"This How could this be... " Qin Sangyu sat down on the sofa. For a moment, she felt that she couldn't lift up a little strength.

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"Why not?"

Lu Liangcheng asked directly. Qin Sangyu licked his lips. When he looked up, he looked at mu Zeyan's burning eyes.

It feels like

It's strange to say that although she has no memory in her mind, and even with the materials given by Lu Liangcheng, she can't think of any pictures. But every time, as long as she looks into Lu Liangcheng's eyes, she starts to be restless.

She couldn't describe the feeling. She was a little greedy, a little familiar, and a little afraid to avoid.

So the next second, she lowered her head again.

Lu Liangcheng seems to be a little unhappy at the moment, but this unhappiness has not been shown to a great extent. After all, for him, he has been waiting for a long time, so he doesn't care about the meeting.

"Is all this information true?"

Lu Liangcheng narrowed his eyes, some of whom couldn't believe it. "So you think I'm the kind of person who would spend a lot of time doing this to cheat people?"

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"That's not enough!" Qin Sangyu closed the information and said slowly: "in your capacity, it is really a very simple thing to want a woman. In the whole city of G, it is estimated that no one will not be attracted to you, but what am I? A humble woman with nothing, such a person really doesn't need to let you fight like this! "

Hearing these words, Lu Liangcheng felt inexplicably distressed. He took another step, and then the whole person stood in front of Qin Sangyu.

"You are not an ordinary person, you are my wife, so you are very important to me. Of course, I also know that I tell you all at once. You may not be able to accept it. It doesn't matter. I can give you time. I've been waiting for you for more than two years, and it's not too bad for me.

What's more, I have been very satisfied. From the beginning I thought you really left me, until now I know that you are still alive and still in front of me. It's really a great gift for me, so it doesn't matter if you don't recognize me or remember me. As long as you're good at my side, it's enough. I'll let you love me again! "

Qin Sangyu's heart is like an electric shock, so repeatedly, at the moment her whole body is crisp and numb.

Strange to say, in fact, before and after is only a few minutes, but Qin Sangyu has been from the initial can not believe to now slowly to believe.

She has been staring at landing in Liangcheng, that serious look, as if you can really see flowers from Lu Liangcheng's face!

"In fact, there is one thing I haven't told you!"


Lu Liangcheng laughed, and then sat down on the edge of Qin Sangyu with his butt.

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In fact, he wanted to reach out and hold Qin Sangyu, but he hesitated, so he put his half hand secretly from Qin Sangyu's back.

"In fact, the most proof of your identity is not these information, but sugar and sugar!"

"What do you mean?"

"Because if you were my wife, sugar would be your own son!"

Bang when a sound, the brain seems to have something exploded, Qin Sangyu is very clear to hear his ears began to appear buzzing sound.

After landing in Liangcheng, he took out the parent-child report. After Qin Sangyu read it, his tears suddenly fell out.

The certificate in black and white, with the signature of the certified physician at the bottom, and the red seal on the right seems to be shouting to tell Qin Sangyu that all these are justified by law.

Of course, more importantly, everything tells her that she is not Xiaohai, but Qin Sangyu, the original wife of Lu Liangcheng and the biological mother of Lu Chenghao.

"In the past, it was said that anyone who was a mother would have a special feeling for her children. The so-called mother son relationship means that no matter where you are, as long as you meet your child, this feeling will be aroused. I didn't believe it before, but now I do!"

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While Lu Liangcheng said, he reached out to wipe Qin Sangyu's tears. It was ridiculous to say that at this moment, he was a little jealous, and he ate his own son's vinegar.

Because it is not himself that arouses Qin Sangyu's emotion, but sugar and sugar. This will make him feel that Qin Sangyu's love for himself must be less than sugar, or even if he lost his memory, he would feel the same when he met again.

But now all he can see is Qin Sangyu's fear and incomprehension towards him, and for Tangtang, her liking and intimacy are not restrained.

In Luliang City's world, Qin Sangyu's three words are superior to everything, but obviously, in Qin Sangyu's world, children are more important.

So Lu Liangcheng was very angry. He even thought that if Qin Sangyu recovered his memory in the future, he must tell her: "you must love me more!"

"You can Can you give me some time? "

Qin Sangyu, who has been silent for a long time, finally opened her mouth. She first moved to the side and then slowly said, "I already believe everything you said is true, but I need time to digest and accept. After all, this is really a very difficult thing for me!""Very difficult?" Lu Liangcheng didn't seem to like the word very much, so his thick eyebrows twinkled in an instant.

"I don't mean that, I just..." Aware of Lu Liangcheng's mistake, Qin Sangyu subconsciously explained: "I just feel that everything is very dreamy. I changed from a man who had nothing to a little grandmother of the Lu family, and told me that I had a child..."

"Not one, but two. We have a daughter named Guoguo!"

When Lu Liangcheng said these things, his eyes turned red in an instant. Qin Sangyu saw this and blocked up with his heart.

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She bit her lips, and her heart could not help but ache. She thought of sugar candy's taking her to see the photo and the small face she saw. At this moment, she couldn't hold back.

"Is Guoguo really gone?"

Qin Sangyu's face was full of tears and her voice was hoarse.

Lu Liangcheng's face was also heavy. He lowered his head. Qin Sangyu could not see his expression. He could only see his shoulder trembling in the blurred vision.

"Yes, I did. I brought her back with my own hands."

"Was it found in the sea, too?"

"Yes, it was the local fishermen who found her. When I got the phone call, I was so happy that I thought it would be helpful to find her. But what I didn't expect was that when I went there, I saw a cold corpse.

Sangyu, this may be something I don't want to recall in my whole life. I even remember how fruit lay in my arms

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