With such a loud voice, Qin Sangyu couldn't pretend to have heard it again. She looked at the landing in Liangcheng and smashed her tongue for a long time. She said slowly, "I Well, there is only one bed here, and although I do remember some things, I still don't think of them all. So for you No, it's about our relationship... "

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"Well, I know you're not sure about our relationship, and you can't be as close to me as you used to be. In short, you can't be willing to lie in the same bed with me now!"


"I all know that although you have never said anything clearly, I am very clear and can understand it!"

People like Lu Liangcheng, who live at the top of the pyramid, are always full of self-confidence whether they speak or do things. However, when they meet Qin Sangyu, this kind of self-confidence seems to be stripped from the body automatically.

Lu Liangcheng stood beside Qin Sangyu, his slender body was valiant, but the expression on his handsome face could not help but pour disappointment.

"Yes I'm sorry

"I'm sorry, I can understand it!"

"Why do you want to..."

"Don't worry, I've brought my own bed!"

The tone of preemptive reply is like a special fear of hearing that refusal from Qin Sangyu's mouth.

The next second, someone came in carrying a bed outside.

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The bed was placed next to Qin Sangyu's bed. It was so close that he could reach the distance. Qin Sangyu sat on the bed and looked stunned.

"You want to tell me that you're going to sleep here at night?"

"Well! You just finished the operation, I don't feel at ease, so I want to accompany you! "

"In fact, it doesn't matter. I'm in good condition. You don't have to be like this!"

"Sangyu, I have lost you once, I can't lose the second time, so now I know that the operation is very successful, you are very good, but I still want to accompany you, because in this way, I can feel at ease and give you the best care, you Can you stop rejecting me? "

Lu Liangcheng's voice was not loud, but his tone was very humble. Qin Sangyu could not have imagined that such a person would speak in such a tone.

She inexplicably gushed out a bit of heartache, but she didn't know how to express it, so she could only nod her head and say, "OK!"

Lu Liangcheng doesn't say much. He knows that no matter how much he says at this time, it's useless to say more at this time. If Qin Sangyu's memory is not restored, the relationship between them will never come back.

So he asked people to bring the computer and small tables and chairs, and then sat on the bed to deal with the work, until more than 10 o'clock in the evening, Qin Sangyu fell asleep, he did not finish all the things.

Looking up, there is a light in the ward. Under the dim light, the people in the hospital bed are sleeping a little heavy.

Lu Liangcheng closed his notebook, and then walked over lightly. He could not help but sit down by the bed. He asked Sangyu to sleep quietly and peacefully.

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Even after so many years, Lu Liangcheng couldn't help but reach out and try to wake Qin Sangyu's sleep, so he finally put his hand down.

"Qin Sangyu, why are you so heartless? If you can think of Tangtang, you can't think of me. Do you know how much I miss you in these years when you are not here? I miss you so much every minute and every second. You are in my mind, even sleeping and dreaming about you.

Finally, you appeared, you came back, but you do not remember me, you Do you know how hard I feel

Lu Liangcheng bent over and hung his head. The light cast his shadow on the white sheet, which was very long.

"I seem to have died for a few years without you. If sugar and sugar were not still there, I really couldn't hold on. Now you appear again, which makes me feel that the world is better again, but I'm afraid that you will miss me for a lifetime.

Sangyu, do you think of me? Will you think of what we've been through before? If you can't remember... "

"I'll think of it."

Lu Liangcheng is smart. The whole person almost shudders from the bed. He quickly turns back and sees Qin Sangyu wake up.

"Did I wake you up?"

"No, I woke up from a dream!"

Lu Liangcheng rushed over, Qin Sangyu helped him up, and then said with concern, "is it a nightmare, or where is it uncomfortable?"

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"No, I just dreamt of the picture when I was a child!"

"As a child? I don't know me yet

In Lu Liangcheng's words, he couldn't help but take some disappointment. Qin Sangyu couldn't help laughing after catching the way.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Hmmm It's nothing but a sudden desire to laugh? "


"Because I want to think that you are suddenly a little cute!"

"Lovely?"Lu Liangcheng frowned in an instant. He couldn't accept the adjective. Qin Sangyu continued to smile, as if suddenly there was a strong meaning. So he began to speak slowly.

"In my eyes, no, it is almost everyone's eyes, you are the kind of God's favorite, living on the top of the pyramid, enjoying all the best resources, people envy you, look up to you, admire you, it seems that countless beautiful words are tailor-made for you, but this is a person, but in the face of me, they put themselves very low!"

"You are Ridicule me? "

"No, I'm proud. I feel a little happy to have a man like you pay for me."

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"But you don't remember me!"

"Yes, so I think God must be jealous of me, jealous that I have a man who loves me so much, so I don't want to remember it!"

"You make me feel that you really want to recover your memory, think of me, think of all of us, don't you?"

Qin Sangyu did not answer this question, he was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "do you want to know what I just had a dream?"

"Well? What? "

"I just had a dream that you were kidnapped, and then I tore you up because your family didn't pay the ransom in time!"

"Well?" Lu Liangcheng raised his eyelids and revealed some differences in his eyes. "So, did you just dream that I was dead?"

"Well, I dreamt that you were gone. Tangtang was crying all the time, and then I was crying too!"

"Are you crying, too? Why do you cry? "

Qin Sangyu's eyes all fall on Lu Liangcheng at the moment. She slowly lives in her mind the picture of reunion after amnesia, and slowly thinks of every good Lu Liangcheng has done to herself.

She suddenly red eyes, and then choked: "I do not know why I cry, but I wake up to see you the first moment, I was happy, no, more accurate to say, is to send a breath, is lucky, is joyful, fortunately is a dream, fortunately you are OK!"

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