The cooperation between Lu's group and Meimei group was signed. After Lu Meimei left, Mo Yu immediately gave his private information to Lu Liangcheng,

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"boss, according to your request, you have a detailed understanding of the research base of beautification. All the information is here. You can have a look at it. The other is Lu Meimei's information."

Lu Liangcheng quickly finished the information There is nothing to worry about.

"It seems that beautification group is really powerful in scientific research."

"Did you check Lu Meimei?"

"Yes, it seems that she was in danger. Not long after Miss Lu came back from abroad, the chairman of the board of directors was completely completed. The young master of Lu Tianqiong also knew that he was ignorant and ate and drank all day. It is estimated that the chairman of the board was really angry, so she let Lu Meimei take over the company.

However, although it is a little risky, it has to be said that it is the best practice nowadays. After all, if such a large company is really managed by people like Lu Tianqiong, it will be equivalent to destroying it. Lu Chongfeng has been wandering in the mall for so many years, and this truth must be clear.

I also met Lu Meimei. I think her temperament is very good. Although I don't know how she talks to the boss about the contract with you, I don't see a trace of unsmoothness in her! "

Lu Liangcheng laughed and said at random, "if you see how she talked to me, you will be more surprised at her!"

Mo yudun, random eyes more curious.

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Lu Liangcheng smiles, then gets up and walks to the bedside.

The floor to floor window of the company is very large. Lu Liangcheng especially likes this seat, because it seems that you can see most of G city from here.

"How old is Lu Meimei?"

Mo yudun, random access to information, "24!"

"Yes, 24. According to the grade, she should be a college student preparing to graduate at this time!"

"I heard that my grades were too excellent abroad, so I graduated early!"

"Well, this explanation can explain, but ink rain, do you really not smell a little strange atmosphere?"

"Boss, do you know anything?"

Lu Liangcheng shook his head and then said, "I'm just a feeling, but it's a bit deep. I can't find a little childish in Lu Meimei's body. If we say that the family has given her the training of famous ladies, it's impossible to give her any practical experience.

Since she entered our company, she gave me the feeling that she had experienced countless things. She was mature, reserved and able to negotiate. Did you see that when she saw Lu Tianqiong, she was a little panicked? A little girl who just took over the company was still so calm when she saw her incompetent brother making a big fuss about the partner during the first negotiation. I It's kind of incredible. "

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"That's what I said. But boss, you often told me that age can't determine a person. So I think Miss Lu has had this experience."

"Experience? Negotiation experience? Maybe Lu Chongfeng used to take him with him when he was negotiating, but you told me that Lu Meimei only came back home! "

"It's only one month since I came back home."

"It happened on my return home?"

"It is said that Lu Chongfeng came back only after she was in hospital. It can be said that Lu Chongfeng was in danger."

"I hope so."

There is an indescribable vagueness in Lu Liangcheng's tone, which makes Mo Yu feel uneasy. As expected, the next second, Lu Liangcheng's characters come down again.

"During my negotiation today, Lu Meimei mentioned one thing. She said that her mother had a car accident, which led to amnesia. Please help me to find out whether it is true or not."


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Mo Yu didn't ask more questions and went out after receiving the order. After all, what Lu Liangcheng asked him to check must be useful.

Of course, Lu Meimei on the other side did not know. She knew that Lu Liangcheng was powerful, but she did not expect that the other party would have doubts about herself. Of course, this kind of doubt did not affect Lu Meimei at the beginning, but in the future, she saved a lot of people.

At that time, Lu Meimei was just naive and felt that she was working towards her own ambitious dream step by step. Moreover, she always believed that in her hands, there was no wish that she could not achieve.

Xiaoyue pushes the door in and brings today's news. Lu Meimei holds it up and has a look. The reports about beautification group are under her control.

"If you continue to follow up with the media, you should give me the news. As for the report, you should publish it according to my previous instructions!"

"OK, not too much. What should Lu Tianqiong do there?"

Lu Meimei looked up and her eyes were sharp and serious.

"I've told you how many times. Here, call me the second miss, or the chairman of the board. You should know that if someone hears me and detects something, it's over!""I'm sorry, chairman. I was negligent."

"OK, remember next time. You've been with me for so long. I know that you've never made any mistakes. If you want me to say, you've also suffered a lot of grievances. You came from a foreign country, Xiaoyue. In fact, you don't need to bear these things!"

"I'll let you come alone, chairman. You seem to forget that we used to be an organization!"

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The two people looked at each other, as if lightning and thunder hit some sparks, and then laughed at each other, and then hugged.

"After you remind me, it seems to me that we had a happy time when we organized again. There were no characters at that time. We were training together!"

"Yes, there is no task, but from the first time we were brought into the organization, we understood that sooner or later we would have to take over the task. After all, there are never disabled people there!"

"So you haven't regretted it yet, have you?"

Lu Meimei suddenly laughed, "why regret, Xiaoyue, don't you think what we have done is sacred? If we succeed, then we are not saving a few people, but our whole country!"

"But chairman, how can things be so easy? Although beautification group is a company with abundant assets, it can also provide us with great help, but there is no way to get so much money at once!"

"Xiaoyue, do you think that I control beautification just for money?"

"I know that to beautify the high-tech bioengineering research team, what you want to do is to use these teams and then combine biotechnology with weapons. After all, nothing can make more money than selling weapons. However, chairman, what you need to know is that this is G city. Even if we make weapons, we can't take them back to country X."

"So I need Lu Liangcheng!"

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