Xiaohai said while crying, but Xu Daning still can not understand.

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In his eyes, Xiaohai is a woman who has abandoned him, and all his efforts have failed.

He did it wrong? no He did not make a mistake, he just love a person with his heart.

"Why? Why do you say that, Xiaohai, it is no fault to love a person, I cheated you, but I lied to you because I love you, you fall in the sea without reason, suffered so heavy injury, if you have been happy before, this kind of thing will happen? "

"Then you don't think about it. Maybe I was just an accident. I checked the places near the fishing village and found that the upstream area on this side is all islands with border effects and are tourist resorts. So, Daning, have you ever thought about it. Maybe because of your cheating, I haven't been reunited with my family for more than two years!"


Xu Daning suddenly laughed up.

"Xiaohai, it seems that I have cured your face in the past two years, but your brain may still have some problems. Are you stupid? More than two years, this day is three years. So many times, there is no news. Do you think you have a family?

If there is, then they will not come to you for your missing. Only one case can be explained. That is, your accident is related to your family! "

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"You're bullshit!"

Xiaohai mood fluctuated instantly. She could bear anything, and she could endure the cheating of xudaning in recent years, and also the overstepping things he made in his anger. However, she could not bear it. The illusion that she had set up when she was a little sober was watered out by a basin of cold water.

But Xu Daning was not satisfied, he laughed madly, he told Xiaohai, "you see, you still do not know the reality."

"Xiaohai, since all have arrived at this position, I don't mind telling you the truth. Actually, when I rescued you, I knew that you may not be the identity of ordinary people.

Although I lived in fishing village since childhood, I have never seen any big world, but I still know some famous brands in the world.

When I came up to save you, your clothes were already in rags. But I saw the brand. Of course, there are also some pirated goods you bought. The hand gestures on you actually saved your life! "

"My jewelry saved my life. What do you mean?"

Xu Daning didn't want to tell these things, but for this, it seems that there is nothing to hide. He is sad and aggrieved. So he also wants to take the opportunity to make a good conclusion with the woman in front of him.

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"I gave you the money to the hospital for rescue, but I couldn't eat the following sevenoreight medical expenses. My dad left me a sum of money when he left, but it was only about 200000. But you were ill. I saw millions of them before and after!"

"Isn't that money from Daning you made from the sea?"

"You are really silly and lovely. So many people in the village go out to sea, and several people catch that thing. To cherish fish species is to cherish fish species. I only caught two fish hundreds of times before and after I went out of the sea, one sold 50000, but I only made you a hundred thousand yuan!"

"Where did I get the money for a doctor?"

"I said to you in front of me, you saved yourself!"

"What does that mean?"

Xiaohai will seem impatient, besides anxious mood, the voice also rises.

Xu Daning raised his head, and his eyes were in a gray fog.

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He stood forward with his body shaking, only one step, and the man in black was ready to come at any time on one side.

Xu Daning bit the corner of his lips and smiled, and suddenly he felt sad.

"You defend me even if you don't count these people are important to block between you and me, Xiaohai, I can not imagine how, I take a person who treats me sincerely, now it will be so to me!"

"You haven't answered my last question yet. What did you say was that I saved myself!"

Xu Daning had a long silence before he said, "I took your jewelry to pawnshop in G city and sold it. Actually, I didn't think too much at that time. I just took a chance. If you know, you sold 500000 necklaces and your bracelet. Anyway, all the jewelry on your body sold nearly 2 million!"

Xiaohai's body retreated in a moment. Her legs were soft. If it wasn't for big brother black to reach for her, she might have really fallen.

"More than 2 million?" Xiaohai is a little bit unbelievable, because if Xu Daning said it is true, that is to say, actually, she didn't spend a cent on Xu family these years. Instead, Xu Daning actually made a lot of money except her medical expenses.

In this way, Xiaohai only felt Xu Daning was more abhorrent.

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"So these years, you have been putting on the clothes for my efforts and for me to run together and borrow money?"

"Of course not. If I don't do this, I will move you, but I will pay them back the money at last, but I will sell your jewelry for the money!""Xu Daning, you are really too much! You're cheating, you know? Naked deception, I used to think, no matter what you look like now, at least you used to be really nice to me and ran for me, but now Now I just feel that everything is just your plot.

And I, like a chess piece in your plot, you have been playing tricks, using my guilt to force myself to have feelings for you. "

"Use your guilt to have feelings for me? Xiaohai, did you produce it? If you have a little affection for me, do we need this?

Yes, I admit, I lied to you, but my starting point is just want you to be happy, I think you know I love you, as for the later things, I have no way to control, because I fell in love with you, so I am afraid that one day you will know the truth, so I can only use a lie to circle another lie!

But I am still not wrong, because love is to get, as long as I can get you, I am not wrong, but I did not expect to kill a Cheng Yaojin on the way, and I never thought that I could get along with you for more than two years than that smelly man's little bit of good to you! "

"He didn't treat me well, and there was really nothing between me and Lu Liangcheng."

Even though Xiao Hai knew that she and Xu Daning couldn't even make friends in this life, she still didn't want to let them have any misunderstanding, so she wanted to tell her story about saving Tangtang again, but Xu Daning didn't want to hear it. He suddenly got angry and rushed through the two bodyguards standing in front of him and jumped in front of Xiaohai 。

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