Tangtang keeps her eyes on Qin Sangyu, as if she can stare at flowers from the other party's face, and Qin Sangyu also has the same expression. Of course, there is a little confusion in this expression.

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She knew her identity first than Tangtang. She struggled and hesitated to recognize Tangtang from the bottom of her heart. However, she repeatedly searched and explored, but she couldn't find any memory about Tangtang. So she gave up. She wanted to stop waiting and wait, but she didn't expect to wait until Tangtang Recognize yourself first.

She had some surprises However, she was more at a loss. She raised her hand, but she didn't know what to do next. Fortunately, Tangtang was very sensible. He seemed to be able to detect Qin Sangyu's nervousness, so she consciously sent her body over.

Soft glutinous small body like a dog to pounce on Qin Sangyu's arms, with a child's unique fragrance, smell Qin Sangyu is very happy.

She can't help but close her hand and hold sugar tightly. For a moment, she even yearns for time to stop.

"I Can I call your mother in the future Tangtang lifted her head from Qin Sangyu's arms. After asking questions, her plump cheeks were instantly flushed.

Qin Sangyu only felt extremely cute, so he could not help but reached out and pinched it. Sugar and sugar immediately became more daring. "Then I won't call you fairy sister anymore. I'll call your mother!"

"Are you so sure I'm your mother?"

"Of course, my father is a man of great ability, but everything he finds out must be true. I believe him very much. Besides, I always have a feeling!"

"What does it feel like?"

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"That is, I always feel that you must have a special relationship with me. When I first met you, I wanted to be close to you, but I didn't know why I like and get close to you, so That's why I don't know how to marry you! "

When Tangtang said this, his face was flushed. He was sorry, but he was also embarrassed. After all, it was not very good to say those childish words in front of his mother.

Qin Sangyu has been listening quietly. She only thinks that Tangtang is sensible. She reaches out and rubs his head and says in a warm voice: "you and I don't have to say so much before. I know that your words are all because you like me. Originally, you are a fantastic age at your age. Tangtang, my mother doesn't want you to be sensible and sensible like a little adult sensitive! My mother thinks that a child should live a child's life. You can be smart and sensible, but there is no need to be careful about everything

"Well, I see!"

Tangtang nodded her head obediently. After that, she seemed to suddenly realize something, so she opened her eyes in an instant.

"You just said Mom..."

"Well!" Qin Sangyu nodded with a smile and said directly, "am I not your mother?"

"Of course it is

"Wow! I have a mother! I finally have a mother

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Tangtang jumps up with joy. He shouts with joy and cries at the same time.

Only this time, his tears are no longer sad, but happy tears.

Qin Sangyu and Tangtang's acquaintance ended in this way, which was a bit of an accident, but it was not necessarily a bad thing.

What Qin Sangyu didn't expect was that she didn't feel used to playing the role of mother without recovering her memory. But in fact, from the moment she met Tangtang, many things and actions were subconscious.

That night, before going to bed, Qin Sangyu lit a small candle and then took Tangtang to the back garden to see the fruit.

She put the candle next to the tombstone. Tangtang asked her what it meant. Qin Sangyu said, "it means blessing. My mother hopes that fruit can be happy even if she goes to another world."

Tangtang's smiling face could not help wrinkling. He grabbed Qin Sangyu's hand, but his eyes were shining. Qin Sangyu looked down at him and immediately asked him what was wrong. Tangtang pursed his mouth and finally choked: "I miss my sister a little bit."

"Silly child, mother wants sister too!"

"Mom, do you remember something about my sister and me?"

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Qin Sangyu stopped and finally nodded honestly, but she immediately added: "Mom will try to find the memory!"

"It doesn't matter!"


"I said it's OK. It doesn't matter if I can't remember now, because I will help my mother!"

"Oh? How can you help me? "

"Just try to find a way."

"Silly boy!" Qin Sangyu touched Tangtang's cheek with some heartache, and then said, "you are still young, many things you can't understand. It's like mother's amnesia now. Sometimes this kind of disease may recover in a short time, but sometimes it may be a lifetime."

"A lifetime? Is that mom, you'll never think of those things before? "Qin Sangyu sighed and thought for a while and then said: "in fact, it's not a bad thing that I can't remember. Sugar, if my mother really remembers everything, does that mean that the disaster was also remembered. Happy things will make people happy, but bad things will make people sad!"

"I see!"

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Tangtang nodded, just like Lu Liangcheng, her thick eyebrows curled up deeply.

"Well Can you just think of some happy things, not happy do not think of it

Qin Sangyu laughed, then nodded his head and said, "OK, then I will try to remember those happy things, such as you and Guoguo!"

"And Dad!"

Tangtang couldn't help but add Lu Liangcheng, and said to Qin Sangyu: "in fact, the person my mother should think of most is Dad, because since my mother's accident, my father has not laughed, or even said a few words. Although I can't remember a lot of things when I was a child, I often listen to my grandparents and aunts telling me about the things between my mother and my father. They told me that everything about my father would be so sad after my mother disappeared because my father always regarded mother as an indispensable part of his life and the source of all his happiness! "

Qin Sangyu's heart is in a twinkling of a lump. She looks at Tangtang, and her eyes begin to relax. Finally, she sees the shadow of Lu Liangcheng in the blurred outline of Tangtang.

"Good! Mom will try to think of all of you

"Well! I will certainly help you! "

Tangtang is very satisfied to hold Qin Sangyu's hand. At this moment, there is only one thing in his mind - that is to help Qin Sangyu recover his memory!

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