"What? I'm the boss? " Qin Sangyu's eyes stare at the thief. Obviously, she is ignorant at this moment. She can't blame her. She didn't do anything. How could she become the boss of a restaurant?

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Qin Sangyu always thinks that Lu Liangcheng is teasing her. She looks around and thinks about the way to come. She can't help but ask, "is this restaurant with three floors?"

"On the fourth floor, the top floor is the leisure and entertainment area. Guests can go to have a rest after eating. They can do spa or watch private movies!"

"So high end? How much money has been invested in returning one-stop service? "

"More than 40 million, of course, the equipment and other things, and the wages of the employees add up, 50 million or 60 million!"

Fifty or sixty million! Sure enough, in Lu Liangcheng's mouth, money is a number!

Qin Sangyu swallowed his saliva and then laughed, "so, this joke is not funny at all!"

"But I'm not joking, Sangyu. Every word in front of you is not a joke!"

The sincerity in Lu Liangcheng's eyes is unchangeable, and Qin Sangyu feels that such an expression is not like a joke. So he asked again tentatively.

"That Lu Liangcheng, are you really not joking? demure? Did you buy this restaurant? "

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Qin Sangyu thinks that the only way for her to buy this restaurant is to be bought by Lu Liangcheng. It turns out that her guess is absolutely right. Lu Liangcheng actually bought it.

"Before I made this decision, I hesitated. I was wondering whether such a decision would be abrupt, whether you would not like it or be angry. But I thought about it and decided to do it, because I know that your life is not satisfactory for you now!"

The bewilderment in Qin Sangyu's eyes was like cotton soaked in water, which gradually expanded. She didn't quite understand Lu Liangcheng's words, so she straightened up and asked, "why do you say that? I I don't seem to have complained in front of you

"Of course you don't complain about anything. I know and know your character very well. You are a person who never complains, but emotions are not something you want to hide. Many times, your expression and your eyes have told me a lot!"

"What did I tell you?"

Lu Liangcheng laughed and then said, "you tell me that your life is very confusing now. Even if you don't have the pressure to restore your memory, your life still has no center of gravity. I often see you in a daze or scurrying around the house. When you go to the kitchen when you cook, you will ask yourself what you can do to help. When the domestic servants clean up, you will also go to take care of yourself My room is dressed up over and over again.

At first, I didn't understand. I was wondering whether it was because I wasn't around you, or because sugar and sugar couldn't accompany you at school, or it was the true memory that made you unable to integrate into your current life. But in fact, these are not the key points. The most important thing is that you feel that your own world has no center of gravity.

I like to buy things for you, but when you go out to see something good-looking, or know something new on a big brand, I will always buy it back for you. But you never get the joy and surprise of a gift in your eyes. There is something uneasy and even uneasy in your expression. Sangyu, are you afraid? "


Qin Sangyu stopped for a moment, then thought about it and then said, "it's not that I'm afraid of it. I feel guilty about it a lot of times. In fact, what you just said is quite right. But there is another point that I often feel like a leisure eater!"

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"But you are my wife, I should raise you!"

"I know, I also heard some things between us in the mouth of sugar and ink rain. Although I didn't think of it, I probably knew that I was raised by you before, but Luliang City, now Qin Sangyu is not the same as before, even though Even if it's the same person, a lot of things have really changed.

Now, I can't stay at home safely. It's like a precious ornament. I'm always protected for fear of falling. It seems that my task is to stay, and the rest is to wait for you to go home, and then listen to you or Tangtang tell me something I can't remember! "

"So I found you something to do!"

Lu Liangcheng did not know where to take out a document, and then put it in front of Lu Shiqing.

"Is this?"

"You'll know when you read it"

Qin Sangyu picked up the document and opened the first page to see the business license.

Naturally, the name is Qin Sangyu's, with 80% of the shares, and the other 20 is the name of Tangtang.

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"I know you are very interested in nothing recently. The last time you read the newspaper, you drew a food training class!"

Qin Sangyu blushed for a moment, and then explained, "Tangtang always said that he wanted to eat the rice I cooked, so I wanted to learn some dishes!"

"Really just want to learn a few dishes?"

Qin Sangyu pause, listen to the tone of Luliang City, it seems to know.

"I I think the wechat business is very popular recently. Then one day, I opened the neighborhood and there was a sweets shopper. I saw her circle of friends, and she did it in her own home. But many people buy it every day. I think I have no income, and then I don't know how to find a job, so it's OK to do wechat business! "Lu Liangcheng's face suddenly pulled down.

"Do you think I'll let my woman do wechat business?"

"Well In fact, it's not so bad. I think wechat is also a kind of entrepreneurship! "

"Take this restaurant as the start of your business."

Lu Liangcheng took Qin Sangyu's hand, and then said with burning words: "I know you too well. You have dreams, and you also have ambition. Maybe you used to delay a lot because you married me and had children, but now, you can achieve it."

"what do you mean?"

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"Sangyu, listen to me first. In fact, on the way to the restaurant, I thought about you for a long time, about us, about your memory!"


"So I think clearly, I want you to be reborn!"

Lu Liangcheng's voice suddenly became loud, like a kind of announcement, even with a kind of inexplicable excitement.

"Everything I said to you before is true. After Xiaoxiao and I finished talking, I also understood that I would not give you any pressure. You should be yourself. From now on, you are not Qin Sangyu, you are yourself. You don't have to force yourself to look for memories. You can remember now, even you can give yourself a new name!"

Qin Sangyu did not speak, but the twinkle of his eyes has proved a lot.

She bit her lips and clenched her fists. After half a sound, she said slowly, "can I really do this?"

"Of course

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