Lu Liangcheng told Lu Xiao about the fishing village in detail. After hearing this, Lu Xiao immediately screamed with exaggeration.

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"Who are these people, brother? What's the difference between this and human traffickers? Because sister-in-law lost her memory, she left people there? Bah, it's shameless, brother. You should have told me earlier. If I knew, I would take someone there immediately. "

"Do you think your brother didn't go there when he knew it?"

"Yes, brother. Did you go there immediately? What did you do with that man?"

"It's been solved for a long time!"

Lu Liangcheng spewed out the words without expression. Lu Xiao stood aside and trembled. "Brother, look at your expression, you won't give people Click

"Crack your head!"

Lu Liangcheng suddenly reached out and patted off Lu Xiaoheng's hand on his neck with a white eye. "Do you think your brother would do something illegal?"

"My brother certainly won't, my brother is so upright, how can he do anything illegal and criminal, but it's hard to say when he meets his sister-in-law. Who knows that sister-in-law is the lifeblood of brother-in-law. As long as the sister-in-law wants it, even if it is a wake-up in the sky, you will try your best to take it off!"

Lu Liangcheng pauses and then suddenly laughs again.

"Yes, even if she wants the stars in the sky, the more I will try my best to take them off and give them to him. If you say so, I think about it now. My endurance is quite good. At that time, I just knew that I really had the impulse to give the man a job!"

"What did you do with it in the end?"

"Let him get out of Nancheng, and don't show up in front of your sister-in-law all his life!"

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"Well, it's a good choice. It's hateful, but if you think about it, if you don't have him, your sister-in-law won't live to this day. It's OK to keep him alive with this kindness! It's just that brother and sister-in-law have stayed with him for such a long time, isn't that... "

"What are you talking about?"

Before Lu Xiao's words were complete, he was intercepted by Lu Liangcheng. He was a little angry, and his eyes were more severe.

Lu Xiao also some grievances, Du mouth way: "I this has not finished!"

"I know what you're going to say, Xiaoxiao. Your sister-in-law is not such a person!"

"Naturally, I know that my sister-in-law is not that kind of person, but she has lost her memory. Moreover, the man made up a set of plans, saying that the sister-in-law is his fiancee, that sister-in-law..."

"They are not together, the man said to me personally, and even if they are together, I don't blame her!"

Lu Liangcheng suddenly lowered his head, and the tiny bangs fell down. Lu Xiaolian could not see his expression.

"If it's really like what you said, I won't blame her, because I have no right to blame her? Obviously, I didn't guard her well. It was I who let her live outside. She has suffered enough for me to blame myself all my life! "

"Well, brother, it's me who said the wrong thing. Don't be sad. Anyway, I told you what I want to say. The past is the past, and you and your sister-in-law can look forward to the future."

"Yes, look to the future!"

Lu Liangcheng raised his head, and the flush of his eyes had not yet time to retreat.

"Is your sister-in-law still in the room?"

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"Well, I'll go and have a look."

"Well, brother, go ahead and have a good talk with your sister-in-law. Besides, there are some things that you can tell yourself will be much better."

"Well! You also quickly go back, just your home called over, said Xiaobao is very noisy, like eating bad stomach


Lu Xiao immediately picked up the bag and ran out.

"Brother, I'll go first. Call me if there's something wrong with me!"

Once a woman gets married, she has one more weakness, that is, children. When Lu Xiaohuai had her second child, she had a very strong reaction to pregnancy, so she didn't keep up with her nutrition during pregnancy. As a result, after the child came out, she was always weak and sick. Although she was used to this kind of thing, she was still very worried about being a mother. So she ran out crazily and drove back home all the way.

After hesitating for a while, Lu Liangcheng went upstairs. The door was not closed and there was a crack. However, Lu Liangcheng still reached out and knocked on the door gently,

"is it Xiaoxiao? The door is not locked, just come in! "

"It's me!"

Lu Liangcheng opened the door and suddenly came to let Qin Sangyu jump. She quickly grabbed her clothes and covered her vital points. Lu Liangcheng saw this and immediately turned around.

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"I didn't know you were changing. I'm sorry!"

"No It's OK. I didn't close the door myself. I thought it was Xiaoxiao! "

"She went back!"

"Ah? Just go back? "

"Well, Xiaobao had a stomachache. She was worried and went back!"

"Xiaobao, how many children are Xiaoxiao?"

"Both of them are sons. Xiaobao is a second child. Now, it should be eight months.""Oh

Qin Sangyu nodded and quickly dressed. In more than ten seconds, she was dressed. Then she said to Lu Liangcheng, "OK, you can go back!"

Straight figure slowly turned around, eyes stay, see a home clothes Qin Sangyu.

The other side is obviously a little embarrassed, while touching the back of the head, while the red face said: "at home or pajamas comfortable point, is in embarrassed, I don't know you will suddenly come up!"

"This is my house!"

There seems to be nothing wrong with where he is going.

Qin Sangyu was a little confused and didn't know what to say, so she could only ask, "what's the matter with you?"

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Lu Liangcheng did not speak, and his eyes fell straight on Qin Sangyu.

Light white long skirt loose very, but wear on her body but a kind of extremely lazy taste.

People want to hold it.

Lu Liangcheng swallowed his saliva and forced himself to turn his eyes away.

"Xiaoxiao told me all about it!"


"Sangyu, I'm sorry, I'm in such a hurry that I put pressure on you!"

"It's this. Actually, Lu Liangcheng, you're not wrong. After Xiaoxiao left, I thought a lot about it. If it was me, I would do the same. In the final analysis, it's my own useless. An accident is the loss of all my memory!"

"I don't blame you. It's that I didn't guard you well and let you experience these things. Sangyu, now that everything is over, we don't need to think about those. Just like Xiaoxiao said, why should I tangle with the past? There are happy and unhappy people in the past. If you really restore your memory, you can remember not only the happy.

I have made you sad once, and I don't want the second time. So, from now on, I don't need you to try hard to think back. You mean you need to live well. Now, I promise you, from this moment on, I will fight my life to protect you from getting a little hurt. I want to create memories with you again and let you fall in love with me again! "

"Ah? Fall in love with you again? "

"Yes, love me again!"

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