that time, because we didn't know your origin, and we didn't know how to explain a lot of things. So for convenience, we simplified things. This is also why when you woke up, Ning didn't say you were his fiancee, but you I didn't open my mouth until I recovered.

I think this period of time is a period of relaxation. It is also because during this period of time, anin has feelings for you. My own son, I also know what temperament is. Once he looks on something, he will knock in it. So, in the final analysis, it is you who let him move. No wonder others! "

Xiao Hai didn't say anything because she really didn't want to pay attention to this farfetched reason, but Zhou Meifang always made a point.

In conclusion, no matter what it is, it is Xiaohai's fault and her fault.

Xiao Hai is really used to this.

"Auntie, I don't want to discuss with you who is right and who is wrong now, because in your eyes, no matter what the matter is, you think it is my fault, so there is no need to discuss. I chat with me today for nothing else but to know all the truth."

"Didn't I tell you the truth?"

"You just tell me that I'm not Anning's fiancee, but Annie has told me a lot. I don't know whether one of those things is true.

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I know you hate me, especially hate me, and don't want me to be with arninger, but arninger doesn't listen to you, so if you really don't want us to be together, you must tell me everything! "

Zhou Meifang's eyes rolled, but she couldn't see the expression.

"In fact, who are you? I don't know. Anning rescued you from the sea. It's true. I didn't cheat you. You were also dying and covered with blood.

The first time I saw you, I tried to persuade Anning to give up on you. First of all, you have no idea of your origin. I don't know who you are. We always live with the hope of peace and stability here. Therefore, it is usually better to have more than one thing. Secondly, your injury was too serious. As soon as you were hospitalized, I went to ask the doctor. The doctor told me about the medical equipment in the fishing village It can only save your life. If you want to recover and recover, you must be sent out.

Then I immediately went to learn about it. At that time, the doctor told me that your injury should be repaired by skin grafting, and the rehabilitation in the later stage should be at least about 800000. Of course, these are only the money for treatment. If you want skin grafting repair, you may have to go through it again.

We are not a rich family. You have been here for more than two years, and you can see that every penny arning earns is risking on the sea. Therefore, how can I be willing to let him take out his family for the sake of a stranger! ""Then why didn't you give up on me and make up all kinds of lies to cheat me?"

"You think I will? I've said that it's Ning who has feelings for you. I was also against it. But he is my son. I've been in pain since childhood. How can I be brave enough to be the best match for him? I'll give everything he wants!

although Xiao Hai doesn't like Zhou Meifang very much, she will listen to her words and feel that Zhou Meifang is still pitiful from her mother's point of view 。

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"Anning lost his father when he was very young. I raised him all by myself. When I saw him desperate for you, you think I'm not sad?

I also want to stop, want to tell him can't love a person like this, but he didn't listen, he told me: Mom, I really don't want anyone except Xiaohai.

So I can only recognize that, even for a long time, I regard you as a debt owed by our Xu family in the last life. "

"So I'm not a child bride, am I?"

Zhou Meifang gave a bitter smile and then joked, "at that time, we were so poor that we were going to die. What kind of child bride do you think we still have money to buy?"

"Then why have I been here for more than two years, but no one has ever told me my origin before me?"

"That's because aining had already said hello, and our village was poor, and many young men couldn't get a wife. After the expansion of land and sea in the past two years, they gradually began to connect their life with the outside world, so many people bought them from outside in order to get their wives in law!

So the people in the village don't say anything because they all think that you were bought by our Anning! "

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