The flurried and huff and puff of sugar made Qin Sangyu feel something wrong in a moment.

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She looked at the sugar with some worry, then she asked softly, "is something wrong, you tell me "I'm!"

Qin Sangyu hesitated a little in terms of address. He didn't tell her mother, but said me, because she thought she would change her address immediately after she knew each other. She was afraid sugar could not bear for a while.

But actually sugar is not this habit can not feel, mother these two words have been in his mouth for thousands of times, so even if Qin Sangyu attention, he also did not comply, but self-reliance on the hand of Qin Sangyu straighten out: "not me, is mother!"

Qin Sangyu's face showed a moment of stagnation, but this stagnation disappeared in a flash.

She reached for the sugar claw, and then gently rubbed it. "Good, it's mom!"


Sugar satisfied nodded, and then vigorously pulled Qin Sangyu to study.

The door opened and the light was on immediately.

Qinsangyu was pulled by sugar and sat down on the sofa.

"Say, what exactly do you want to say to me?"

Sugar scratched his head, as if he was embarrassed to open his mouth. Qin Sangyu immediately handed the milk to him and said, "otherwise, you should drink this first, and you may know what to say after drinking!"


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Sugar nodded and then gulped down with the cup.

"Mommy, I'm finished!"

"Well! So now I know how to talk to me? "

"I know, it's I'm a little afraid of Mommy's anger! "

"Well?" Qin Sangyu frowned and said, "why do you think Mommy will be angry?"

"Because it's personal privacy?" Sugar is a straight face on the floor, and then says, "I heard such a sentence very early, no matter who is, we should respect each other's privacy, can not be too much inquiry!"

Qin Sangyu was a little ignorant. He looked at sugar, and only thought that the little guy was serious like Luliang City.

She took a breath and sorted her mind.

"That, mom Mommy thinks sugar is right, but you can talk about privacy between you and Mommy. As long as you want to know, Mommy thinks she can tell you, Mommy will tell you! "

Sugar heard this, closed his mouth and laughed happily. He made Qin Sangyu's leg with a friendly body, and then shook his small head and said, "actually, this is not a special privacy thing, I am afraid Mommy thinks more, so it will be so!"

"Well, can you tell mommy what it is now?"

"It is!" Sugar said one word: "I have come to a doctor!"

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Qin Sangyu's first reaction is whether sugar is not comfortable, so immediately reached out to turn the little guy around.

"What's wrong with you? Tell mommy, is it not comfortable! "


Sugar red face immediately reached out to shake.

"I'm not uncomfortable. I'm fine. Mommy, I don't want this doctor to come to see me!"

"What is that?" Please mulberry Yu frown, suddenly asked again: "difficult not to be your father is sick?"

"No, Mommy, the doctor I called for today is an expert in brain science!"


Please have sonyudun, and immediately respond.

She reached out to herself and asked, "you're looking for me?"

"Well!" Sugar nodded immediately, then carefully observed Qin Sangyu's expression.

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Although the little guy is clever, ginger is still old and spicy, so Qin Sangyu can still see the sugar scruple.

She smiled as she rubbed his head.

"Why do I still have a doctor for me for something big, what are you doing so nervous about? You worry about Mommy. Can Mommy blame you? "

Sugar settled down, and then thought it was really the reason. So immediately, he grabbed Qin Sangyu's hand and asked loudly, "what Mommy means is, would you like to see a doctor?"

"Well, it's not not, but can sugar tell mommy why I should be taken to a doctor all of a sudden!"

"This This... " Sugar tickled his small head, and there was a lot of indescribable things in his look.

Qin Sangyu also seemed to see something from this expression, so he asked, "is it because of my amnesia, you are very lost, feel that mommy forgot you, don't remember what you like to eat, what to wear, so let you very disappointed?"


He denied that sugar was immediately refuted.

"Nothing, no, no, I have no disappointment. On the contrary, I am very happy, Mommy, I swear, I have been very happy when I meet you. No, I am super happy when I call your fairy sister when I don't know you!"Qin Sangyu was a little puzzled, "then why do you take me to see a doctor?

"Well Mommy, what if I said it was for daddy? "

"What?" Qin Sangyu's expression seems to be more surprised than before. She looks at Tangtang stupidly and seems to have no understanding.

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"For daddy? What's wrong with sugar and sugar? "

"Well, in fact, I feel that my mother and I get along very well. Although Mommy can't remember a lot of my things, you are still very kind to me. I also know that this kind of loss of memory does not make you have a big difference in my feelings for me, but daddy is different. Although I was young when you had an accident, I had a lot of things I can't remember, but the only thing I remember is that mommy and Daddy are really happy together


"I've heard uncle Mo Yu tell me something about daddy and Mommy. Mo Yu told me that daddy is a person with few words, but as long as mommy is here, daddy will have endless words! And daddy has always been more serious, even many people feel that daddy is not easy to get along with.

Of course, daddy is really not easy to get along with, because his face gives people the feeling that it is placed all day long. But Uncle Mo Yu told me that after daddy and Mommy were together, his expression became rich, he would laugh and be very loud! "

When Tangtang said these things, Lu Shiqing also automatically replaced them in his mind.

Can you laugh? Loud one?

Qin Sangyu imagines the cold face of Luliang City, revealing that kind of big flower like smile.

Eh It's impossible. It's too disharmonious.

"Mommy, are you listening to me?"

Seeing that Qin Sangyu seems to be distracted, Tangtang immediately reaches out and shakes her arm.

"Er..." Qin Sangyu recovered, and then immediately apologized to Tangtang, "I'm sorry, Tangtang, mommy has just been distracted, you can continue to say, continue to say!"

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